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Big Picture of the Bible

Big Picture of the Bible. Lesson 1. I ntroduction. What is biblical theology? Traces the storyline of God’s plan as it is progressively revealed from Genesis to Revelation (metanarrative) Assumes unity of the whole Bible – ‘a narratival canonical plotline’

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Big Picture of the Bible

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  1. Big Picture of the Bible Lesson 1

  2. Introduction • What is biblical theology? • Traces the storyline of God’s plan as it is progressively revealed from Genesis to Revelation (metanarrative) • Assumes unity of the whole Bible – ‘a narratival canonical plotline’ • ‘The Old is by the New revealed, the New is in the Old concealed’

  3. Biblical theology • Relates problem passages to the one message • Do not cook a young goat in its mother’s milk. Ex.23:19 • Dan is a lion’s cub, springing out of Bashan. Deut.33:22 • Your nose is like the tower of Lebanon looking towards Damascus. Song 7:4 • The Leech has two daughters. ‘Give! Give!’ they cry. Prov.30:15 • O Daughter of Babylon, doomed to Destruction, happy is he who repays you for what you have done to us – he who seizes your infants and dashes them against the rocks. Ps.137:8-9

  4. Biblical theology • Uncovers the relationship between OT and person and work of the Lord Jesus • How does this text in question relate to Christ? • How do I relate to Christ? • Eg • Matthew – Abraham, David, exile = blessings promised? • Mark – later OT salvation promises > John B – expectation • Luke / Acts – fulfillment of OT promises • John – God’s creative Word is the needed life-giving power

  5. Biblical Theology

  6. Central storyline Core intertwining threads • Creation • Fall • Redemption • Consummation New-creational reign = penultimate logical main point (leading to God’s glory)

  7. Creation • Primary strand of OT storyline: ‘The Old Testament is the story of God, who progressively reestablishes his new-creational kingdom out of chaos over a sinful people by his word and Spirit through promise, covenant, and redemption, resulting in worldwide commission to the faithful to advance this kingdom, and judgment (defeat or exile) for the unfaithful, unto his glory.’ GK Beale, 62

  8. Creation • NT storyline: ‘Jesus’ life, trials, death for sinners, and especially resurrection by the Spirit have launched the fulfillment of the eschatological already-not yet new-creational reign, bestowed by grace through faith and resulting in worldwide commission to the faithful to advance this new-creational reign and resulting in judgment for the unbelieving, unto the triune God’s glory.’

  9. Creation commission • Genesis 1-3 lays the foundation for all else • Everything else in the Bible has its roots back here and moves through to its goal in Rev.21 • Adam’s Commission: Gen.1:26-28 • Equipped for the task – image of God • Subdue, rule over, further create • Order, rank, harmony, goodness • Prophet (listen & tell), priest (temple), king (tree)

  10. Creation commission • Adam’s Covenant Obligations • Faithfulness would have resulted in an irreversible escalated state, bringing true rest • But he grasped for the reward in the wrong way and at the wrong time • Failed as prophet, priest & king

  11. Creation commission • The Passing on of Adam’s Commission • Noah, Abraham & his descendants • Allusions to / echoes of Gen.1:28 • Noah Gen.9:1,7 • Abraham Gen.12:1-3, 22:17-18 – renews vision for humanity • Gen.47:27 – beginning to be fulfilled • Exod.1:7, 12, 20; Num.23:10-11; Deut.15:4-6 • Israel and her leaders also fail thus there is reiteration of the promise that end-time Israel and their end-time King will finally succeed in fully accomplishing the Adamic commission – Is.54:1-3, Ezek.36:9-12, Dan.7:13-14, Hos.1:10

  12. Creation commission • Differences in the Commission to Adam and to his descendants • Included reigning over unregenerate human forces – beacons of light to others living in spiritual darkness Ex.19:6; Num.32:22; Is.55:5 • Includes God’s promise to help carry out the commission and the promise of God’s presence –first with Isaac Gen.26:24 • Under Mosaic administration - Israel were to obey God’s new rules as ‘the promised land’ is viewed like the garden of Eden Is.51:3, ezek.36:35 • Israel expelled, God withdraws, the promise remains unrealized

  13. New-creation cycles

  14. Lesson 2 Fall

  15. l2 Fall

  16. l2 Fall Why do people need to be created anew in Christ? • They worship and resemble some image in the creation rather than God’s image. • Christ’s work begins to regain for us what was lost; we begin to be re-created and reflect His image, a process completed at Christ’s final coming.

  17. l2 Fall • The Fall = • ‘The rebellion of the whole human race against God through the historic act of our first parents. Their disobedience was a failed attempt to become as God.’ G Goldsworthy, 134

  18. l2 Fall

  19. l2 Fall • ‘When Adam stopped being committed to God and reflecting his image, he revered something else in place of God and resembled his new object of worship.’ GK Beale, 358. • 1st Commandment (Exod.20:3); 1st petition Lord’s Prayer (Mat.6:9) • Gen.3 • What was the temptation?

  20. l2 Fall • Temptation: • ‘Satan’s suggestion that God’s word could not be relied upon as the absolute authority and source of truth for mankind.’ • Adam & Eve made themselves the measure of all things

  21. l2 Fall • Idol worship = revering anything other than God • Adam’s sin of idol worship = shifted his allegiance from God to himself and Satan • How should Adam have acted as God’s vice-regent to the approach of the serpent?

  22. l2 Fall • How does Adam’s behavior in Gen.3 resemble the serpent’s in some ways?

  23. l2 Fall Israel’s history of battling idolatry Exod.32 – Israel like rebellious cows running wild needing to be regathered Ps.115:4-8 idolaters resemble the spiritual lifelessness of their idols Is.6:9 people become like the idols they refuse to stop loving Hos.4:16-17 Israel’s stubbornness is idol worship > out of control, head-strong, wild

  24. l2 Fall • New Testament • Matthew quotes Is.6:9-10 then quotes Jesus saying to the disciples, ‘But blessed are your eyes because they see; and your ears because they hear.’ Why? ‘To you it has been granted to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven.’ Matt.13:11ff • Only God is the giver of sight and hearing and can recreate to form them to reflect His glory – Isa.29, 44

  25. l2 Fall • New Testament • Rom.1:20-28 – idolatry = root of and essence of sin • What is exchanged? (v.23, 25) • Israel gave up ‘the opportunity to bask in the glory of the immortal God’ > they basked in and reflect whatever else they substituted • Ps.106 – the glory of God for the image of an ox • Jer.2 – the same sin is continuing

  26. l2 Fall Perverted worship Proper worship

  27. l2 Fall • Judgment • Serpent – cursed above all animals • Eve – pain and harmony disrupted • Adam – his dominion challenged • Death = broken fellowship • Loss of paradise > existence in the midst if death • Can God’s perfect kingdom be restored?

  28. l2 Fall • How is this re-creation possible? • Rom.8:28-29 • Either we love some earthly object and become increasingly like it, or we love God and become increasingly like Jesus; whichever image we revere (God’s or the world’s) we resemble, either for ruin or for redemption

  29. l2 Fall • Did all mankind fall in Adam’s first transgression? • The covenant being made with Adam, not only for himself, but for his posterity, all mankind, descending from him by ordinary generation, sinned in him, and fell with him, in his first transgression.’ WSC16

  30. l2 Fall summary • Adam fell as a living image-bearer of God, set up by God on the territory of earth to show that He was the ultimate ruler • He was subdued by the serpent (another creature) • Subduing the earth became wearisome and vain • Instead of filling the earth with children bearing God’s image of glory, he created and filled it with offspring bearing their own inglorious sin and reflecting the image of the fallen created order

  31. l2 Fall summary • The first Adam brought us into a state of • Sin– guilt of Adam’s first sin, lack of original righteousness, corruption of our whole nature producing actual transgressions • Misery – lost communion with God, under His wrath and curse, liable to all miseries of this life, death, the pains of hell forever

  32. ‘It is believed that this masterpiece can be restored to its original condition.’

  33. Lesson 3 redemption Savannah

  34. L3 redemption Core intertwining threads of central story • Creation • Fall • Redemption • Consummation New-creational reign = penultimate logical main point (leading to God’s glory)

  35. L3 redemption • Did God leave all mankind to perish in the estate of sin and misery? • ‘God... …by a Redeemer.’ WSC20

  36. L3 redemption • First promise of the Redeemer • Gen.3:15 = promise = word = Word = Jesus • Gen.4 > ‘offspring of serpent’ • Gen.5 > ‘offspring of the woman’ • These two lines remain in NT thought: • Jn.8:39ff, 1Jn.3:10ff – family resemblance

  37. L3 redemption • He is the promised seed of Adam who would crush Satan’s head (Gen.3:15). Barye, 1932

  38. L3 redemption • Gen.6 Sons of God and daughters of men • Noah – 2Pet.3:5ff, 13 (3 worlds) • Covenant and sign: shadow of good to come Gen.6:18, 9:9 • Adamic theology enlarged • Emphasized grace-promise • Strengthened evidence of God’s total sovereignty • Encouraged right and acceptable worship • Babel – separation (Noah 702)

  39. L3 redemption …324 years after Babel • Gen.12 Abraham

  40. L3 redemption • Promise to Abraham – global blessing through his Seed (Gen. 12:1-3, Gal.3:16).

  41. L3 redemption • Abraham – Father of the Faithful • Genesis promise renewed at least 7 times, made clearer, richer • Eternal blessing restricted to his family • Isaac • Jacob • Repeated emphasis of grace-promise, revelations, reforms of worship • Gen.50:26

  42. L3 redemption • The Seed will be the son of Judah, who will reign eternally as king, whose garments are washed in the blood of grapes, and whose hand is on the neck of his enemies (Gen. 49:8-12).

  43. L3 redemption • The Seed is to be a PassoverLamb (Exod. 12).

  44. L3 redemption • A greater Sonof Israel who will come out of Egypt • A greater Redeemerwho will bring his people out of greater bondage and slavery (Exod. 12-14).

  45. L3 redemption • Redemption = ‘release by a cost or price’ • Atonement • OT worship – substitutionary sacrifice central • Rom.3:21-26 God’s end-time judgment has broken into time at the cross • Warfare theme prominent in OT and NT

  46. L3 redemption

  47. L3 redemption

  48. L4 consummation

  49. L4 consummation JESUS CHRIST • Central to the Bible – yet abstract without other biblical doctrines (Trinity, creation, fall, redemption, consummation)

  50. L4 consummation • What framework ties these themes together? • The ‘architectonic structure’ of covenant (‘a matrix of beams and pillars that holds together the structure of biblical faith and practice’) ‘provides the context within which we recognize the unity of Scripture amid its remarkable variety.’

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