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East End Dental Study Club. GUESTS. Dr. Danielle Periago. NEW MEMBERS. Dr. Scott Shuler. CONDOLENCES. To The Family of Dr. Rob Schroering. CONGRATULATIONS !. DR. GEORGE KUSHNER. Caulk / Dentsply. Kim Norton. SMILE KENTUCKY. Mark Schulte. NEW BUSINESS. April Meeting.
GUESTS Dr. Danielle Periago
NEW MEMBERS Dr. Scott Shuler
CONDOLENCES To The Family of Dr. Rob Schroering
Caulk / Dentsply Kim Norton
NEW BUSINESS April Meeting
Dental Boot Kamp • March 1 and 2 • Baptist Hospital East • $ • Contact Advanced Implant and Perio
Extreme Makeovers Without Extreme Tooth Reduction • Dr. Ross Nash • ULSD • Friday – February 15
Local Anesthesia and Medical Emergencies • Dr. Stanley Malamed • ULSD • Friday – April 18
Dr. Gordon Christensen • ULSD Alumni Day • KFEC • Friday – October 3
http://www.nytimes.com/2008/01/10/fashion/10SKIN.html?scp=8&sq=dentist+&st=nythttp://www.nytimes.com/2008/01/10/fashion/10SKIN.html?scp=8&sq=dentist+&st=nyt • First, dermatologists came out with skin-care lines to attract a higher tier of clientele and tout their multitasking. Now, more dentists than ever dabble in research and development to create so-called “smile beauty” lines they hope will make them a mint. • Industry analysts say more than a dozen doctors have brought out items in the last year or plan to this year. • “Cosmetic dentistry was an under-served market and another beauty target,” said Michele Harris, the chief executive of Smarti Solutions, a marketing consultancy. “Teeth-whitening woke everyone up and set the platform for new products and innovation. Along with that comes the need to differentiate and brand yourself.”
http://www.nytimes.com/2008/01/10/fashion/10SKIN.html?scp=8&sq=dentist+&st=nythttp://www.nytimes.com/2008/01/10/fashion/10SKIN.html?scp=8&sq=dentist+&st=nyt • But without adequate comparative studies, it is hard to say a dentist-made whitener is more effective than, say, the 51 whitening toothpastes and 14 whitening kits sold by the Duane Reade chain. • “The active ingredients that dentists market in their products are often very similar to what Crest and Colgate are offering,” said Dr. Fleming, who practices in Durham, N.C. • Both drugstore and dentist items must conform to F.D.A. standards for proper labeling and use, but no studies compare the two.
http://travel.nytimes.com/2008/02/07/fashion/07SKIN.html?sq=jennifer%20gates&st=nyt&adxnnl=1&scp=1&adxnnlx=1202738822-iWnClZngf0OhNsBI+w8ToAhttp://travel.nytimes.com/2008/02/07/fashion/07SKIN.html?sq=jennifer%20gates&st=nyt&adxnnl=1&scp=1&adxnnlx=1202738822-iWnClZngf0OhNsBI+w8ToA • Roughly half a million Americans sought medical care abroad in 2006, of which 40 percent were dental tourists • Dental bridges and bonding ranked No. 1 and 2 on a list of most sought-after procedures for Americans traveling abroad for medical care • Two reasons are at play, according to industry experts: a higher demand for elective dental care like bonding and veneers, and second, the growing number of medical travel agents who vouch for the foreign doctors they recommend.
http://travel.nytimes.com/2008/02/07/fashion/07SKIN.html?sq=jennifer%20gates&st=nyt&adxnnl=1&scp=1&adxnnlx=1202738822-iWnClZngf0OhNsBI+w8ToAhttp://travel.nytimes.com/2008/02/07/fashion/07SKIN.html?sq=jennifer%20gates&st=nyt&adxnnl=1&scp=1&adxnnlx=1202738822-iWnClZngf0OhNsBI+w8ToA • Paid a third of what he was told he would have to pay at home, and that included flights • “We make recommendations not only on the health care end, but also where to stay, what to do, parasailing, deep-sea fishing, you name it,”
http://travel.nytimes.com/2008/02/07/fashion/07SKIN.html?sq=jennifer%20gates&st=nyt&adxnnl=1&scp=1&adxnnlx=1202738822-iWnClZngf0OhNsBI+w8ToAhttp://travel.nytimes.com/2008/02/07/fashion/07SKIN.html?sq=jennifer%20gates&st=nyt&adxnnl=1&scp=1&adxnnlx=1202738822-iWnClZngf0OhNsBI+w8ToA • In years past, the farthest that Leona Denison, 30, a cosmetologist from Albuquerque, usually went for a getaway was Arizona. This year, her family of four went to Costa Rica, where she got nine dental implants and three crowns. • “It took a lot of coaxing on my part to get my husband to agree, but Medcentrek helped with all the arrangements,” Ms. Denison said. “We saw waterfalls and volcanoes. My husband went rafting. Being from New Mexico, my girls really loved the ocean.” • Even with travel expenses, she paid $6,000 less than the $21,000 price a local dentist had quoted for the work.
http://www.nytimes.com/2007/10/11/business/11decay.html?sq=dentist&st=nyt&scp=94&pagewanted=allhttp://www.nytimes.com/2007/10/11/business/11decay.html?sq=dentist&st=nyt&scp=94&pagewanted=all • Dentists’ incomes have grown faster than that of the typical American and the incomes of medical doctors. Formerly poor relations to physicians, American dentists in general practice made an average salary of $185,000 in 2004, the most recent data available. That figure is similar to what non-specialist doctors make, but dentists work far fewer hours. Dental surgeons and orthodontists average more than $300,000 annually. • “Dentists make more than doctors,” said Morris M. Kleiner, a University of Minnesota economist. “If I had a kid going into the sciences, I’d tell them to become a dentist.”