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Late EA1s to tray Mark 2 days late on top. Lesson 47 Activity 2.24: reading film, day b. Lesson Goals Analyze how an author or director achieves specific effects and purposes through literary/ cinematic devices
Late EA1s to tray Mark 2 days late on top Lesson 47Activity 2.24: reading film, day b Lesson Goals Analyze how an author or director achieves specific effects and purposes through literary/ cinematic devices Interpret text by analyzing the author’s purpose behind literary/ cinematic choices Craft an analytical statement, support it with evidence from the text, and include reflective commentary to explain interpretations 1 Week!
Be in your home groupsbooks open to page 166 • Review your notes and discussions from the last viewing of “Scissorhands” for 4 minutes • We will watch scene 5-13 today (less than 30 minutes)
After viewing… • Discuss the questions on page 166 with your home group. • Come to a group consensus for each answer • Why do the townspeople welcome Edward so quickly into their lives? • How does the town seem to change after Edward’s arrival? • Kim’s reaction to Edward is played for humor, but in what way is hers the most natural or realistic response? • What hints in this segment indicate that all will not work out well?
Analysis of key scene • Divide up the cinematic techniques at the bottom of 166 amongst your group • You will focus on your one cinematic technique in the key scene about to be shown again • Take notes of interesting or effective examples of your technique • Think about what triggers Edward’s flashback, and how the music, lighting, and tone are different in the flashback • Think about what the cookie may symbolize • Now discuss with your group your findings. • Make predictions about the story’s outcome as a group
Analytical Statements • Now each of you will create an analytical statement with textual support and reflective commentary about one of the cinematic elements in today’s showing • VOCABULARY NOTEBOOKS! • Commentary—your explanation of the importance or relevance of your example and the way your example supports your analysis • The key word is?
Commentary • Your reflective commentary is going to come after your example of the purpose of the technique • Think of your statement like a mathematical equation • Cinematic Element + Purpose + Evidence + Commentary • Your commentary shows your understanding of the relationship between your example of the element used to the purpose of the element itself • Reflective Commentary = So What ; the “why we care”
Fill in the blanks: analytical statement • Tim Burton, in Edward Scissorhands, use _____________________ in order to ___________________________________________________. For example, ____________________________________________. • _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________. Cinematic element Achieve what purpose Provide evidence/example from the text to support your topic Reflective commentary
Fill in the blanks: analytical statement • Tim Burton, in Edward Scissorhands, use _____________________ in order to ____________________________________________. For example, _______________________________ ____________________________________________. ________________________________________________________________________________________.___________________________________________________.______ A long shot Show the vulnerability of characters When Peg is upstairs in the castle, the long shot makes her look small so that the viewer worries about her safety. At this point in time, the audience does not know whether or not the castle is a safe place, making it A place that could be dangerous to Peg. She is alone In the castle, and therefore vulnerable to potential dangers.
Exit ticket & homework • Homework: Activity 2.25, Director’s Chair: Visualizing a Scene • Using the dialogue on page 168 from Edward Scissorhands, create a storyboard on pages 169-171. Roughly sketch out what the dialogue scene should look like. • Include your descriptions of the music/sound, dialogue, lighting, and framing. • On a separate sheet of paper, answer the reflection questions at the bottom of page 171. • Entire activity will be turned in for credit finishing Reading Day C!
Tim Burton, in Edward Scissorhands, zooms in in order to show the importance of a certain shot, person, etc. For example, when Burton zooms in on the cookie held in front of the robot, it shows the idea the Inventor had to create Edward. The cookie symbolizes the ideas of love, and the Inventor decides to create Edward so that he has somebody to love.