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Jeopardy. Subjunctive Clauses. Participles. Vocabulary. Soldiers. Mystery. Q $100. Q $100. Q $100. Q $100. Q $100. Q $200. Q $200. Q $200. Q $200. Q $200. Q $300. Q $300. Q $300. Q $300. Q $300. Q $400. Q $400. Q $400. Q $400. Q $400. Q $500. Q $500. Q $500. Q $500.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Jeopardy Subjunctive Clauses Participles Vocabulary Soldiers Mystery Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Final Jeopardy

  2. $100 Question from H1 This type of participle uses the 2nd principal part, dropping the –re and adding –ns or –nt. It is translated as ________ing.

  3. $100 Answer from H1 What is the Present Active Participle?

  4. $200 Question from H1 This type of participle is also known as a Perfect Deponent.

  5. $200 Answer from H1 What is a Perfect Active Participle?

  6. $300 Question from H1 This type of participle uses the fourth principal part and is translated: having been ______ed.

  7. $300 Answer from H1 What is the Perfect Passive Participle?

  8. $400 Question from H1 This type of participle uses 3rd declension modified endings.

  9. $400 Answer from H1 What is the Present Active Participle?

  10. $500 Question from H1 This type of participle is translated: having ______ed.

  11. $500 Answer from H1 What is the Perfect Active Participle?

  12. $100 Question from H2 optio per castraambulat

  13. $100 Answer from H2 What is “through the military camp”?

  14. $200 Question from H2 nam inter captīvōs est Vercobrix, iuvenis magnae dignitātis, cuius pater est prīnceps Deceanglōrum.

  15. $200 Answer from H2 What is “among the prisoners”?

  16. $300 Question from H2 coēgistī mē statiōnem dēsere

  17. $300 Answer from H2 What is “you forced”?

  18. $400 Question from H2 tē laedere nōn potest.

  19. $400 Answer from H2 What is “to harm”?

  20. $500 Question from H2 Vercobrix, quī in hāc cellā etiam nunc manet, poenās dare dēbet.

  21. $500 Answer from H2 What is “to pay the penalty”?

  22. $100 Question from H3 This type of subjunctive clause uses question words.

  23. $100 Answer from H3 What is an Indirect Question?

  24. $200 Question from H3 This tense of the subjunctive is the most common one seen in Indirect Questions.

  25. $200 Answer from H3 What is the Imperfect Subjunctive?

  26. $300 Question from H3 Type of clause? cum hospitescenamconsumerent, fur cubiculum intravit.

  27. $300 Answer from H3 What is a cum clause?

  28. $400 Question from H3 Type of clause? Salviusnesciebat cur Quintus regem adiuvaret.

  29. $400 Answer from H3 What is an Indirect Question?

  30. $500 Question from H3 Translate: custōdēs nōs rogāvērunt cūr clāmārēmus.

  31. $500 Answer from H3 What is “the guards asked us why we were shouting”?

  32. $100 Question from H4 The investigating board, also known as this, would ensure that a new recruit was a Roman citizen and that he was given a medical examination.

  33. $100 Answer from H4 What is the “inquisitio”?

  34. $200 Question from H4 This short stabbing sword was worn on the right side.

  35. $200 Answer from H4 What is a “gladius”?

  36. $300 Question from H4 This is the military belt worn at all times, even without the armor.

  37. $300 Answer from H4 What is a “cingulum”?

  38. $400 Question from H4 This is what the soldier spent most of his time doing.

  39. $400 Answer from H4 What is doing peacetime duties (building or roadmaking) and enjoying free time or leave.

  40. $500 Question from H4 This is how long a soldier generally stayed in the military.

  41. $500 Answer from H4 What is 20-25 years?

  42. $100 Question from H5 This is the question word used in Indirect Questions that means “how.”

  43. $100 Answer from H5 What is “quo modo”?

  44. $200 Question from H5 The English word “oral” comes from this Latin word.

  45. $200 Answer from H5 What is os, oris?

  46. $300 Question from H5 dico vs. duco This word means “to lead.”

  47. $300 Answer from H5 What is “duco”?

  48. $400 Question from H5 verbero vs. vitupero This word means “to beat.”

  49. $400 Answer from H5 What is “verbero”?

  50. $500 Question from H5 The English word “hesitate” comes from this Latin word.

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