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Reaching Out: Expanding Horizons of Cross Cultural Interaction

Reaching Out: Expanding Horizons of Cross Cultural Interaction. CH. 21. I. Long Distance Trade and Travel. PATTERNS OF LONG DISTANCE TRADE. Marco Polo. Trading Cities. Trade went 2 ways: Luxury goods of high value r elative to weight (stones, silk) went through Silk

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Reaching Out: Expanding Horizons of Cross Cultural Interaction

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  1. Reaching Out: Expanding Horizons of Cross Cultural Interaction CH. 21

  2. I. Long Distance Trade and Travel

  3. PATTERNS OF LONG DISTANCE TRADE Marco Polo Trading Cities • Trade went 2 ways: Luxury goods of high value • relative to weight (stones, silk) went through Silk • Roads. Bulkier commodities (steel, stone) by sea lanes. • Venetian, • Traveled for the Mongols, well liked • Diplomatic missions • Influenced European readers because • the mention of goods in his travels. • European merchants wanted to take part • Trading ports and cities grew rapidly . • Melaka known as the principal trading • route in the Easter Indian Ocean

  4. Political and Diplomatic Travel Ibn Battuta Mongol-Christian Diplomacy & RabbanSauma • Both Mongols and Christians attacked • the Muslims. • Pope Innocent IV invites Mongols to convert • and join • Decline invite Christians to do the same, they use • RabbanSauma to help them, unsuccessful • DIPLOMATIC AFFAIRS ARE COMPLEX IN THE EAST • Muslim traveler • Well liked where he went • Educated in legal matters and made • it able for him to find gov’t positions where • he went • Guided newly converted areas of Islam

  5. Missionary Campaigns Sufi Missionaries Christian Missionaries John of Montecorvino • In the East many Christians • attempted to convert. • Sought to convert Mongols • and Chinese • Expatriate communities • from Europe created a demand • for Roman Catholic Services • Italian Franciscan missionary • Active in China • Tried to est. Christianity in China • Attracted few • Geography hurt Roman • Catholic conversion so did • other already established religions • Helped to spread Islam • Did not force strict doctrine • Emphasized piety & devotion • Being flexible led to less • resistance

  6. Long Distance Travel and Cross Cultural Exchanges Gunpowder Technologies Muslims Cultural Exchanges • Muslims introduced • citrus fruits in sub- • Saharan Africa • Cotton in W. Africa • Diffused sugarcane • to SW Asia, N Africa and • Europe • Sugarcane would help • lead to slave labor & • plantations • Long distance travel of all kinds • encouraged exchanges of all • Societies • Exchanges include but not • limited to: science, agriculture, • technology, poetry etc. • ALL THIS PROMOTED CULTURAL • DIFFUSION • Mongols helped • spread gunpowder • from east to west


  8. Bubonic Plague Origins and Spread of Bubonic Plague Little Ice Age Social & Economic Effects • Originated and spread • from China (Yunnan) • 1300s Mongols/merchants • spread the disease west • Areas that DID NOT see the • plague: Northernmost parts of • Europe, India, & sub-Saharan • africa • Disrupted societies & • economies in Europe, & N. • Africa • Urban workers wanted • higher wages • Political authorities froze • wages • Lords wanted reinstate • serfdom • 1300 global climate change • Temperatures cooled • Agriculture declined

  9. Recovery in China: The Ming Dynasty Hongwu & Ming Centralization Economic Recovery & Cultural Revival Eunuchs & Mandarins • Yuan dynasty falls, • Mongols leave • Hongwu emperor of Ming • Dynasty • Orphaned, moved through • military • Went back to traditional • Chinese models • Confucian school & civil • service exam • Enhanced authority • of central gov’t • Mandarins=officials • as emmisaries • Eunuchs=could not • build families or power • bases • Gave absolute • Obediance to policies • and initiatives of gov’t • Rebuilt irrigation systems • Lacquerware, silk, cotton • No trade w/other lands • Got rid of any signs of • Mongol rule

  10. Recovery in Europe: State Building Spain & Russia France & England Taxes, Armies & Italian States • In Spain Ferdinand and • Isabel united wealthiest • Iberian realms • Reconquista in Spain • In Russia Ivan III ended • tribute to Mongols • Est. its own principality • and origin in Muscovy • Est. strong central gov’t • Regional states held • political authority • Western Europe grew • stronger societies and • monarchies • Major cities: Milan, • Florence & Venice • Hundred Years War • Fought over land • intermittently • Levied taxes and assembled • armies • Central gov’t overpowered • nobility

  11. Recovery in Europe: The Renaissance Renaissance Art & Architecture Humanist and Moral Thought • Humanists interested • in humanities: history, • literature, philosophy • Inspired by classical • Greece and Rome • Morally virtuous life • could be led in a actively • urban world • 1300-1500s • Inspiration from • Classical Greece and • Rome • Represented human • form and emotion • Architecture domed • buildings

  12. III. Exploration and Colonization III. Exploration and Colonization

  13. Chinese Reconnaissance of the Indian Ocean Basin Zheng He’s Expeditions Chinese Naval Power End of Voyages • Eunuch admiral led • many expeditions • Naval expeditions to • impose presence in Indian • Ocean • 2 purposes: Impose • imperial control over foreign • trade w/ China and impress • people with power & might • of Ming Dynasty • Dispensed gifts and received • gifts • Zheng He tried diplomacy • to reach goals • If he had he would impose • Chinese might • 7 expeditions succeeded in • establishing Chinese might in • the Indian Ocean Basin • 1430s Ming emperors • end expeditions • Confucian ministers felt • expense could be better used • for agriculture • Treasure ships decommissioned • and Chinese would forget • how to create these large vessels • Showed political, economic • and military influence in Indian • Ocean Basin

  14. European Exploration in the Atlantic and Indian Oceans Slave Trade & Indian Ocean Trade Portuguese Exploration & Colonization of Atlantic Christopher Columbus • Believed you can sail • West to reach Asian • markets • Ferdinand & Isabel • underwrite his campaign • 1492 sets sail • Him and his crew land • in Bahamas , insisted he • reached land near Asia • (FALSE) • Showed there was a • different world apart from • Europe, Asia and Africa • First in Atlantic exploration • First to try to find new routes • to Asian markets through Indian • Ocean • Prince Henry the Navigator • wanted to spread Christianity & • increase Portuguese influence • in the seas • Portuguese colonize in the • Atlantic and along the West • African coast • Portuguese always had • traded guns/manufactured • items for slaves • As colonization increased • so did the volume of trade • in slaves • Often went to colonized • plantations • Other explorers sought • new routes to Asian silk & spices • Didn’t want to deal w/ • intermediaries • Explorers: Bartolomeau Dias & • Vasco de Gama

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