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Tustin DACA Attorneys

At Diener law, we handle DACA legal cases, DACA provides many positive benefits, it is not a legal status. It can be terminated at any time. If you want know about more information on DACA, so read this infographic and contact us if you need this.<br>

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Tustin DACA Attorneys

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  1. TUSTINDACA ATTORNEYS DEFERREDACTIONDACA 1 YOURINTRODUCTION DepartmentofHomeland Security announcedthat undocumented immigrantswhometcertainphysical presence, criminalrecord, andeducational requirementscouldrequestdeferredaction (frombeingdeported) foraperiodoftwo years, whichtheniseligibleforrenewalof theirimmigrationstatus. 2 WHATDACA DOESN’TDO DACArecipientsdonotreceivetraditional visa'sandtheyarenotgivenaGreenCard ormadealawfulpermanentresident. This isbecauseDACAwascreatedbyexecutive actionandnochangesweremadeby Congresstotheimmigrationlaw. 3 DACA UNDERTHE ADMINISTRATION Duringhispresidentialcampaign, Trump repeatedlypromisedtoterminatetheDACA program. However, sincewinningthe election, Trumphassoftenedhisstance towardsDACArecipients. 4 DEPORTATIONOFCRIMINAL ALIENS Ifyoustayontopoftheimmigrationnews, youknowthatinsteadofdeporting dreamers, theTrumpadministrationis focusingonillegalimmigrantswhocommit crimes. 5 THEFUTUREOFDACA Despitethisuncertainty, thousandsof individualshavereceivedDACAsince Trumpbecamepresidentanditcontinues tobeavalidprogram. Immigration attorneysinNorthCarolinaorTustin, Californiaabletohelpyoufindapathway . VISITDIENERLAW.NETFORMORE!

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