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PRESENTATION TO THE AD-HOC COMMITTEE ON SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT BY DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT 2004/05 FINANCIAL YEAR:VOTE 19 28 MAY 2004. AGENDA. Vision and Mission Social Development Priorities Programme Structure Overview & Key Developments Challenges Programme Performance:
AGENDA • Vision and Mission • Social Development Priorities • Programme Structure • Overview & Key Developments • Challenges • Programme Performance: - Branch: Integrated Development - Branch: Social Security • Financial overview • Conclusion Social Development
STRATEGIC OVERVIEWMr. V Madonsela PART 1 Social Development
VISION A caring and integrated system of social development services that facilitates human development and improves the quality of life Social Development
MISSION To ensure the provision of comprehensive social protection services against vulnerability and poverty within the constitutional and legislative framework, and create an enabling environment for sustainable development. The department further aims to deliver integrated, sustainable and quality services in partnership with all those committed to building a caring society Social Development
SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT PRIORITIES OVER MTEF YEARS • Improvement of access and the quality of Social Security Service • Establishment of the Social Security Agency • Establishment of an Inspectorate for the Social Security Function • Comprehensive Child Care Legislation • Expanded Public Works Program • Welfare Service Transformation • Improve services to Older Persons • Strengthening of Families • Partnerships and Cooperative Governance • HIV and AIDS • Poverty Reduction and Integrated Development Social Development
PROGRAMME STRUCTURE 2004/05 P1: Administration P2: Social Security, Policy & Planning P3:Grant Systems and Administration • Manage social grants and disaster relief through the development of norms and standards, and improve compliance, with particular focus on improving application processing time and fraud reduction P4:Social Security Service Delivery Assurance P5: Welfare Service Transformation P6: Children, Families and Youth Development P7: Poverty Alleviation (note: name change) P8: HIV and AIDS P9: Population and Development Social Development
OVERVIEW & KEY DEVELOPMENTS • Expansion of the social security safety net • Extension of Child Support Grant • Increased awareness & more coverage • Institutional reform of the social security service delivery system • Implementation of norms & standards • Establishment of Social Security Agency • Improvement of information and payment system • Transformation of social welfare services • Development of new finance policy • Improvement of conditions of services for social workers • Implementation of a staff retention strategy Social Development
OVERVIEW & KEY DEVELOPMENTS • Legislative developments • Social Assistance Bill • Social security Agency Bill • Children’s Bill • Older Persons Bill Social Development
SECTOR CHALLENGES • Overriding challenges of poverty • Realisation of socio-economic rights • Putting children first • Prioritising the vulnerable groups • Demographic challenges • Improving social assistance • Limited/restricted coverage • Pressures on other welfare services • Capacity constraints • Infrastructure needs • Fragmented legal framework Social Development
WELFARE SERVICES TRANSFORMATION AIM Welfare service transformation facilitates the transformation of social welfare services to deliver effective and appropriate social welfare services to individuals, families and communities. Social Development
MEASURABLE OBJECTIVE To develop and facilitate implementation and monitoring of social welfare service policies, strategies, programmes that empower and support vulnerable individuals, households and communities, including older persons, persons with disabilities and mitigate the impact of substance abuse. Social Development
RECENT OUTPUTS FOR 2003/4 Service Standards • Discussion document on the policy on financial awards to service provided approved by MINMEC • Salaries of social workers in government reviewed and approved by MINMEC • Capacity development programme for social service professionals developed and due for implementation • Preliminary costing of NGO’s funded by the department completed Social Development
RECENT OUTPUTS FOR 2003/4 • Older Persons • Audit of old age homes finalised • Proposed legislation on Older persons has been introduced to Parliament • Recommendations of the Inter-Ministerial Committee have been integrated in the legislation • Preliminary costing of the legislation was done • Internal investigation done on Frail Care services Social Development
RECENT OUTPUTS FOR 2003/4 • Services to People with Disabilities • 30% of workshops transformed • An audit on existing services has been completed and a draft resource directory is being developed • Consultation with other departments initiated Social Development
RECENT OUTPUTS FOR 2003/4 • Prevention of Substance Abuse and Rehabilitation • Policy framework developed and consulted • Draft minimum standards for in-patient treatment centres developed and consulted in all provinces • A best practice model for a youth treatment centre has been documented • Ke Moja awareness campaign was launched in Cape Town and will be rolled out in KwaZulu-Natal and Gauteng • CDA secretariat in place and functional. Social Development
POVERTY ALLEVIATION AIM • Developing, co-ordinating and managing sustainable income-generating projects; developing strategies and programmes which contribute to the well-being and social integration of vulnerable individuals, groups and communities; and developing policies and programmes to create an enabling environment for non-profit organisations. The programme also transfers funds to the National Development Agency and monitors it. Social Development
POVERTY ALLEVIATION cont.. MEASURABLE OBJECTIVES: • Design and monitor policies, strategies and programmes for poverty reduction, community development, and register and support non-profit organisations. Social Development
POVERTY ALLEVIATION cont.. RECENT OUTPUTS: • The Monitoring, Support and evaluation aspect of the Poverty Alleviation Programme is on a sustainable path of improvement, this is due to the expanded role of the IDT in the programme, which has been taken beyond disbursement of funds to projects, to include direct implementation for 12 months ending in September 2004. • The Poverty Alleviation Programme has 408 projects funded with the allocation currently being managed, the target is to have 416 projects by the end of June. The allocation currently being managed is the remainder of the R222 million allocated over the last MTEF period (2001/02;02/03;03/04). Social Development
POVERTY ALLEVIATION cont.. RECENT OUTPUTS: • The improved monitoring capacity allows us to report that the numbers of people benefiting per objective of the Poverty Alleviation Programme since 2001/02 to date have increased as follows: • The improvement in the case of HIV and Aids projects was from 2 667 to12 263 people; • The improvement in the number of young people participating in youth development projects was from 1 045 to 2 471; • The improvement in the number of people participating in women’s development co - operatives was from 1 279 to 2 788, Social Development
POVERTY ALLEVIATION cont.. RECENT OUTPUTS: • Community based dual purpose centers improved the number of the people benefiting from 3 413 to 13 604, and • Food security projects also improved by increasing the number of people benefiting from projects from 10 692 to 13 604. • The Programme has been very successful with its targeting mechanisms for the Poverty Alleviation Programme, at the beginning of the three-year programme approach for Poverty Relief, the Programme successfully identified projects to be funded in the country, and met the minimum target of having 30% of projects in the nodes of the ISRDP. The Department has allocated over 60% of funds to the three provinces with the most severe levels of Poverty i.e. Eastern Cape, Kwazulu Natal and Limpopo; Social Development
POVERTY ALLEVIATION cont.. MEDIUM TERM OUTPUTS AND TARGETS: • The Poverty Alleviation Programme has the following critical outputs for the medium term, and these are: • Developing an exit plan for each funded project under the Poverty Relief Programme – first draft by May 2005; • Conducting a Study on the Impact the Poverty Relief Programme of the Department has had on communities – first draft by 2005; and • Developing an Anti Poverty Strategy for the Department – first draft by March 2005. Social Development
POVERTY ALLEVIATION cont.. Grant-in Kind: • An amount of R 71 million was allocated to the Department in the 2003/04 financial year as the final allocation of this programme • R 43 million of the above allocation is in the process of disbursement to the 416 projects, which will be completed during the 2004/05 financial year. Social Development
HIV AND AIDS AIM Develop policies, strategies and programmes aimed at mitigating the social impact of HIV and Aids. Social Development
HIV AND AIDS cont.. MEASURABLE OBJECTIVES: • to develop policy, programs and guidelines for implementation of HIV and AIDS intervention. • to deliver comprehensive social development services to vulnerable groups focussing on HIV and AIDS infected and affected (children, Youth, Older persons, PWAs and their families affected by HIV/AIDS). • to ensure that services are rendered in a coordinated manner to vulnerable groups • to monitor and evaluate the implementation of HIV and AIDS home community based care programs, • Facilitate establishment of a workplace HIV/AIDS program and • To built capacity of NGO to render services for HIV and AIDS programs. Social Development
HIV AND AIDS cont.. RECENT OUTPUTS: • Provision of child and family welfare services, psychosocial support and statutory services. • Provision of different options of alternative care for children infected and affected by HIV/AIDS • Provision of nutritional support and addressing other material and psychosocial needs of people living with AIDS • Strengthening and supporting the network of community based and not for profit organizations to facilitate the rollout of home community based care and support • Monitor, evaluate and undertake research to explore successful methods of care and support to people who are infected and affected by HIV and AIDS Social Development
HIV AND AIDS cont.. RECENT OUTPUTS: • Home/Community Based Care and Support Programme • For the past three years the focus of the Department as far as this programme is concerned has been the protection of children who are infected and affected by HIV/AIDS. An amount of R6, 8 million from the National Integrated Plan strategy was allocated to the Department of Social Development for implementation of community-home based care and support in 2000/2001, R13,3 million in 2001/2 and R48million in 2002/3. The implementation started with the establishment of six sites in 2000 and these were increased to 314 in 2002/3. Social Development
HIV AND AIDS cont.. RECENT OUTPUTS: • The Directorate HIV and AIDS became fully operational during 2002/3 and has been elevated to a Chief Directorate level from 2003/4. This has facilitated the improved management of scaling up of the home community based care and support programme in the provinces and proper management of the amounts allocated to this programme. Social Development
HIV AND AIDS cont.. Conditional Grants: • Increase in the number of identified children infected and affected by HIV/AIDS: - 61,582 orphaned and vulnerable children were identified and received appropriate services - 9,787 child headed households were identified and received appropriate services • Provision of essential material assistance to identified children and families: - 144 703 families were provided with food parcels and 20 945 families were provided with special protein products. Social Development
HIV AND AIDS cont.. Conditional Grants: • Provision of alternative care to vulnerable children: - 6375 children were referred for foster care placement • 50 percent of caregivers identified from communities, NGOs, CBOs and FBOs, families and volunteers to be capacitated through training and support: - 4 215 caregivers were trained on Home Community Based Care and Support programme - 5 988 caregivers are receiving stipend Social Development
HIV AND AIDS cont.. Conditional Grants: • Provision of counseling and support services to children and families: - 144 703 were assisted with counseling ,care and support - 144 support groups were established and supported - 550 families received bereavement support and burials • Increase in the number of co-coordinating structures and partnership for management and maintenance of social welfare to children infected and affected by HIV/AIDS: - 169 income generating projects were linked to home community based care - 212 child care forums were established - 421 NGOS, CBOS, FBO and sites were strengthened Social Development
HIV AND AIDS cont.. • Establishing the extent of the OVC situation to be able to mitigate the impact on children and Child headed households. • Linking HIV and AIDS programs to poverty and other social development programs to mitigate the social impact. • Awareness, Prevention and community mobilization. • Psychosocial support to PWAs, child headed households, children and families. • Support to individuals and families receiving ARV treatment • Monitoring and Evaluation CHALLENGES : Social Development
HIV AND AIDS cont.. PROPOSED REMEDIES: • Conduct action research in order to establish the OVC situation in SA • Develop a database on OVC • Strengthen initiatives such as Community Aids Response (CARE) for the implementation of services to OVC • Develop a manual and develop the capacity of services providers on psychosocial support to PLWA, children and families • Develop monitoring tools for all programmes • Evaluate the impact of programmes on communities and develop best practices • Strengthen and capacitate provinces with the implementation of home/community-based care and support programmes • Strengthen the collaboration with social cluster to support the ARV roll out Social Development
EXTENDED PUBLIC WORKS PROGRAMME AIM To utilise public sector budgets to reduce unemployment and poverty by creating work opportunities through skills development. Social Development
EXTENDED PUBLIC WORKS PROGRAMME cont.. MEASURABLE OBJECTIVES: • Design and monitor policies, strategies and programmes for poverty alleviation and community development, and register and support non-profit organisations • Create 122 240 work opportunities in HCBC (sector wide)- 4 284 by DoSD for FY2004/5. • Create 66 300 work opportunities ECD (sector wide)- 1 000 by DoSD FY2005/6. Social Development
EXTENDED PUBLIC WORKS PROGRAMME cont.. • Comprehensive Integrated Social Sector Plan has been produced. • Intensive work is undertaken with partners to develop MOU. • Additional R253 million is needed for HCBC. • For ECD- an additional R349m is needed for a conditional Grant. Social Development
Challenges Sustainability of work opportunity Impact of the rollout of ARV Impact on volunteerism Capacity of SETAs to delivery training Exit counseling Increment of the ECD capacity Lack of adequate delegated Human Resource capacity Mitigation A.P of CD&HW at comm. level. The risk factored into training Communication strategy Technical Assistance Support to SETAs Exit counseling trg prg t/b dev Conditional Grant is recom. Project Management Unit for each dept (national & provinces) EXTENDED PUBLIC WORKS PROGRAMME cont.. Social Development
NATIONAL FOOD EMERGENCY PROGRAMME AIM • To promote a sustainable and enabling environment for vulnerable groups experiencing food insecurity. Social Development
NATIONAL FOOD EMERGENCY PROGRAMME cont… MEASURABLE OBJECTIVES: • Provision of nutritious food (Cooked) • Reduce malnutrition through food gardening and promotion of income generating • Linking beneficiaries to other services including social security Social Development
NATIONAL FOOD EMERGENCY PROGRAMME cont… RECENT OUTPUTS: • As part of first pilot project (2002/03 allocation / R 230 million), 244 000 households were reached; • Up to end of March 2004, 506 978 households were reached, 31 586 nutrient Supplements were supplied and funding to 40 drop-in centres were provided from the 2003/04 allocation (R 388 million). Social Development
CHALLENGES • Sustainability • Sectoral Integration • Coordination of interventions of various sectors • Inadequate communication outside government • Participation of stakeholders – varied perceptions in the programme • Inconsistent configuration of social cluster Departments at provincial level • Insufficient resources (fiscal, human and physical) Social Development
CHILDREN, FAMILIES AND YOUTH DEVELOPMENT AIM To ensure the protection and empowerment of vulnerable children, youth and families Social Development
CHILDREN, FAMILIES AND YOUTH DEVELOPMENTcont.. MEASURABLE OBJECTIVES: • To promote well-being of children and protect them from vulnerability, abuse, neglect and exploitation • To develop and facilitate implementation of strategies and programmes to promote youth development and self-reliance. • To manage and protect child offenders • To support and empower victims of violence especially women • To promote family preservation, family values and ensure the support of vulnerable families • To promote well-being of children and protect them from vulnerability, abuse, neglect and exploitation Social Development
CHILDREN, FAMILIES AND YOUTH DEVELOPMENT cont.. RECENT OUTPUTS: • The Children’s Bill was approved by Cabinet and introduced in parliament which subsequently requested the Bill to be split into sections 75-(national competencies)and 76(provincial competencies). Both sections will be considered in parliament, but section75 will be promulgated by the President and later amended to incorporate section 76. • The draft policy framework was developed from the Strategy on the Prevention and Management of Child Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation and aligned with Children’s Bill as well as the draft Family Policy document. The draft policy framework will be consulted with all relevant stakeholders before implementation. • The Child Protection Register (CPR) was implemented in nine provinces, good progress has been made with computerisation of CPR and Negotiations underway with the national Department of Justice/Education/ Health and SAPS on reporting function of CPR Social Development
CHILD PROTECTION RECENT OUTPUTS • During 2003 the Registrar of Adoptions registered 2207,nationally and 200 inter-country adoptions were handled. • The Department ratified the Hague Convention on Inter country adoptions was effected in December 2003 and the interim Central Authority for Inter-country Adoptions is being established. • Child Protection Week mainstreamed into DSD and broader government processes it was co-ordinated and celebrated in 2003 with great success; • A Workshop on ECD was held and refined Guideline document drafted – document ready to go through final approval processes; • The research on the costing of children's ’homes was completed the document will help the department and other stakeholders in reviewing policy, planning and budgeting for children’s homes. Social Development
YOUTH DEVELOPMENT RECENT OUTPUTS • Progress has also been made in improving the capacity for the Youth Development and Social Crime Prevention activities of the Department; • The Department has started engaging stakeholders on the process of developing the Youth Development Strategy. The First Draft Strategy will be presented before all stakeholder at a conference which will be held in November 2004, Social Development
SOCIAL CRIME PREVENTION RECENT OUTPUTS • 600 assistant probation officers and probation officers were trained. • The South African Council for Social Services Professions has accepted the formal application for the establishment of a Professional Board for Probation Officers. The first regulations for the establishment thereof have been Gazetted for comments. • The Application for the establishment of a Standard Generating Body for Probation Officers has been accepted and the Department is in the process of nominating a board to drive the process. • R 20 million donor funding from the Royal Netherlands Embassy was secured for the Department of Social Development contribution towards the Child Justice System. • The Department‘s crime prevention programmes have been included in the IJS business plan and this will require regular progress reporting on our indicators Social Development
VICTIM EMPOWERMENT PROGRAMME RECENT OUTPUTS • Progress made include: • A costed strategy to guide the establishment and the management of shelters for women and their children who are victims of domestic violence and who need to move out of the violent home environment. • A One Stop Center for the provision of immediate services to victims of domestic violence was launched in Upington in the Northern Cape. • An impact assessment of Victim Empowerment was carried out and a tool to monitor the projects was also developed. Social Development
FAMILIES RECENT OUTPUTS • In preparing the nation for the10th Anniversary of International Year of the Family 2004, a pre launch was held in October 2003. • The main launch was held as big event which attracted 20 000 people in Cape Town. The theme of the campaign is “Family the Core of Society”. • A plan of action for the IYF has been developed with stakeholders • The research on families in South Africa was commissioned to HSRC, the findings of the study are being utilised to draft a family policy with the intend of launching it during 2004. Social Development