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Temporality and Encodings. Concepts and Examples. Presented by Brett Brunk Aeronautical Information Management (AIM) group Federal Aviation Administration – United States. Topics. Temporality Why is it necessary AIXM 5 temporality concepts A NAVAID example Example AIXM 5 Encodings
Temporality and Encodings Concepts and Examples Presented by Brett Brunk Aeronautical Information Management (AIM) group Federal Aviation Administration – United States
Topics • Temporality • Why is it necessary • AIXM 5 temporality concepts • A NAVAID example • Example AIXM 5 Encodings • Components of an AIXM 5 exchange file • New Airspace • Temporary change to airspace usage
Why do we need temporality? • Time is essential for aeronautical information • For operational reasons, distinction between: • Permanent changes • Temporary status • Two levels: • Life of the feature • Changes in properties
Temporality Model • Definition • A model that incorporates the concept of time • Key assertions • All features are temporal with start of life and end of life • Example, A new air traffic control sector • All features change over time • Example, A VOR is out of service for a day • AIXM Temporality Model • Relates features to the time extent in which they are valid • Provides various means to describe the time extent
Temporary events • Two kinds of Time Slices • Baseline = describes the feature state (the set of all feature’s properties) as result of a permanent change; • Temporary Delta = describes the transitory overlay of a feature state during a temporary event.
Current status of a feature SNAPSHOT = describes the state of a feature at a time instant, as result of combining the actual BASELINE Time Slice valid at that time instant with all TEMPDELTA Time Slices applicable at that time instant.
Permanent changes PERMDELTA = A kind of Time Slice that describes the difference in a feature state as result of a permanent change.
Summary - Time Slice types • BASELINE = A kind of Time Slice that describes the feature state (the set of all the feature’s properties) as result of a permanent change; • PERMDELTA = A kind of Time Slice that describes the difference in a feature state as result of a permanent change; • TEMPDELTA = A kind of Time Slice that describes the transitory changes of a feature state during a temporary event; • SNAPSHOT = A kind of Time Slice that describes the state of a feature at a time instant, as result of combining the actual BASELINE Time Slice valid at that time instant with all TEMPDELTA Time Slices applicable at that time instant.
An Example: Navaid frequency change Imagine that AML Navaid undergoes an upgrade that changes its frequency from 112 MHz to 113.2 MHz… • Schedule permanent change to coincide with AIRAC update cycle • Shutdown AML before the upgrade • Perform the upgrade • Start AML in test mode to evaluate change
An Example: Navaid frequency change AML Navaid undergoes an upgrade that changes its frequency from 112.0 MHz to 113.2 MHz…
Topics • Temporality • Why is it necessary • AIXM 5 temporality concepts • A NAVAID example • Example AIXM 5 Encodings • Components of an AIXM 5 exchange file • New Airspace • Temporary change to airspace usage
AIXM is based on International Standards Aeronautical Information Exchange Model (AIXM) ISO 19107 Spatial Extensible Markup Language (XML) ISO 19108 Temporal ISO 19136 Geography Markup Language (GML) ISO 19115 Metadata Universal Markup Language (UML) Exchange standards Conceptual standards
XML – Extensible Markup Language Have you looked at whatis underneath a webpage? XML has a similar look to HTML Computer readable Electronic exchange Vendor supported Extensible Markup Language (XML) Web Page HTML <h2><a href="sdat2/html/download.htm"> SDAT 5.7 Release</a></h2> <h3 class="byline">New Features >></h3> <p> <ul> <li>Create traffic collections based on a sector number. (Flights flown through specified sector(s))</li> … XML Document <RunwayDirection> <Designator>20L</Designator> <VFRPattern>RIGHT</VFRPattern> </RunwayDirection> …
Geometry important property of aeronautical information Airspace polygons Airport Reference Points Navaid location Key Concept: Geometry and GML
ISO 19136 Geography Markup Language (GML) Vendor independent standard Based on XML Good industry adoption Key Concept: Geometry and GML
An AIXM Airspace Feature Unique Identifier for the Airspace. Computer readable Container for the timeslices that make up the airspace Definition of the airspace End of the Airspace Feature Creating a new airspace <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <Airspace xmlns=“http://www.aixm.aero/schema/5.0” xmlns:gml="http://www.opengis.net/gml/3.2” xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:gmd="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmd" xmlns:gco="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gco" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.aixm.aero/schema/5.0 ../xsd/AIXM_Features.xsd" gml:id="A00001"> <gml:identifier codeSpace="http://ead.eurocontrol.int"> 0bf9537f-27f0-4650-a75f-125006366e51</gml:identifier> <timeSlice> <AirspaceTimeSlice gml:id="VID001">…</AirspaceTimeSlice> </timeSlice> </Airspace>
Period of validity for timeslice Baseline timeslice containing all feature properties Period of validity for the Airspace feature Creating a new airspacecontinued <Airspace …> <gml:identifier …>…</gml:identifier> <timeSlice> <AirspaceTimeSlice gml:id="VID001"> <gml:validTime> <gml:TimePeriod gml:id="VID002"> <gml:beginPosition>2006-03-15T00:00:00</gml:beginPosition> <gml:endPosition indeterminatePosition="unknown" /> </gml:TimePeriod> </gml:validTime> <interpretation>BASELINE</interpretation> <featureLifetime> <gml:TimePeriod gml:id="VID003"> <gml:beginPosition>2006-03-15T00:00:00</gml:beginPosition> <gml:endPosition indeterminatePosition="unknown" /> </gml:TimePeriod> </featureLifetime> … other properties </AirspaceTimeSlice> </timeSlice> </Airspace>
Airspace Feature properties Airspace shape and volume Creating a new airspacecontinued <Airspace …> <gml:identifier …>…</gml:identifier> <timeSlice> <AirspaceTimeSlice gml:id="VID001"> … <type>TSA</type> <designator>EBT15</designator> <name>LO-RENINGE UAV AREA</name> <controlType>MIL</controlType> <class> <AirspaceLayerClass> <class>G</class> </AirspaceLayerClass> </class> <geometryComponent>…</geometryComponent> </AirspaceTimeSlice> </timeSlice> </Airspace>
Upper and lower limits GML definition of horizontal boundary Creating a new airspacecontinued <Airspace …> <gml:identifier …>…</gml:identifier> <timeSlice> <AirspaceTimeSlice gml:id="VID001"> … <geometryComponent> <AirspaceGeometryComponent> <theAirspaceVolume> <AirspaceVolume> <upperLimit uom="FL">95</upperLimit> <upperLimitReference>STD</upperLimitReference> <lowerLimit uom="FT">4500</lowerLimit> <lowerLimitReference>MSL</lowerLimitReference> <horizontalProjection> … </horizontalProjection> </AirspaceVolume> </theAirspaceVolume> </AirspaceGeometryComponent> </geometryComponent> </AirspaceTimeSlice> </timeSlice> </Airspace>
<horizontalProjection> <Surface gml:id="VID005" srsName="urn:ogc:def:crs:OGC:1.3:CRS84"> <gml:polygonPatches> <gml:PolygonPatch> <gml:exterior> <gml:LinearRing> <gml:pos>51.0155 2.5713</gml:pos> <gml:pos>51.0125 2.6277</gml:pos> <gml:pos>50.9472 3.0000</gml:pos> <gml:pos>50.7633 2.9991</gml:pos> </gml:LinearRing> </gml:exterior> </gml:PolygonPatch> </gml:polygonPatches> </Surface> </horizontalProjection> Creating a new airspacecontinued <Airspace …> <gml:identifier …>…</gml:identifier> <timeSlice> <AirspaceTimeSlice gml:id="VID001"> … <geometryComponent> <AirspaceGeometryComponent> <theAirspaceVolume> <AirspaceVolume> … <horizontalProjection> </horizontalProjection> </AirspaceVolume> </theAirspaceVolume> </AirspaceGeometryComponent> </geometryComponent> </AirspaceTimeSlice> </timeSlice> </Airspace>
Demonstration • Viewing AIXM features in a commercial product • LuciadMap’s prototype AIXM Viewer