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Group 21 December 7 , 2011 BME 401 Senior Design Mentor: Jack Engsberg, PhD

Flex2Play An ankle strengthening device with virtual reality interface for children with cerebral palsy. Group 21 December 7 , 2011 BME 401 Senior Design Mentor: Jack Engsberg, PhD Liz Phillips (Presenter), Kelly Hill, Amanda Meppelink. Outline. Overview Details of Chosen Design

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Group 21 December 7 , 2011 BME 401 Senior Design Mentor: Jack Engsberg, PhD

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  1. Flex2PlayAn ankle strengthening device with virtualreality interface for children with cerebral palsy • Group 21 December 7, 2011 • BME 401 Senior Design • Mentor: Jack Engsberg, PhD • Liz Phillips (Presenter), Kelly Hill, Amanda Meppelink

  2. Outline • Overview • Details of Chosen Design • Materials and Manufacturing • Conclusion

  3. Overview ○ Details of Chosen Design ○ Materials & Manufacturing ○ Conclusion The Need • A strength training device that • is safe for in-home use • requires minimal setup or user training • is affordable • is portable • motivates patient participation

  4. Overview ○ Details of Chosen Design ○ Materials & Manufacturing ○ Conclusion The Scope To design an at-home ankle strengthening device – Flex2Play – that motivates participation by interfacing therapy with a WiiMote which controls online video games

  5. Overview ○ Details of Chosen Design ○ Materials & Manufacturing ○ Conclusion 20° Dorsiflexion 0° Neutral –50° Plantarflexion Dorsiflexion τ=F*d*sin(θ) F=35Nm/(0.28m*sin(90)) F=125N Plantarflexion τ=F*d*sin(θ) F=101Nm/(0.28m*sin(90)) F=361N Design Specifications • Full range of motion • 30° from neutral in DF • -50° from neutral in PF • Progressive Resistance • 35 Nm DF torque • 101 Nm PF torque • Resistance in at least 15% increments • Affordable – $200 target • Portable – 30lbs 8 ft3 • Virtual Reality Interface • 2010 BME401 Group “Wii Controlled Gaming for Therapy”

  6. Overview ○ Details of Chosen Design ○ Materials & Manufacturing ○ Conclusion Chosen Design: Elastic Bands Four Main Components: • Footplate • Base • Hinge Joint • Elastic Bands

  7. Overview ○ Details of Chosen Design ○ Materials & Manufacturing ○ Conclusion Footplate Exploded Isometric View

  8. Overview ○ Details of Chosen Design ○ Materials & Manufacturing ○ Conclusion WiiMote Controller Connection Side View Isometric View

  9. Overview ○ Details of Chosen Design ○ Materials & Manufacturing ○ Conclusion Base Isometric View

  10. Overview ○ Details of Chosen Design ○ Materials & Manufacturing ○ Conclusion

  11. Overview ○ Details of Chosen Design ○ Materials & Manufacturing ○ Conclusion Hinge Joint Exploded Front View Isometric View

  12. Overview ○ Details of Chosen Design ○ Materials & Manufacturing ○ Conclusion Elastic Band Connections

  13. Overview ○ Details of Chosen Design ○ Materials & Manufacturing ○ Conclusion Elastic Band Connection Calculations

  14. Overview ○ Details of Chosen Design ○ Materials & Manufacturing ○ Conclusion Manufacturing Estimated Flex2Play market size • 114,000 children in US age 5-18 with spastic cerebral palsy Commercial Production • Expected 1,000 units sold in the first year • Expected 4,000 units sold in next 5 years Near Future • One Flex2Play prototype for device evaluation • 10 devices for evaluation in small sample

  15. Overview ○ Details of Chosen Design ○ Materials & Manufacturing ○ Conclusion Materials

  16. Overview ○ Details of Chosen Design ○ Materials & Manufacturing ○ Conclusion Conclusions • Specification Fulfillment • Affordable – $189 mass production • Portable – 8.82 lbs and 2 ft3 • Safety Considerations • Future directions • Intellectual Property • Pilot Study with 10 devices • Reflections • What we learned • What we would do differently

  17. Works Cited • Aisen, ML, et al. "Cerebral Palsy: Clinical Care and Neurological Rehabilitation." Lancet Neurology 10.9 (2011): 844-52. • Boley, B. L. (1997). Overview of Motor Types Tutorial. Retrieved October 23, 2011, from http://www.oddparts.com/acsi/motortut.htm • Compression Springs. 23 October 2011. <http://www.leespring.com/int_learn_compression.asp>. • DyneticSystems. (n.d.). Brushless vs Brushed. Retrieved October 23, 2011, from Dynetic Systems: http://www.dynetic.com/brushless%20vs%20brushed.htm • Pinneger, Gavin J and Andrew G. Cresswell. "Residual force enhancement after lengthening is present during submaximal plantar flexion and dorsiflexion actions in humans." Journal of Applied Physiology (2006): 18-25. • Simple Machine Elements. 23 October 2011. <http://cnx.org/content/m13594/latest/>. • The Hygenic Corporation. (2006). Resistance Band & Tubing Instruction Manual. Akron, OH, USA. • Torsion Springs. 23 October 2011. <http://www.leespring.com/int_learn_torsion.asp>.

  18. Flex2PlayAn ankle strengthening device with virtualreality interface for children with cerebral palsy October 26, 2011 • BME 401 Senior Design • Mentor: Jack Engsberg, PhD • Amanda Meppelink(Presenter), Kelly Hill, Liz Phillips

  19. Overview ○ Details of Chosen Design ○ Materials & Manufacturing ○ Safety○ Conclusion Elastic Bands

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