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This study examines the morphological and genetic characteristics of the stone crayfish Austropotamobius torrentium in Žumberak-Samoborsko Gorje Nature Park. The aim is to measure genetic diversity, identify distinguishing morphology, and analyze the results in the context of phylogenetics and conservation.
Contents: 1. INTRODUCTION Austropotamobius torrentium, family Astacidae Phylogeny, mithochondrian genom Study site – NP Žumberak-Samoborsko gorje 2. AIMS OF THE STUDY 3. MATERIALS AND METHODS 4. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Molecular – phylogenetic and morphological analyses 5. CONCLUSION
1. INTRODUCTION Familiy Astacidae - systematics Phylum: ARTHROPODA Class: CRUSTACEA Order: DECAPODA Suborder: ASTACIDA Family: PARASTACIDAE Family: CAMBARIDAE Family: ASTACIDAE Genus: ASTACUS Astacus astacus Astacus leptodactylus Astacus pachypus Genus: AUSTROPOTAMOBIUS Austropotamobius pallipes Austropotamobius torrentium (Austropotamobius italicus)
Astacidae in Europe • Protection of native species: A. pallipes A. torrentium A. astacus Foreign species: Pacifastacus leniusculus Orconectes limosus Procambarus clarkii Cherax sp. • European Comission Environment Directorate • IUCN • Bern Convention
Astacidae in Croatia • Native species: • Noble (river) crayfish (1) • Danube crayfish (2) • Whiteclawed crayfish (3) • Stone crayfish (4) Foreign species: • spiny-cheek crayfish (5) (North Am, plague) • Signal crayfish (6)
Austropotamobius torrentium – dispersion and species ecology • Smallest species in the Astacidae family (~11 cm) -> not for commercial exploitation • Less infected with crayfish plague (characteristic habitat) • Active at night • Reproduction in fall • Population decline due to human influence
PHYLOGENY - A scientific discipline that explores evolutionary relations between different (groups of) organisms - Analysis of phenotipic and genetic features of certain taxon • Phenotyp changes point to the beginning of diferentiation • Short-term concequences of environmental impact • genotype and fenotype changes are not necessarily connented • molecular phylogeny evolutionary theory – all organisms evolved from a single ancestor; current biodiversity is a consequence of different evolutionary mechanisms
MITOCHONDRIAN GENOME mitochondria - eucariotic organells of endosimbiontic origin mtDNA – circular doublestrainded molecule, size 14-42 kb(16 569 bp) • genes for 37 molecules • Advantages: • Easy to isolate • Large number of copies • No gene recombination or intrones • Mother-based inheritance • Relatively rapid evolution compared to core DNA
16S rRNAgene - codes the RNA of large subunit of mitochondrian ribosome - structure more basic than core RNA, present in only one copy in the genome - conserved in the primary structure: not significally altered during the evolutionay past of mtDNA (ancient evolutionary occurences) • COI gene - codes the subunit I of citocrom-oksidase c complex (oks. fosforilation) - well studied sequence, stable universal gene primers - highly conserved aminoacid sequence among phyla: ancient evolutionary occurences - stronger phylogenetic signal than other mt genes
Study site – NP Žumberak-Samoborsko gorje • 90% of the area is karst – dolomites and limestone (carbonates) • Frequent rivers and streams • Vegetation: forests (beech, oak, hornbeam), grasslands, paddocks, meadows, pastures, cultivated areas • Great variety of animal and plant species
2. AIMS OF THE STUDY Measuring the level of genetic diversity between populations of the stone crayfish in the area of Žumberak-Samoborsko gorje Nature Park, and corelation with other stone crayfish populations in Europe Identification of morphological (morfometric & meristic) characteristics of the populations and sorting out those morphological features that significantly distinguish crayfish of different populations Combining the results of molecular - phylogenetic and morphological analysis Analising the results in context of philogeography and protection of Autropotamobius torrentium
3. MATERIALS & METHODSMaterial • Animal material - 61 individual of the stone crayfish (Austropotamobius torrentium) from 9 locations in the “Žumberak-Samoborsko gorje” NP
Analised sequences - isolated from captured individuals of A. torrentium (61) from NP Žumberak – Samoborsko gorje - isolated from individuals gathered in previous studies (mostly in Croatia and Bosnia and Hercegovina, Macedonia, Romania and Bulgaria) - taken from GenBank (NCBI – National Centar for Biotechnology Information) • Reagenses and laboratory material
Methods • DNA isolation, mark and code added to each sample • PCR of DNA fragments • DNA gel electrophoresis • DNA sequencing • Molecular-phylogenetic analyses a) Bayesian analysis b) Calculation of sequence divergences (p) and nucleotid diversity () • Morphometric and meristic measurments and analyses Početnice:
Morphometric & meristic measurments Continuous characteristics • 23 (30) morphometric characteristics • Statistical analyses of data(Excel, Statistica)
Morphometric & meristic measurments distinctive (discrete) characteristics • 5 meristic characteristics • Statistical analyses of data
4. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION MOLECULAR – PHYLOGENETIC ANALYSES Alignment and analyses of sequences Grouping homologuos sequences; Bayesian analysis
Bayesian analysis – reconstruction of phylogenetic trees ŽPB GK ZV Dunav GK Dunav ŽPB ZV
Haplotype (geographical) groups of stone crayfish (A. torrentium) in NP Žumberak-Samoborsko gorje
Bayesian analysis – populations in Europe • six 16S haplogroupes • five COI haplogroupes
Haplotype (geographical) groups of stone crayfish (A. torrentium) in Europe
Sequence divergences (p) and nucleotid diversity () • 16S: • A. pallipes - A. italicus0,026-0,043, (Fratini et al), 0,046-0,047 (Grandjean et al) • A. torrentium - A. pallipes0,076-0,081 • A. torrentium - A. italicus0,072-0,086(Fratini et al.) COI: • A. pallipes - A. italicus0,069 - 0,07 • A. torrentium - A. pallipes • Astacus sp. (Trontelj et al)
Sequence divergences (p) and nucleotid diversity () • north-west Dinarids – high genetic diversity (A. pallipes, Asellus aquatica) • Dunav river basin – genetic uniformity
Time of divergence(COI) Possible scenarios of stone crayfish group divergences: Separation of Tethys, A.torrentium migrates to Balkan area Genesis and drainage of Panonian lake tectonic disturbance, karstification Climate oscilations, ice ages (refugiai)
MORPHOMETRIC & MERISTIC CHARACTERISTICS - 61 individuals: 37 males, 24 females - grouping acording to molecular phylogenetic analyses:Dunav (8m, 2f), Žumberak/Plitvice/Bjelolasica (9m, 10f), Gorski Kotar (13m, 11f), Zeleni vir (7m, 1f) • MORPHOMETRICS: - normalization (POL = HEL + ARL) - Spearman's coefficient of correlation (simmetry) - Mann – Whitney U test (M/f) : -> sexual dimorphism • Differences amnong haplogroupes (Mann –Whitney U test) • a) males: chela shape and carapax shape (some individuals)(Dunav-ZV, Dunav-GK, ŽPB-ZV, GK-ZV) • b) females (ŽPB-GK): karapax shape
Multivariantn discriminant analysis Sint et al. (2005, 2006) – chelae and cephalotorax shape - rostrum, apex (Maguire et al., 2003, Sint et al., 2005;) - Trontelj et al. (2005) – rostrum shape specific for individuals in upper Kupa basin
MERISTICS - Wald – Wolfowitz test (sex) - Spearman's coefficient of correlation (simmetry) Meristic characteristics that distinguish populations Thorns on lower egzopodit (scaphopod) side are present only in this crayfish species
Position of the thorns on the 3rd maxiliped • Karaman, Maguire et al. - to some extent reflects nucleotid diversity of a population: max number of combinations in GK and ŽPB - greatest diference in thorn position: between Dunav and Zeleni vir groups - number abd shape of thorns (Karaman), position of thorns
Number of statisticaly significant morpfological differences between populations is larger as gropus grow more geneticaly and geographicaly distant: Max nr.of differences: Dunav -Zeleni vir, Dunav - Gorski Kotar Min nr.of differences: ŽPB - ZV, ZV – GK Coincides with the results of time divergance analyses • PROTECTION GUIDELINES - genetic diversity as a part of biodiversity - haplogroups of central and northern Dinarides (GK, ŽPB, LD, ZV) could be observed as evolutionary significant units (ESU) - populations in NP Žumberak-Samoborsko gorje could be criptic species/subspecies
5. CONCLUSIONS Based on molecular- phylogenetic analyses of 16S and COI mt genes, four distinct genetic groups (haplogroups) were found in the area of NP Žumberak-Samoborsko gorje. Based on molecular clock for mt COI gene, it was estimated that the first divergence occured between two larger groups (made of haplogroups) between 3,5 and 5 mya. Haplogroups than diverged a bit later (between 4,3 and 1,65 mya). Results of statistical analyses of morphological features are in accord with the results of molecular-phylogenetic analyses. Occurances of genetic and morphological diffrences between geographical groups lead to a conlusions that the species A. torrentium might be made of more than one subspecies or even species that are to be determined Biodiversity this big on a small geographical area of Nature Park Žumberak – Samoborsko gorje is a unique biological phenomenon on a European scale and will demand special care (protection and conservation-wise) in the near future.
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