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Digicrazius: One of the best professional resume writing services in Bangalore. This article is a reminder of common mistakes that most of us do while creating a resume. Our top resume writing experts penned down some important things that you can consider to avoid mistakes in resume preparation.
Resume Writing Mistakes: Avoid these 7 mistakes (2018 updated) Presented by Digicrazius
Resume Writing Mistakes to Avoid in 2018 Here are some vital resume writing mistakes that we often dobut we don’t recognize it.
Overview In today’s competitive job market, we need to present ourselves in the most professional & competent way possible in order to increase our chances of being hired. Employers are looking for the best employees, and they can afford to be choosy when the market competition is humongous. One of the best ways to give yourself a competitive edge is to write a fantastic resume that gets noticed. Avoiding these common resume writing mistakes is your first step to obtaining the career you desire.
Typos error: • Typos error in terms of poor punctuation and grammar is first and the foremost mistake we need to avoid. This will give the employer that you are not a person who gives attention to detail. This will pull off your score from the first impression. • To manage to avoid this awkward situation, it’s always better to revise two or three times our self as well as having a friend to read over it. • Because a fresh pair of eyes will be more likely to spot errors easily. • However, it’s also good to read our resume louder just to find it flows smoothly and makes sense. • Tip: Resume consultation or review services is a one another option to look for. They prepare good content copywriting for a resume.
Objective Statement: • Now, what’s wrong in this? There’s a 90 percent possibility that we write objectives written from the internet or taken from someone else’s resume. • But we tend to forget, every individual and their job requires a unique statement not copied from anywhere. We cannot copy someone’s goals as ours. Sounds funny and awkward isn’t. • Tip: Make sure our objective statement should match the job description while applying. When it’s unrelated, straight away raises a red flag from the hiring manager. • Expert resume writers can offer a solution for this at an affordable price.
Responsibilities versus Accomplishments: • We see a lot of people write roles and responsibilities in huge number. They tend to find mismatched information when it comes to responsibilities and accomplishments. • Tip: Avoid writing tons of your roles & responsibilities, most companies have the same, or very similar descriptions and duties. So, it’s better to point out specific tasks performed in your job. • Quantify your results to present in a significant manner. • (Example, provided extensive solution to supply chain process, resulted in saving 50 % of time in delivering products to customers and 80 % increase in positive feedback)
False information: • Did you really spend 6 months as an intern in that XYZ company? Are you sure you speak 5 languages? Have you raised 5000 followers on Instagram within just a month? • All the information that we provide should be true. Remember that in today’s technology its easier to spot lies, hiring managers can verify such details within a few clicks and phone calls. • Even if we make it to the first working week, the false information and lies will come out in the end. • Tip: Try consulting professional resume writing services for advice on how to write things valuable even if we didn’t have successive past experience.
Avoid Paragraphs: (Long) • It’s a usual and common mistake that we do. Avoid writing objective or any of your content in a resume in paragraphs. It might be viewed as a story and not a resume. • Write objective in 2 to 3 lines. That is more than enough. • Tip: Use bulletins & numbers to specify your content precisely.
Resume pages: • The universal mistake that most of us do. Writing a resume for 3-4 pages and even more. Imagine the time in which recruiter might need to process one resume if we have a huge number of pages. • Again, the question might arise, I have done so many publications and other details how can I sort things into 1 page or in a 2-page resume? • Tip: If you are busy and couldn’t pull off one page or two-page resume. Better opt for top resume writing services and ease your work
Weird Design or Format: • A web designer or graphic designer might create an infographic resume which is apt for their profession. • Tip: Professional resume writer with Infographic knowledge can help you get top-notch resume. • Someone as lawyer or doctor cannot do the same infographic styled resume. The profession matters here. And we don’t mean infographics is only for design candidates. • When we talk about the format, most of the candidates prepare a resume with a same old format which is been used for two decades or so. Avoid such formats. • Tip: Therefore, update your resume to the current format. (If you don’t know where to find that, ask resume writing services available in your city or state)
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