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Digi class is a modernized method of education which provides quality education to students by helping them in better concept formation, concept elaboration, improvement in reading skills and academic achievement.
WHY DIGITAL CLASSROOM HAS BECOME MANDATORY IN SCHOOLSNOW-A-DAYS? Digital Classroom provides interactive learning for the students and enhances the interest levelsofstudents.Digitalclassroombringswholeworldtoyourclassroomwithasinglefinger touch. The conventional ways of instruction have always left a huge gap in teaching-learning experience isolating the teacher from the students. A typical student may not properly comprehend and visualize what the teacher delivers in the classroom using words and static pictures without realizing individual abilities in visualizing and the pace of learning. In this scenario, a weak student can be left behind and feelneglected. Digital teaching material supports self-learning and self-paced learning in the students. It enhances the interest levels and the retention power of the students. Critical concepts are also being developed and packaged using multimedia based digitalsolutions. OurDigitalTeacher(Smartclass)Softwareisaneffectivedigitalclassroomsolutiondeveloped as per Continuous and Comprehensive EvaluationPatterns
WHAT IS DIGITAL TEACHER? • Code and Pixels Interactive Technologies Pvt Ltd is offering an effective new teaching tooltotheinstructorsattheschoollevel.This isamoreeffectiveandauthenticdigital tooldevelopedinaccordancewiththerecentlyevolvedStateGovt.CurriculumPolicy. • The product is apt for teaching subjects at school level using educational technology. Itwoulddrasticallybringdownthetimeandeffortsspentbytheteacherinpreparing • thecontentandpresentingittothelearnersintheclassroom. • Digital Classroomor Smart Classroom is a text independent e-learning material for learners,teachers andadministratorswhoareinthefieldofadministration. • SmartClassroombringsthewholeworldtoyourclassroomwithasingle(finger)touch. • Digital Classroom adds more innovation to your already existing intelligent and excellentideology. • HOW IS ITBENEFICIAL? • The product (Digital Classroom/Smart Classroom) allows the teacher to instruct students in a subject in such a manner that learning takes place through seeing and hearing, lecture and demonstrationmethods. • Inthisway,optimaldeliveryoflearning experiencecanbeensuredbytheinstructor. • Pause/Playbuttonsembeddedintheproductallowtheteachertousetheproductat his or her ownpace. • Owing to its user-friendly features, school administrators can adopt this product as thestandardteachingtoolofthesubjectintheirinstitution.
TO WHOM IT ISUSEFUL: • The Digital class product will be useful to school teachers and studentsequally. • Students and teachers can use the content as self learning material also. • The unit plan document provided with the product not only serves as a planning tool for teachers, but also helps the administration in assessing the pace of syllabus completion. • The administrators can assure parents that their wards are being given quality education using the latesttechnology. • ThisDigital classcan be used straightaway by the faculty without any priortraining. • It can also be used as effective self-learning material in the teaching and learning process. • Source:https://www.digitalteacher.in/