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The Kingdom of Thailand Orapin Wongchumpit, Focal Point Sitanon Jesdapipat, Consultant

Project on Building Capacity for Improved Policy Making and Negotiation on Key Trade and Environment Issues. The Kingdom of Thailand Orapin Wongchumpit, Focal Point Sitanon Jesdapipat, Consultant. Content. Process: how list obtained? Present status Outputs: what obtained?

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The Kingdom of Thailand Orapin Wongchumpit, Focal Point Sitanon Jesdapipat, Consultant

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  1. Project on Building Capacity for Improved Policy Making and Negotiation on Key Trade and Environment Issues The Kingdom of Thailand Orapin Wongchumpit, Focal Point Sitanon Jesdapipat, Consultant UNCTAD/FIELD Project

  2. Content • Process: how list obtained? Present status • Outputs: what obtained? • Observation: adequate? What missing? • Next steps: what to do next? Cooperation? UNCTAD/FIELD Project

  3. Process • UNCTAD to enhance national capacity in trade and environment: policy decision and negotiation • First stakeholders meeting in May • OEPP designated as Focal Point Agency • Issues identified • Other countries discussed, not chosen UNCTAD/FIELD Project

  4. On-going process • Scoping paper • Issues revisited, modified, justified • First project meeting in Geneva • Contact other countries • Finalize scoping paper • A regional meeting planned for late October or early November in Bangkok UNCTAD/FIELD Project

  5. (Negotiation skills) TRIPS and traditional knowledge Market access Resources recovery Technology transfer Biological diversity trade Six Issues UNCTAD/FIELD Project

  6. Six issues • Re-examined, modified, added? • Criteria, output-driven? • Prioritize, and focus on first two issues UNCTAD/FIELD Project

  7. Negotiation skills • well taken • But in what area? • Current “gap”? • Ideal level of skills? • How to do it? • End more than mean at this stage UNCTAD/FIELD Project

  8. TRIPS and TK • negotiated and discussed under WTO and CBD • Also mentioned in Plan of Implementation • Current capacity? • What TK aimed? Why? UNCTAD/FIELD Project

  9. Market access • Key to enhanced trade, linked to removal of barriers, especially NTBs of all forms • What product in particular? Why? • Estimated gains? • What does it take? UNCTAD/FIELD Project

  10. Resource recovery • BAU practice, but good for investment • What is the gap? • “proactive” leadership? • Linking to trade? How? UNCTAD/FIELD Project

  11. Technology transfer • Remain broad, too broad • Must identify sector (e.g., CBD) • TT + capacity building addressed in cross-sectoral manner with other issues UNCTAD/FIELD Project

  12. Trade in biodiversity • Broad, too broad • Thailand has not yet ratified CBD • CITES? • TT, TK and capacity building UNCTAD/FIELD Project

  13. Top Two Issues • TRIPS & TK • Market access • Options for linking to others as being sub-issues UNCTAD/FIELD Project

  14. Partner countries • Six countries being contacted: Philippines; Laos; Cambodia; China; Vietnam; Bangladesh • By Saturday P/C/C/V responded positive UNCTAD/FIELD Project

  15. Next steps • Complete draft Scoping Paper by end of Oct • Select Partner Countries • Cooperation is key to finalize Paper UNCTAD/FIELD Project

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