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www.cedarnetwork.org.uk. Towards Recovery

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  1. www.cedarnetwork.org.uk

  2. Towards Recovery “I think we can move on and be happy…I think that you can be happy and make your own future. And you can make your kids happy even though they have been through a bad experience from the beginning of their life, you can make the rest of their life pretty happy or try to make it as happy as possible “. (Adeline) It’s a place where you can relax a wee bit and just talk about it slowly, you’re not having to be in a rush, or you’re not like tied with an adult, like trying to push you on (boy 16 yrs) I got to know other people that I didn't know before, and then they’re going through the same troubles as I had, so we had a lot in common (boy 11 yrs)

  3. Why? • Because we know that DA damages primary relationships • Because we saw a huge need to promote recovery as well as safety • Because the programme chimed with what we know about the value and importance of empowerment • Because we believe that mothers are the best form of support and protection to their children • Because groupwork works well for those with experience of DA • Because we need to do better than we’re doing

  4. A Unique Approach • 12 week curriculum • Peer learning • Concurrent groups to support mutual recovery • Assessment as engagement • Multi-agency learning and integration

  5. The Cedar Approach • It’s a strength-based rather than a deficit approach, helpful, non-stigmatising and non-judgemental • Recognises that those experiencing DA have had their ability to make decisions and choices about their own lives seriously undermined • Finding ways of helping restore choice, confidence, hope and to strengthen and help repair relationships that have become fractured as a result of living with abuse • Crucially while the groups are run for children and their mothers – the focus is primarily about supporting children’s recovery

  6. Underpinning the Cedar approach • Each child is an individual and we will not make assumptions about the impact of the abuse • We will seek to understand the child’s coping strategies • We will see the child as part of a family and look at the family’s strengths and struggles • ‘Assessment as engagement’ with families should be an empowering experience based on choice • Mothers play a pivotal role in this process “It was like the first time I thought ‘someone’s actually listening to me’. From that moment I knew it would be ok, you know what I mean?” (Mother) Through the Eyes of a Bairn, Cedar Interim Evaluation Report, May 2010

  7. Initial Criteria • Children/Young person (CYP) is between the ages of 4 and 16 years • The woman and CYP are now out of the abusive environment • The CYP has a memory of their mothers abuse and can communicate that in some way • CYP and their mother are aware of and agree to the referral

  8. Assessment as engagement • The Cedar assessment process brings ‘added value’ in its own right as a form of ‘assessment as engagement’ – it’s not just an entry route to the groups • Through non-stigmatising engagement, much-needed additional services can be secured for children and families • There is a clear potential to reach ‘hard or harder to reach’ families through personal recommendation

  9. Assessment outcomes based on assessment and CYP choice Outcome fed back to referrer and/or lead professional

  10. The Cedar pilot in Scotland

  11. A Unique Approach: Volcanoes, Icebergs & Snacks • The use of powerful metaphors to promote learning • Attention to ‘first order’ needs • Curriculum • Peer support

  12. “We once done this activity like – it was iceberg and like at the top it’s quite small, but then under the sea it goes big…so like, if somebody feels quite, quite angry, then, they’ve got a lot more feeling underneath.” (Rhona, aged 12 years) “I learnt with the volcano not to be angry…I liked the way it exploded and needed to think before you explode.” (Shona, aged 7 years) Mothers also develop a deeper empathy for their children. One mother captured this stating: “It’s definitely through the eyes of a bairn, Cedar, isn’t it?”

  13. Activity -What does anger do to our bodies? What happens to my body when I feel angry? Frowning Scrunched nose Red cheeks Gritted teeth Narrow eyes Tense shoulders Off balance Weird feeling in tummy Feeling Weak Butterflies Clenched fist Collapse Shakey Cramp Wobbly knees Stomping feet

  14. Multi-agency Learning & Integration • Co- facilitators come from a variety of agencies • Powerful way to learn together in practice about impact of DA • Return to own agencies with higher level of understanding, knowledge and confidence • Promotes a ‘ripple effect’ in their own agencies

  15. Multi-agency professional learning and integration Learning together in practice: co-delivery Extending a strengths-based approach to broader professional practice Recognition of existing capacities of children and mothers Involvement in decision-making Enhancement of resilience & peer networks Non-judgemental approach: professionals share ‘Facilitation’ of learning and change • Very positive outcomes for co-facilitators • The value of multi-agency co-facilitation • Extending agency understandings of domestic abuse

  16. Valuing early intervention, prevention and partnership Recovery focused work is a solution rather than a burden Can strengthen local responses to DA Cedar sits best within a local context where there are clear policies and partnership strategies to respond to domestic abuse Can tackle inconsistencies in addressing DA amongst practitioners • Very high numbers of children in Scotland have lived with, or are living with, domestic abuse. • Cedar should have a place within wider social work provision - integrated into existing multi-agency and partnership work as ‘a way of working’

  17. I’ve learnt from talking to mothers – it was a real eye opener for them – and for me. The mothers supported my learning. In any group there’s learning for you as a participant – even if you’re a facilitator. (facilitator) Facilitators I’m more confident (in my wider work). I used to think what they needed was a formal service… professional response – now I’m more child focussed… think about what would connect with the young people, use their language and their opinions. (facilitator) Cedar gave us an opportunity we might otherwise never have – to deliver something together. I think that’s unique (facilitator)

  18. Building Lasting Partnerships • Considerable interest, enthusiasm and commitment towards adopting Cedar locally • Translating policy into practice – making a difference at a local level • Partnership working is core to its success

  19. ‘Action Research’ • Fundamental to the success of Cedar • Evidence base for model • Learning as we went along • Community of enquiry ‘critical friends’

  20. Outcomes for children, young people and mothers Families have a more positive future outlook Positive impact on mother-child relationship Positive group environment Ability to manage their emotions and their actions in response to domestic abuse A greater understanding of domestic abuse Greater knowledge of safe behaviour

  21. Cedar’s Wider Influence • Inspiring a different, more helpful and consistent approach towards domestic abuse • Engaging with ‘hard to reach’ families • Providing a unique vehicle for excellent partnership working across a range of disciplines • Improving outcomes for children & young people

  22. Provide 1:1 support to local Cedar projects Develop Cedar tools & resources Develop and implement training programme Organise & facilitate quarterly information exchange days Develop a database for the Cedar network Produce monthly updates Develop the Cedar website Raise the profile of Cedar Nationally Finalise Service Standards Develop a statistical database National Cedar Project

  23. Cedar Locally Dundee East Ayrshire East Dunbartonshire Edinburgh Fife Glasgow Inverclyde Moray North Ayrshire North Lanarkshire Perth & Kinross Renfrewshire Scottish Borders South Lanarkshire Angus Ross-shire Shakti

  24. Messages from Local Partners re future of Cedar The impact of domestic abuse on children and young people and their family relationships is important and lies at the heart of many other social issues. We must get our co-ordinated response right for every child Cedar is cost-effective and in the long term will save money for many services including the NHS, the Police, Social Work, Education and Criminal Justice Feedback from Cedar graduates – mothers, children and young people – is positive and compelling. A clear message from them is that family relationships have been restored as a result of Cedar and that they have a much more positive future outlook

  25. The Cedar pilot has been successful and should now be extended across Scotland with dedicated funding for local authorities. A clear message from graduates is that we should ‘keep Cedar as Cedar’ by maintaining the integrity and quality of the approach At this stage, it is important that we avoid stepping back and losing momentum. A national support network should be established to make the most of the existing expertise, allow sharing of good practice and ensure quality is maintained

  26. Cedar sits best within a local context where there are clear polices and strategies to respond to domestic abuse, including tackling perpetrators, support for women and children and prevention At local level, the Cedar approach should be integrated into existing services. There is scope for flexibility and creativity in delivery, but Cedar should not be watered down. Local Advisory Groups are an effective part of the Cedar model and should be maintained

  27. The Cedar assessment process is valuable and works to ensure the engagement and motivation of mothers and children in Cedar groups. Cedar will not be right for everyone; the assessment process is able to identify appropriate alternative forms of support, so that time spent on assessment still achieves positive outcomes for children and families We’d like to see all statutory services provide staff to co-facilitate Cedar groups, including teachers and social workers. This is a powerful way for professionals to learn together in practice about the impact of domestic abuse on children. Co-facilitators are a valuable resource for inter-agency training

  28. …and finally The voices of women and children from Cedar should continue to be heard. Their insights and expertise are a valuable reality check. We now wish to explore how Cedar graduates can continue to be involved in supporting their peers

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