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PH 301

PH 301. Dr. Cecilia Vogel Lecture 19. Review. quarks and leptons matter and antimatter. conservation laws hadrons, baryons, mesons flavor and color. Outline. Conservation Laws. Energy momentum – in CM frame, p=0 angular momentum (spin) lepton #, which = # leptons-#antileptons

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PH 301

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  1. PH 301 Dr. Cecilia Vogel Lecture 19

  2. Review • quarks and leptons • matter and antimatter • conservation laws • hadrons, baryons, mesons • flavor and color Outline

  3. Conservation Laws • Energy • momentum – in CM frame, p=0 • angular momentum (spin) • lepton #, which = # leptons-#antileptons • each “generation” • baryon #, which = (#quarks-#antiquarks)/3 • electric charge • color charge • always neutral –don’t worry • flavor is conserved, except in weak interactions • often accompanied by neutrino

  4. PAL - Conservation Check all 8 Conservation Lawsfor the neutron-decay reaction shown below:

  5. Lepton # Conservation • lepton # is conserved • # electron leptons - # elect. antileptons = constant • # mu leptons - # mu antileptons = constant • # tau leptons - # tau antileptons = constant • example • t - e- + nt +ne • electron lepton number initial =0 • electron lepton number final = 1-1 = 0 • conserved • tau lepton number initial = 1 • tau lepton number final = 1 • conserved

  6. Baryons • baryon is • any particle made of 3 quarks • such as p and n • antibaryon made of 3 antiquarks • such as p = uud • meson is • any particle made of quarks and antiquark • such as p+ = ud • which has charge =? (add quark & antiquark charges) • pentaquark is • any particle made of 4 quarks and an antiquark

  7. Baryon # Conservation • # quarks - # antiquarks = constant • Usually OK to use • # baryons - # antibaryons = constant • so long as no pentaquarks involved • example: a proton can’t turn into a positron • initial baryon # = 1 • final baryon # = 0 • not conserved — won’t happen!

  8. Momentum Conservation • pi =pf • for simplicity, always consider the center of mass frame for the initial particles • pi =0 • then pf =0 • example: e+ + e-  photons • can it just be one photon? NO • pf=h/l is not =0, p not conserved • Can it be two photons? YES • yes — if have same l and move in opposite dir • pf = h/l - h/l = 0 (conserved)

  9. Energy Conservation • Ei = Ef • mass is NOT conserved • can be turned to and from other forms of energy • example: e+ + e-  photons • If e- and e+ are approx at rest when they annihilate, what are the wavelengths of the photons? • Ei = (0.511MeV)+(0.511MeV) • Ef = 2hc/l. • l = 2.4 pm

  10. Angular Momentum Conservation • Angular momentum is conserved • must include spin • example: e+ + e-  g + g • spin of e is ½, spin of g is 1 (see table) • so ½ + ½ = 1 + 1??? • no • angular momentum must be added as vectors

  11. Angular Momentum Addition • angular momentum must be added as vectors • classical ang mom vectors can add to anything • from the difference between the two ang mom’s • to the sum • quantum ang mom vectors can add to anything • from the difference between the two ang mom’s • to the sum • in integer steps

  12. Angular Momentum Addition • quantum ang mom vectors can add to anything • from the difference between the two ang mom’s • to the sum, in integer steps • example: e+ + e-  g + g • ½ and ½ can add to zero • 1 and 1can also add to zero • so angular momentum can be conserved, 0=0 • other examples: • ½ and ½ can add to 0 or 1 • 1 and 1 can add to 0, 1, or 2 • ½ and 1 can add to ½ or 3/2

  13. Electric Charge Conservation • Electric charge is conserved • example: neutron decays into a proton • baryon # would be conserved (1=1) • but charge would not be conserved (0≠1) • so another particle produced = electron • but now electron lepton # not conserved (0≠1) • what can we add that will fix lepton # • without messing up baryon # or charge? • answer: an uncharged antilepton • All conserved in this:

  14. Flavor Conservation • Flavor is conserved • well, not really • in • a down quark turns into an up quark • quark flavor not conserved • Flavor is conserved • except in weak interactions • identified by the appearance of neutrinos

  15. Color Conservation • Color is conserved • what is color? • quarks have color charge • red or green or blue • baryons have white or neutral color charge • one quark each • red + green + blue = white

  16. Color Conservation • anti quarks have color charge • antired (cyan) or antigreen (magenta) or antiblue (yellow) • mesons have white or neutral color charge • one quark color, one quark anticolor • e.g. blue + antiblue = blue + yellow = white • Color is conserved • because it’s always neutral

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