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Multi-quark potential from AdS/QCD based on arXiv:0708.2123

Multi-quark potential from AdS/QCD based on arXiv:0708.2123. Wen-Yu Wen (NTU) @ Lattice QCD. OUTLINE. AdS/(CFT,QFT,QCD) correspondence Light quark degree of freedom Heavy quark probe & sQGP Multi-quark potential Comments. AdS 5 /CFT 4 -open string picture.

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Multi-quark potential from AdS/QCD based on arXiv:0708.2123

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  1. Multi-quark potential from AdS/QCDbased onarXiv:0708.2123 Wen-Yu Wen (NTU) @ Lattice QCD

  2. OUTLINE • AdS/(CFT,QFT,QCD) correspondence • Light quark degree of freedom • Heavy quark probe & sQGP • Multi-quark potential • Comments

  3. AdS5/CFT4-open string picture • Nc D3 branes in IIB superstring • Open strings excitation→ SU(Nc) sYM4 • Gauge field in adjoint rep → Gluons of Nc colors • Dilaton decoupled → β=0, CFT4

  4. r AdS5/CFT4- close string picture • Superstring @ low energy limit (ls → 0 )→ supergravity • Nc D3 brane has soliton-like metricslooks flat @ r →∞but AdS5×S5 @ r → 0 (near horizon limit) • Isometry SU(2,2|4)agrees with sYM4

  5. AdS5/CFT4 correspondence • IIB superstring (supergravity) on AdS5xS5 background is dual to N=4 SU(Nc) sYM (at large Nc limit) • (sYM) Usually large `t Hooft limit is taken:g→0, Nc →∞ s.t. λ=g2Nc large (but finite)then only planar diagram is relevant, and non-planar ones become correction. • (gravity) large λ=R4/α’2 assures that curvature is small and supergravity solution can be trusted.

  6. AdS/QFT • There are also correspondence between AdS3/CFT2(string@6D), AdS4/CFT3(M2 brane@11D), AdS7/CFT6(M5 brane@11D). • For generic Dp-brane, dilaton cannot decouple and then β ≠ 0. We only have QFT.

  7. AdS/QCD • (AdS/CFT) sYM @ strong coupling regime is dual to supergravity @ weak curvature. • (AdS/QFT) nontrivial dilaton plays role of running coupling. • AdS5+ dilaton ?/ QCD • dilaton ~ 1/r2 blows up @ IR and confinement was observed [soft-wall model] (O.Andreev,V.I.Zakharov;J.Erlich,D.T.Son,M.A.Stephanov) • Confinement can be simply realized if IR part of AdS5 is removed [hard-wall model](J.Erlich,D.T.Son,M.A.Stephanov)

  8. IR IR r=∞ r=0 Confinement • the effective wall potential rises up at IR or cutoff rc • Meson of small size→ Coulomb potential thanks to conformal symmetry • Meson of large size→ linear potential thanks to IR wall

  9. IR Black Hole Deconfinement • Finite temperature→ AdS black hole; rH= 1/πT • Confinement phase @ rc > rHDeconfinement phase @ rc < rH

  10. Light quark degree of freedom • Add Nf flavor branes (D7), strings stretched between D3 and D7 represent quarks of fundamental rep. • Strings on D7 represent meson degree of freedom. • Usually assume Nf << Nc to ignore back reaction.

  11. Heavy quark probe • Quark mass is determined by integrating string tension from flavor brane to AdS center. • Heavy quark is obtained by pushing D7 towards AdS boundary. • Quark of infinite mass cannot be generated by finite-length string breaking, if no other dynamic (light) quark exists→quenched QCD

  12. Heavy quark physics and sQGP • Moving quark dumps energy into black hole→ drag force ~ -√λ T2 v/√1-v2 • Moving meson feels no drag force if size smaller than critical length. • Jet quenching parameter can be calculated from light-like wilson loop. v

  13. H.Boschi-Filho,N.R.F.Braga,C.N.Ferreira,06 E(L) T L Heavy quark potential • Wilson loop → string worldsheet • S~ TE(L) for T >> L

  14. Baryon vertex • D5 wrapping on S5 as baryon vertex, where Nc strings stick out. • D5 tension cancels off Nc strings tension. • Total energy is simply superposition of wrapped D5 and Nc strings. • Without IR wall, E ~ 1/L

  15. IR Y-shape Baryon potential • Insert IR wall, we obtain Cornell-like potentialE ~ -A/L + σL + C • A~√λ, σ~1/α’, C~R5/α’ • Curve A: fit IRCurve B: fit UV

  16. L h L h Tetra-quark • Tetra-quark potential: E~ -4A/L + (4L+h) σ + 2C • Flip-flop @ small h: 4Q -> 2 mesons

  17. L h Penta-quark and other exotic config. • E~ -5A/L + (5L+h) σ + 3C • In general, for exotic N quark, we may haveE ~ -N A/L + (NL+h) σ + N C • Naively, E is linear to total length. • However deviation @ UV requires more thoughts, either flip-flop or attraction between vertices may contribute.

  18. Finite-temperature • String tension σ ~ √1-T4 for small T • However, lattice data expects σ decreases with T2

  19. comments • Possible improvement on Cornell potential1. UV perfection → string breaking (unquenched) 2. IR refinement → low transition Tc3. Incorporation of close string channel and flip-flop mechanism • Correction due to finite Nc ~ 10% • Heavy-light configuration, i.e. Z(4430) • Dynamics study

  20. Thank You

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