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The English High School ELL Academy Goal. Long Term Goal. The long term goal of our ELL students is to show growth in both social and academic language in oral and written forms in order to maintain or improve their GPAs upon transition to general education and college level courses.
Long Term Goal • The long term goal of our ELL students is to show growth in both social and academic language in oral and written forms in order to maintain or improve their GPAs upon transition to general education and college level courses.
ELL Academy S.M.A.R.T. Goal At least 85% of students will advance one English Language Development (ELD) level or more per year with the support of unified SEI instructional strategies and ESL formative assessments given at 6 week or quarterly intervals. ELD level will be measured with the annual MEPA exam.
How will ELD progress be measured? • Oral language will be measured by quarterly rubric-based presentations as well as annual scores on the MELA-O. • Growth in reading comprehension will be measured through administration of the QRI at 6 week intervals. • Growth in writing will be measured through students’ writing samples as evaluated with the ELPBO (English Language Proficiency Benchmarks Outcomes) according to ELD level every 2 weeks. • The Visions Curriculum Summative Assessments will also be used to track growth.
How will ELD progress be monitored? • ESL and SEI students’ individual and collective data • will be continuously tracked and graphed on an ELL • department wide assessment data spreadsheet.
What unified instructional strategies will SEI teachers use? Sheltered English Immersion teachers will share vocabulary lists and word wall items to promote the common use of new vocabulary across content areas. SEI teachers will use authentic, hands on, and visual tasks in our instructional units. SEI teachers will create and share writing assignments evaluated with the ELPBO rubric. SEI teachers will identify further assessments and indicators aligned with both the MEPA and MCAS.
Other Common Strategies: Reading/Writing/AVID • Instruction and use of Tier 2 words • Instruction and use of Function Words Specific to Content Areas • Transition Phrases (Nevertheless, Although, Therefore, etc.) • Awareness of Cognates • (41% of Science Terms are cognates in Latin Languages and vice verse, 39% in Math, 19% in Social Studies/History, and 9% in ELA) • Use of Idiomatic Expressions • Text Analysis • Writing Journals • Various types of structured group discussions (i.e. debate) • Read Aloud • Pair Reading with Comprehension Questions • Silent Reading • KNL, Graphic Organizers, Multiple Representations • Habits of inquiry will be developed through all 3 of Costa’s levels of questioning
A culture of collaboration and personal reflection Teachers in the ELL Academy are also encouraged to develop personal instructional goals, while sharing student work, data, and reflections related to these goals during Academy professional development time. Some of these goals may become Academy goals. Possible personal goals include Increased use of technology in the classroom Elaboration of a class website Videotaping students presenting their work Creating a classroom newspaper or magazine Creating cross-curricular units Increased use of investigative labs And more as determined by teachers…