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An Overview of Social Protection Policies & Initiatives in Bhutan

An Overview of Social Protection Policies & Initiatives in Bhutan. Tashi Choden Centre for Bhutan Studies March 18, 2010. Bhutan – basic facts. Spans over 38,394 square km of mountainous terrain Population - 600,000.

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An Overview of Social Protection Policies & Initiatives in Bhutan

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  1. An Overview of Social Protection Policies & Initiatives in Bhutan Tashi Choden Centre for Bhutan Studies March 18, 2010

  2. Bhutan – basic facts • Spans over 38,394 square km of mountainous terrain • Population - 600,000

  3. Communities and villages are often isolated from each other by harsh, mountainous terrain

  4. An urban center in Bhutan

  5. Social protection through Kidu • Kidu or welfare is granted by the king to people in various situations of hardship • System has been strengthened and a Kidu Fund has been created King Khesar on a tour of villages in Bhutan

  6. Introduction of Planned Development

  7. Social protection through the social sectors Health indicators • 90% primary health care coverage • Life expectancy 66.3 years • 90% immunization coverage • 84.2% access to safe drinking water • 89.2% access to safe sanitation

  8. Free basic education (up to 10th standard) • Gross Primary Enrolment Rate of 112% • Need-based and merit-based scholarships for tertiary education • Non-Formal Education Program to address low adult literacy • 736 centers, 747 instructors, 13,829 learners

  9. Poverty Reduction • Bhutan’s HDI - 0.613; 0.325 in 1984 • 33% live under the poverty line • Poverty a rural phenomenon • Poverty reduction is the primary goal and theme for 10th Five-Year Plan (FYP) (2009 – 2013) • NGOs such as Tarayana Foundation play critical role

  10. Empowerment of women • National Commission for Women and Children (NCWC) • RENEW (Respect, Educate, Nurture and Empower Women) • National Plan of Action on Gender incorporated in 10th FYP

  11. Social protection through legal instruments: • Constitution of the Kingdom of Bhutan: • Article 7 – Fundamental Rights • Article 8 – Fundamental Duties • Article 9 – Principles of State Policy • Labour & Employment Act 2007 • Bhutan Civil Service Rules & Regulations 2006 • Penal Code of Bhutan 2004 • National Housing Development Policy 2002 • Policy of Gross National Happiness Adoption of the Constitution, 2008

  12. Thank You & Tashi Delek!

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