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Holograpic Transport Coeffients Equation of State and Viscosities *)

Holograpic Transport Coeffients Equation of State and Viscosities *) (AdS/QCD). R. Yaresko, B. Kämpfer. Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf and Technische Universität Dresden. *) 1403.3581, 1306.0214. from Mocsy, Sorensen

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Holograpic Transport Coeffients Equation of State and Viscosities *)

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  1. Holograpic Transport Coeffients Equation of State and Viscosities *) (AdS/QCD) R. Yaresko, B. Kämpfer Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf and Technische Universität Dresden *) 1403.3581, 1306.0214

  2. from Mocsy, Sorensen 1008.3381 HYDRO: EoS + viscosities , PHENIX, ALICE… Big Bang Inflation CMB COBE, WMAP, Planck BICEP2

  3. viscosity is important for flow pattern and splashes water:

  4. Bulk Viscosity Could Matter Dusling, Schafer, PRC 85 (2012) 044909 pQCD (leading log): 48

  5. Bulk Viscosity Matters Noronha-Hostler, Denicol, Noronha, Andrade, Grassi, Phys.Rev. C88 (2013) 044916

  6. Bulk Viscosity Can Matter Basar, Kharzeev, Skokov, PRL 109 (2012) 202303 Tuchin, arXiv:1301.0099 coupling of conformal anomaly to photons  solution of photon-v2 puzzle? data: PHENIX PRL 109 (2012) 122302

  7. bulk viscosity orig. Huovinen, Int.J.Mod.Phys. E22 (2013) 1330029

  8. Compilation of Lattice Results & QPM Bluhm et al., PLB 709 (2012) 77, PRC 84 (2011) 025201 (1) EoS

  9. (2) relaxation time a = 3.78, b = - 0.3

  10. Holography physics in D + N D quantum gravity QFT e.g. AdS/CFT: 1997: Maldacena, Gubser et al. Witten isometries symmetry classical gravity strongly coupled QFT `t Hooft coupling and Nc large

  11. r = const: Minkowski slices r  infty: boundary boundary : holographic coordinate (renorm.) scale Z  1/r blackness funct. (simple zero  horizon)

  12. gravity dual of QCD is unknown recipe: breaking of conf. symmetry  duality with non-conf. QFT bottom-up appr.: mimicing thermal QCD features/expectations by 1 scalar („dilaton“)  kinetic term + potential + by 1 gauge field T n

  13. gravity setup Einstein - Hilbert metric ansatz (Riemann) gauged radial coordinate  scale Gubser et al. PRL 101 (2008) 131601, PRD 78 (2008) 086007

  14. AdS 0 U = V / (3 V‘) Bekenstein Hawking  EoS s(T)

  15. Kiritsis et al.: - 2 scalar eqs. for X‘, Y‘ - 2 quadratures  LT, G_5 s UV IR Kiritsis et al.: p(Tc) = 0 G_5 s LT LTc phi_H engineering the potential: EoS  V open questions: - a unique (master) V - V vs. phase transition

  16. bottom-up approach: EoS (lattice QCD)  dilaton potential exp. functs. from supergravity pots. ansatz: Gubser type pot. + polynom. distortions T/Tc vs. TL: from T(s/T^3) min. or turning G5: from s/T^3

  17. lattice QCD, SU(3) gauge theory, Borsanyi et al., JHEP 1207 (2012) 056 consistent with Boyd et al., NPB 469 (1996) 419

  18. bulk viscosity Gubser et al., JHEP 0808 (2008) 085 -2 Eling, Oz, JHEP 1106 (2011) 007 cf. Buchel et al., JHEP 1109 (2011) 095 = (d log s / d log phi_H) AdS 0 shear viscosity is independent of V KSS, JHEP 0310 (2003) 064 Policastro, Son, Starinets, PRL 87 (2001) 081601

  19. benefit: w/o further input  spectral functions  transport coefficients as in QPM (Bluhm et al.)

  20. bulk viscosity is not universal (as, e.g. shear viscosity/entropy)  sensitive dependence on pot. parameters

  21. Kiritsis et al. Model Tc from p = 0, beta function, confinement J. Knaute (2014)

  22. Is the Potential Unique? boundary (UV) Tc 10 Tc  nearly the same EoS & bulk viscosity also for Kititsis pot. (boundary at phi  infty)

  23. including quarks WB Collab. Phys.Lett. B730 (2014) 99 A. Bazavov [hotQCD], talk at QM2014, Tuesday

  24. two dilaton „potentials“: DeWolfe , Gubser, Rosen, Phys.Rev. D84 (2011) 126014, 83 (2011) 086005 models with CEP

  25. Summary after precise adjustment of EoS at lattice data here: SU(3) YM

  26. Outlook spectral functions & medium on equal footing  beyond soft-wall models temperature dependence of eta/s  beyond Einstein-Hilbert action mu > 0  CEP: Cremonini, Gursoy, Szepietowski, JHEP 08 (2012) 167 DeWolfe, Gubser, Rosen, PRD 83 (2011) 086005, PRD 84 (2011) 126014 and all the other transport coefficients

  27. meson in vector channel Abelian field strength of V soft-wall model: AdS/QCD, soft-wall model, Cui. Takeuchi, Wu, 1112.5923 (T in GeV) mass shift JHEP 1204 (2012) 144

  28. Schwarzschild BH  Reissner-Nordstrom BH: chem. pot. AdS/QCD, soft-wall model, Colangelo, Giannuzzi, Nicotri, 1201.1564, JHEP 1205 (2012) 076 mass shift + broadening vision: beyond soft-wall ansatz  dilaton consistent with EoS problem: missing unique QCD results with quarks

  29. AdS/QCD 5D Riemann: x,z 4D Minkowski: x semi-class. gravity strongly coupled gauge theo. X(x, z) gauge-inv. Operators (x) asymp. AdS black brane: T (Hawking) s (Bekenstein) semi-class. functional correlation functions breaking conf. sym. by mass scale, e.g. dilation + potential

  30. AdS/CFT Emissivities Baier,Stricker, Taanila, Vuorinen, Phys.Rev. D86 (2012) 081901, JHEP 1207 (2012) 094 at T > 200 MeV, one obtains the thermalization time scale ~ 0.1 fm/c, which one might compare with the typical production time of dileptons with mass/energy larger than 5 GeV, tau_p < 0.04 fm/c. It appears that dilepton pairs produced early on have a reasonable chance to escape the system while it is still out of thermal equilibrium.  problem of particle production in dynamical systems

  31. F. Wunderlich quark-meson model mfa with lin. fluct.

  32. isentropes lin. fluct. 50 MeV photons lin. fluct.

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