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THE TOMB OF KING TUTANKHAMUN. (The Boy King). THE TOMB OF KING TUTANKHAMUN. History: New Kingdom Pharaoh 18 th Dynasty Became king at age 9 Died at age 18. Only intact burial of an Egyptian Pharaoh Tomb Location: Valley of The Kings. THE TOMB OF KING TUTANKHAMUN. Discovery of Tomb:

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  2. THE TOMB OF KING TUTANKHAMUN • History: • New Kingdom Pharaoh • 18th Dynasty • Became king at age 9 • Died at age 18. • Only intact burial of an Egyptian Pharaoh • Tomb Location: Valley of The Kings

  3. THE TOMB OF KING TUTANKHAMUN • Discovery of Tomb: • Howard Carter: British Archaeologist • Spent 7 years looking for tomb in Valley. • By trade an artist. • Got his start working on digs as an artist.

  4. The Tomb Of King Tutankhamun • Howard Carter: • Previous work: • 1893: Deir el Bahari: Temple of Hatshepsut • 1900: Chief Inspector of Antiquities for Egypt • 1905: Began work for Lord Carnarvon • 1917-1929: Tut’s tomb.

  5. The Tomb Of King Tutankhamun • Lord Carnarvon • Wealthy private collector • Financed archaeological digs • Valuable collection of Egyptian Artifacts • He financed Carter’s digs. Beginning in 1905.

  6. THE TOMB OF KING TUTANKHAMUN • Valley of the Kings: • Location: Upper Egypt • Burial spot for New Kingdom Pharaohs. • Two areas: East Valley and West Valley • Most tombs in East Valley • Thutmose III, one of earliest tombs in Valley. • Tut’s tomb is adjacent to Rameses VI tomb

  7. THE TOMB OF KING TUTANKHAMUN • Valley of the Kings: • Tut’s burial: KV62 • Barren region • Stop tomb robbers?

  8. THE TOMB OF KING TUTANKHAMUN • The Tomb: • Small • Probably for someone of lesser rank • 4 rooms and a passageway • 4 doorways • Staircase leads to passageway

  9. THE TOMB OF KING TUTANKHAMUN • The Tomb: • The rooms: • Antechamber • Annex • Burial Chamber • Treasury

  10. THE TOMB OF KING TUTANKHAMUN Burial Chamber: • The only part of the tomb with wall paintings. • One depicts: Opening of Mouth Ceremony • Senses are restored to Tut. • Performed by Ay, his successor

  11. THE TOMB OF KING TUTANKHAMUN OPENING of the MOUTH CEREMONY Ay Tut Tut in burial garments

  12. TUTS TOMB • Burial Chamber: • Only room in the entire structure that is decorated. • Back wall painting

  13. TUTS TOMB Burial Chamber Pictures

  14. THE TOMB OF KING TUTANKHAMUN • Burial Chamber: • 4 gilded shrines inside one another. • Stone sarcophagus: inside were 3 coffins • Innermost coffin: solid gold • Inside this coffin was Tut with golden mask.

  15. TUTS TOMB • Arrangement of Coffins: • (1)First Coffin • It is made of Cypress wood overlaid with gold foil • (2)Second Coffin • This coffin of finer workmanship than the preceding, was also made of wood covered in gold foil • (3)Third Coffin • It is made of solid gold and weights 110.4 kg. • (4)The Mummy • It was decorated with near 150 amulets, jewels and the superb golden mask inlaid with wonderful glass

  16. TUTS TOMB • Outer Sarcophagus • Weight 1 ¼ tons

  17. TUTS TOMB • Burial Chamber: • Third Coffin:Solid gold, weighs 243 lbs and is 74 inches in length. This coffin contained the mummy of the young pharaoh, covered by the famous mask. It was placed within a second coffin, made of wood covered in gold foil, which in turn was set within the first, outermost, coffin, also made of wood covered in gold foil.

  18. TUTS TOMB • Burial Chamber • Third Coffin: Image of sun above coffin

  19. TUTS TOMB • Burial Chamber: • Burial Mask:Made of solid gold, placed directly upon the pharaoh's mummy. Function: protection. • Weight: 24 lbs. • On the forehead of the mask are a royal uraeus and a vulture's head: • symbols of the two deities of Lower and Upper Egypt: Wadjet and Nekhbet.

  20. TUTS TOMB • Burial Chamber • Gold/Wood Shrines • Covered with thick gold foil, set on a wooden sledge • 4 Shrines one inside the other

  21. THE TOMB OF KING TUTANKHAMUN • Antechamber: • Contained: chariots, food, funeral couches, thrones, two black guardian figures. • This area was seen first by Carter.

  22. TUTS TOMB • Antechamber

  23. TUTS TOMB • Antechamber • Life sized statues: 2 stood guard by the sealed door to burial chamber • made of wood, painted with black resin and overlaid with gold in parts. • They depict the pharaoh

  24. TUTS TOMB • Antechamber • Golden Throne: • Scene from back of throne • Made of wood covered with sheet gold, and adorned with semiprecious stones and colored glass paste.

  25. TUTS TOMB • Antechamber • Rams Head • Head of Tut: • On wood


  27. TUTS TOMB • ANNEX • Shabti Figures • 413 shabtis was found • In both annex and treasury • About 12 in. in height

  28. TUTS TOMB • Treasury • Statuette of goddess Selkis • Made of gilded wood • one of the four protective deities of the outer canopy of the Canopic Shrine containing the viscera of the deceased pharaoh

  29. TUTS TOMB • Treasury • Canopic Shrine of Tutankhamen. • The goddess Isis • Within this a series of smaller shrines, of gilded wood and calcite. • Within the Canopic chest itself were four gold coffinettes, with the viscera of the pharaoh. Close up of canopic jar lids

  30. THE TOMB OF KING TUTANKHAMUN • The Treasury: • Adjacent to burial chamber. • Needs of afterlife: • Boats, gilded figures, canopic chest, protective figure of Anubis.

  31. TUTS TOMB • King Tut’s unwrapped Mummy: • 5’ 4” tall • Died between age 17-19

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