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Chapter 5. Changes on The Western Frontier: Section 1-4.
Chapter 5 Changes on The Western Frontier: Section 1-4
Buffalo Soldier, dreadlock rasta:There was a Buffalo Soldier in the heart of America,Stolen from Africa, brought to America,Fighting on arrival, fighting for survival.If you know your history,Then you would know where you coming from,Then you wouldn't have to ask me,Who the 'eck do I think I am.I'm just a Buffalo Soldier in the heart of America,Stolen from Africa, brought to America,Said he was fighting on arrival, fighting for survival;Said he was a Buffalo Soldier in the war for America.Dreadie, woy yoy yoy, woy yoy-yoy yoy,Woy yoy yoy yoy, yoy yoy-yoy yoy!Woy yoy yoy, woy yoy-yoy yoy,Woy yoy yoy yoy, yoy yoy-yoy yoy!Buffalo Soldier troddin' through the land, wo-ho-ooh!Said he wanna ran, then you wanna hand,Troddin' through the land, yea-hea, yea-ea.Said he was a Buffalo Soldier win the war for America;Buffalo Soldier, dreadlock rasta,Fighting on arrival, fighting for survival;Driven from the mainland to the heart of the Caribbean.Dreadie, woy yoy yoy, woy yoy-yoy yoy,Woy yoy yoy yoy, yoy yoy-yoy yoy!Woy yoy yoy, woy yoy-yoy yoy,Woy yoy yoy yoy, yoy yoy-yoy yoy!
Objectives: • To understand the mistreatment and final defeat of the Natives • To describe the opening up of the West • To understand the role of cowboys and the role of prairie settlers in defining the West • To evaluate the role of inventions in changing life in the West
Homestead Act, 1862 – gov’t gave 160 acres of free land to anyone who lived on it for 5 years.
This created problems for the Natives. • Why????
Settlers saw natives as savages. • (Just like the movie stereotype) • Yet, Plains Indians had a highly developed culture.
Culture clashes with white men: 1. Natives believed in spirits. • Shamans – medicine men/women (communed with spirits)
2. Natives lived communally. • Everyone shared • (true communism).
3. Natives did not believe land could be owned, they set aside hunting and burial grounds.
1598, Spanish brought horses to America giving Plains natives mobility leading to the hunt for buffalo as their main way of life. (1700’s)
Land competition led to Indian wars. • African Americans joined the US Army; Indians called them “Buffalo Soldiers”..
In early 1800’s, land was set aside for the natives; treaties were passed, but not honored. • Map – page 205
Treaty of Laramie, 1851 – beginning of the Reservation system.
By 1860’s, Indians had become dependent on the gov’t for all supplies. (why is this so bad?) • Gov’t agents were often corrupt
Massacre at Sand Creek: 1864, US Army leader, Chivington, massacred the Cheyenne at the Sand Creek Reserve.
Chivington led the massacre. • Over 400 Arapaho and Cheyenne, mostly women and children.
Indians responded with the Fetterman massacre. • Result: Another treaty….did not last …Indians began raids again.
1874, gold discovered in the Black Hills of the Dakotas. (land set aside in the Treaty of Laramie) • Miners rushed in; Natives protested….
Geronimo was a famous Apache war chief. Mexicans killed his mother, wife, & 3 children so he repeatedly caused problems. Lived on reservations in Al., FL, Ok.
Custer’s last stand: (1876) General George Custer and all of his men were killed by the natives at the Battle of Little Bighorn. • (Sitting Bull, Crazy Horse and Gall)
Sitting Bull fled into Canada until starvation brought him back into the US. Short film about the battle…
How badly were the Native Am. treated? • 1881, Helen Hunt Jackson wrote A Century of Dishonor about 100’s of broken US/Native treaties. • The US did not keep a single treaty.
“assimilation” – process where Natives would become like whites.(dress, language, etc.) • Whites would “Americanize” the Natives.
Dawes Act, 1887 – broke up reservations and divided land among the Natives. Additional land was to be sold and $ given to the Natives for farming equipment. (didn’t happen)
White settlers destroyed the buffalo too. • Only about 1000 buffalo were left by 1900.
Once a proud race, Natives lived in poverty and disease. • They looked for a savior…
A Paiute prophet taught them a Ghost Dance to save them from the white man. • (much like the ideas of Christianity)
They came to believe if they wore the white shirts, it would keep bullets from piercing their skin.
Ghost shirt worn by a warrior
White reaction was to kill Sitting Bull (1890) and … • Reaction: At Wounded Knee Creek Camp the army massacred over 200 Natives.
The Natives resisted no more. • (movie clip)
Ranching became big business on the Plains (from Kansas to Texas).
American cowboys learned from Mexican cowboys. • They herded cattle on the “open range”. • The Longhorns came from Spain.
Cowboy terms: 1. “jerky” (dried meat) 2. “broncos” (wild horses) 3. “mustangs (strays) 4. “rancheros” (ranch) 5. “corral” and “rodeo”
American Buckeroo • Wore “spurs” and overalls called “chaps”
Bandanas were used for sun screens, tourniquets, dust masks, washcloths, strainer for muddy water, face covering for dead cowboys, noose for hanging horse thieves, and blindfold for skittish horses.
Gunslingers and Outlaws: • Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid • Billy the Kid • The Younger Brothers • Jesse James • Calamity Jane • Wild Bill Hickock • Wyatt Earp • Judge Roy Bean