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Isu lingkungan . Challenges to a life-sustaining earth, that can allow humans to live an abundant life ?. H azards. M etereological and geophysical: gempa, gunung meletus B iological: malaria, kaki gajah M an-made: polusi dari transportasi dan industri . D evelopment .
Isu lingkungan • Challenges to a life-sustaining earth, that can allow humans to live an abundant life ?
Hazards • Metereological and geophysical: gempa, gunung meletus • Biological: malaria, kaki gajah • Man-made: polusi dari transportasi dan industri
Development Intentional and planned activities to change the environmental equilibrium from a low quality level to an improved one, low and improved quality being looked upon from the point of view of man In the development process efforts must be made to preserve the ability of the environment to carry out its ecological functions to sustain the improved quality of life
Risks of development • Perkembangandemographic • Globalisasi • Perkembangan teknologi • Perubahan struktur sosial dan ekonomi
Demographic development • Faster growth in human consumption • Available resources • Level of pollution and waste • Extinction of species • Human life in crowded cities
Wealthy, high-energy, high consumption societies : poor/very poor societies • Highest levels of consumption, resource use and emission : low standar of living Thus, the pressures on the earth come from two directions: from indulgent rich and multiplying poor
Globalisasi: risiko berpasangan dan berangkai (sistemik); in many cases, interdependencies tidak lagi banyak dipengaruhi spatial proximity • International trade • Transpor • Worldwide production system
Perkembangan teknologi - menghasilkan risiko lain GMO – medical use or food Penggunan tenaga nuklir – kesehatan Mobile phones – electromagnetic fields Chemically based technology (e.g. flourine) – berguna untuk gigi tetapi dalam jumlah besar beracun
Perubahan struktur sosial dan ekonomi, efek pada: • pengaturan prosedur dan institusi pengelola dan penilai risiko • Pelibatan badan-badan internasional Ditambah pengaruh media
Penyebaran risiko • Local nature and global ones • Local/regional: soil (erosion, salinization, aciditification, exhaustion), longsor, puting beliung, penurunan permukaan tanah, flood, polusi udara and air, and acid deposition • Transboundary: air pollution
Local/regional scale environmental problems Soil • Climate and vegetation cover • Wind • Water • Hujan asam, acidity of soils • Penggurunan • Soils have become a dump for human waste products, terutama toxic wastes • Spread of disease pathogens
Polusi udara dan air • Nir-materi , a.l. kebisingan, bahang (heat), bau • Materi terjadi apabila laju produksi limbah lebih tinggi daripada kemampuan lingkungan untuk mengasimilasi atau/dan mengangkut limbah
Penyebaran pencemaran udara dan air • Udara memiliki aspek lokal, regional, dan global; tersebar oleh angin • Rokok, dapur, mobil • Transpor • Pencemaran air mempunyai batas yang jelas, misalnya di sebuah danau atau melalui aliran sungai • Rumah tangga • Irigasi • Industri
Kecenderungan • Urbanisasi • Pengkotaan desa • Konversi lahan pertanian menjadi lahan nir-pertanian
City-scale environmental problems • Urban smog • Polluted waterways • Limbah • Peri-urban resources degradation In recent trends, urban middle classes and elites rising out of the overcrowded city and unsanitary slums
Kasus-kasus • Kasus yang ada di daerah anda?