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LOCAL IMPACT THROUGH IDP IDPS IN THE PAST: No proper legal and policy framework No ownership of the process by the municipality No tested planning methodology No nation wide IDP Funding System No appropriate support system in place Limited skills and know how on IDP
LOCAL IMPACT THROUGH IDP • IDPS IN THE PAST: • No proper legal and policy framework • No ownership of the process by the municipality • No tested planning methodology • No nation wide IDP Funding System • No appropriate support system in place • Limited skills and know how on IDP • Huge dependency on consultants • Training not target group oriented • Technical vs Strategic thinking on IDPs • Comprehensive documents that are not implementable • Unstructured participation • Conclusion: In the past IDPs were not very impactful, nor • were they clearly enforced by any legislation. The status of • IDPs was not taken seriously by municipalities, therefore the • emergence of long wish lists that creates false hope.
IDPS: THE SECOND TIME AROUND! • DPLG CREATING AN ENABLING ENVIRONMENT • The New Cycle: • A clear legal framework in place. • The Municipal Systems Act, Act 32 of 2000. Chapter 5 dedicated to • Integrated Development Planning and Regulations • Strong Support Structures established. • The Planning and Implementation Support Systems (PIMS Centres). • The development of the PIMSS.NET cd • Clear and Comprehensive Guidelines on IDPs. • “IDP Guide Packs” Guide I - Guide Vi • Intensive nation wide training
KEY LOCAL IMPACT AREAS OF IDPS WHERE THE IDP MAKES A DIFFERENCE Impact Areas of IDPs in the Municipality 1.A tool to promote developmental local governance as stipulated in The Constitution of South Africa 2. Municipal Strategic Five Year Plan 3. Attraction of additional funds for municipalities 4. Promoting the “Batho Pele” through democratisation in planning 5. Promoting the bottom-up approach 6. The tool to overcome the apartheid legacy 7. A tool for Spatial Integration 8. Fast tracking delivery 9. A tool for Local Economic Development 10. A tool for poverty reduction and promotion of gender equity 11.A strategy to address HIV/AIDS
THE IDP CYCLE EXPERIENCE TO DATE DPLG OUTCOMES OF THE NEW CYCLE General IDP Findings + Implementation Focused IDPs: Major shifts from long project title wish lists Project designs linked with the municipal budgets IDP plans owned by municipalities + Democratisation/Bottom-up/ Batho Pele Structured Participation Voices of the Voiceless uplifted including the Traditional Leaders + New approach on IDPs emphasised Definition of IDP= a principal strategic planning instrument which guides and informs all planning,budgeting, management, and decision-making in a municipality for a period of five years. + Strong emphasis on implementation + The IDP process; A municipal driven process Less usage of Consultants and good management of consultants where used + Qualified Support Systems
THE IDP CYCLE EXPERIENCE TO DATE DPLG OUTCOMES OF THE NEW CYCLE General IDP Findings - Lack of alignment with Sectoral Programmes - No reflection on causes and effects of needs - Limited strategies
IDP Support Programme 1. IDP Guide Pack 2. Over 1300 officials and Councilors trained 3. PIMS-Centres established in 31 districts 4. IDP task team providing hands-on support 5. Provincial support system strengthened 6. IDP assessment and support panel established 7. Dedicated panel session with the 13 rural nodes 8. PIMS-Centres established in all 13 rural nodes
IDP Support Programme 1. IDP monitoring system established 2. IDP Nerve Centre to support intergovernmental planning 3. CBO and NGO training programme conducted 4. Ward committee and IDP rep forum training programme