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Purpose. Updated Grading and Drainage Ordinance has not been modified since 1989 It furthers compliance of the MS4 Permit as one tool for compliance but does not do it all Cost effective methods of reducing pollution loads heading to the river

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Purpose Updated Grading and Drainage Ordinance has not been modified since 1989 It furthers compliance of the MS4 Permit as one tool for compliance but does not do it all Cost effective methods of reducing pollution loads heading to the river Part of an overall plan to be in compliance with permit but will take years to implement Ordinance was written and stands by itself.

  2. Fundamental Changes Capture 90th percentile of the floods “Manage flows” which is more flexible than “Capture flows” and follows normal practice OSE issues First flush is a southwest issue due to the nature and frequency of the storm events Difference between what is happening today verses old ordinance (capturing the differences)

  3. Permits Storm Water Quality permit for Erosion and Sediment all construction - New Grading Permit – Existing and will remain Fugitive Dust or Old (Top Soil Disturbance Permit) – Existing and will remain Notice of Intent (EPA Permit) for 1 acre and larger – Existing will remain

  4. Post construction of Property Storm Water Quality Permit Every 3 years certification required Structural controls and ongoing maintenance Inspection/certification Nonstructural controls Can be terminated and dedicated to COA Detail to be worked out in the DPM (Passage of Ordinance the DPM committee will start working on detail)

  5. Flexibility in the approval process through the City Engineer Local situation Site specific Topography specific Appeal process through the Technical Standards Committee

  6. Fees based upon administrative fees Cross training of City Inspectors for SWPPP compliance No separate division

  7. Process for appeal to Technical Standards Committee currently in place

  8. What the city is doing internally

  9. Questions ???

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