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POD Model Reduction: A Method for Reducing the Computational Burden of Solving Systems of Equations from Numerical Models. Scott E. Boyce and William W.-G. Yeh. February 25 th , 2014. Hydrology and Water Resources Program Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
POD Model Reduction: A Method for Reducing the Computational Burden of Solving Systems of Equations from Numerical Models Scott E. Boyce and William W.-G. Yeh February 25th, 2014 • Hydrology and Water Resources Program • Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering • University of California, Los Angeles • Contact: Boyce@engineer.com
Numerical Mathematical Models • Most hydrological systems are too complex to solve with a simple analytical solution. • Numerical approximations produce a system Ordinary Differential Equations (ODEs) or linear equations. • Three ways to improve speed of numerical approximations. • Wait for faster computers • Better Solvers • Model Reduction Techniques
Motivation For Model Reduction • Complex, highly-discretized models can have a substantial computational requirement to solve. • Speed of a single model run influences overall: • Management Decisions • Calibration Time (Parameter Estimation) • Projection Based Model Reduction Via Proper Orthogonal Decomposition (POD) • Project the system matrices onto a subspace that is easier to solve.
Visualizing Model Reduction • A gray scale image can be thought of as a matrix. • Each value in the matrix (pixel) contains a gray scale intensity. Think of each column as containing information about the image
System of Equations • Linear systems of Equations or ODE’s are common when hydrological systems are approximated numerically. • The general forms of these two system of equations are:
Model Reduction Projecting The System of Equations • Assume the following to be true: • Substitute into the system of ODEs • Apply the Galerkin Projection • Pre-multiply by PT
Making the Projection Matrix P • Collect solutions, called snapshots, from the model to construct P. • To be a proper projection basis matrix the set of snapshots have to be made orthonormal.
Proper Orthogonal Decomposition (POD) Singular Value Decomposition (SVD)
Solving the Groundwater Equation • By applying finite differences or finite elements the spatial partial derivatives are transformed into a linear system of temporal ordinary differential equations
Synthetic model of theOristanoplain of Sardinia, Italy Modeled With SAT2D 57,888 Elements 29,197 Nodes 7 Hydraulic Conductivity Zones 6 Pumping Wells 1 Layer that is 100 m Thick Specific Storage is 10-5 m-1 5 day pump test simulation
Final Reduction Sizes • Original Size: 29,197 Equations → Simulation Time: ~33 s Collected snapshots at a constant pumping rate with different values of hydraulic conductivity. • Reduced Model: 127 Equations → Simulation Time: ~2.9 s
Conclusion • POD Model Reduction is a viable option for improving the speed of a linear system of equations or ODE’s • ~ 99% reduction in state dimension • ~ 90% reduction in solution time • While theoretically only applicable to linear systems, a nonlinear extensions require: • More snapshots to capture nonlinear behavior • Linearization of the nonlinear equations
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Principle Component Analysis • PCA is similar to SVD, but instead analyzes the eigenvalues of a symmetric matrix. • Typically done on a covariance matrix. • Due to unnecessary work and numerical accuracy this is not recommend for model reduction.