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Where do the names of places come from?. The presentation is made by Rizalya Garafetdinovna , a teacher of the English language of school №2 of the town of Arsk. Ex-31 p-70.
Where do the names of places come from? The presentation is made by RizalyaGarafetdinovna, a teacher of the English language of school №2 of the town of Arsk
The water in the Black Sea is not black but blue. However, when the ancient Greeks looked to the east, they often saw dark storm clouds over the water, and so they named it the Black Sea.
The Pacific Ocean is known for its terrible storms. Yet, on the day when the Spanish explorer, Balboa, first saw it, the ocean was quiet in the bright sunlight, and so he called it the Pacific which means peaceful.
Invented- изобрели • A place in a certain way- место по особенному, особым образом • Bear mountain- Медвежья гора • White lake- Белое озеро • Big canyon- Большой каньон • Black sea- Черное море • However- однако • Dead sea- Мертвое море • The reason- причина • Greeks- греки • Pacific ocean- Тихий океан • Terrible storms- ужасные штормы • Spanish explorer- испанский исследователь • Balboa- Бальбоа
Peaceful- спокойно, мирно • Ancient times- античные времена • Saratov- Саратов • Washington- Вашингтон • The main events- главные события • Different nationalities- разные национальности • Influence- влияние • Shakespeare’s birthplace- место где родился Шекспир • Stratford-upon-Avon- Страдфорд на Эйвоне • Welsh- Уэльский • A Roman road crossed the Avon- Римская дорога переходит реку • To develop into- развиваться в
Southport- южный порт • Portland- Портлэнд • Portsmouth- Портсмут • Mississippi- Миссисипи • Passed on- пересекает, переходит в • By word of mouth- из уст в уста ( в устной форме) • To pronounce- произносить • Niagara- Ниагара • Chicago- Чикаго • To rename- переименовать • Europeans- Европейцы • Adventures- приключения • Conquerors- завоеватели • To set up empires- построить империй • From tyranny- от тираний
A) Why can nothing live in Dead sea? What does « pacific» mean? • B) What does the name –polish mean in Greek? • C) By whom have places taken their names? • D) What does strata mean? What does afon mean? • E) What does Mississippi mean? • F) People of what nationalities gave names to American places? • G) Why did first Europeans arrive in the new world (in America)?
Names or parts of names from other languages sometimes indicate who inhabited a place in the past. • Sometimes names of places include elements taken from different languages. • Names of places sometimes refer to certain events in the history of a country. • Words from different languages can often be seen in the names of English and American places.