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Benthic Macroinvertebrates. Requirements- 2 page word document. Pictures of macroinvertebrates description Where they can be found What they eat and what eats them Feeding group – gathering or filter collectors, scrapers, shredders, predators, parasites Pollution sensitivity level
Requirements-2 page word document • Pictures of macroinvertebrates • description • Where they can be found • What they eat and what eats them • Feeding group – gathering or filter collectors, scrapers, shredders, predators, parasites • Pollution sensitivity level • How long in this life cycle Book pgs. 288-297
Gilled Snail • single coiled, one piece shell • Glide slowly on their muscular foot over the surfaces of all objects beneath the water • Most snails feed on dead plants and animals as scrapers, though some can become pests feeding on plants, and a few are even carnivorous. Larger animals eat them • Less tolerant to pollution than others
Book pgs. 288-297 • A. Leech, Scud, Water flea, Dragonfly Nymph, Giant water bug • B. Planaria, Mayfly Nymph, Crane fly Larva, Water Strider, Predacious Diving Beetle • C. Aquatic sowbug, Mosquito larva, Backswimmer, Damselfly Nymph, Water Scorpion • D. Midge Fly Larvae, Stonefly Nymph, Water penny, Fisher spider, Caddisfly Larvae