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How to KILL Your Class. KILL. K. K eep the door closed. Let no one in or out Provide no empty/extra chairs Stick to yourselves. I. I nvolve no one. Act like Superman/Superwoman Expect apathy Rob others of fulfillment or fruitfullness. L. L eave nonattenders alone.
How toKILLYour Class KILL
K Keep the door closed • Let no one in or out • Provide no empty/extra chairs • Stick to yourselves
I Involve no one • Act like Superman/Superwoman • Expect apathy • Rob others of fulfillment or fruitfullness
L Leave nonattenders alone • Who cares? • Why should we go see them, they don’t come see us? • We don’t know who this person is!
L Let God do everything • Be unconcerned about the environment • Communicate only information • Teach the sameway all the time
How toGROWYour Class GROW
G Getready • Expect God to do something with your class • Ask God to do something • Accept what God does
R Recruit leaders • Involve as many as possible • Equip them to do their job • Encourage them to moveon
O Organize effectively • Divide up the work for your class • Put the rightleader in the rightplace • Revise regularly
W Work hard • Be prepared to share from personalexperience • Teach to eachlearner • Continue to learn
Keep the door closed Involve no one Leave nonattenders alone Let God do everything Getready Recruit leaders Organize effectively Work hard attitude attitudeleadershipresponsibilityaccountability leadership responsibility accountability
How toKILLYour Class KILL . . - - . . - . . . - . . - . .