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Job Options file (HelloWorldOptions.py). Application Configuration options. # Full job is a list of algorithms from AthenaCommon.AlgSequence import AlgSequence job = AlgSequence() # Add top algorithms to be run from AthExHelloWorld.AthExHelloWorldConf import HelloAlg
Job Options file (HelloWorldOptions.py) • Application Configuration options # Full job is a list of algorithms from AthenaCommon.AlgSequence import AlgSequence job = AlgSequence() # Add top algorithms to be run from AthExHelloWorld.AthExHelloWorldConf import HelloAlg job += HelloAlg( "HelloWorld" ) # 1 alg, named "HelloWorld" # Set output level threshold (DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, FATAL) # Output level for HelloAlg only (note name: instance, not type) job.HelloWorld.OutputLevel = INFO • Event related parameters # Number of events to be processed (default is until the end of input, or -1, # if we have no input, a limit needs to be set explicitly, here, choose 10) theApp.EvtMax = 10
Algorithms Private Options (all optional) # For convenience, get a reference to the HelloAlg Algorithm # named "HelloWorld" in the job HelloWorld = job.HelloWorld # Set an int property HelloWorld.MyInt = 42 # Set a boolean property (False, True, 0, 1) HelloWorld.MyBool = True # Set a double property HelloWorld.MyDouble = 3.14159 # Set a vector of strings property ... HelloWorld.MyStringVec = [ "Welcome", "to", "Athena", "Framework", "Tutorial" ] # ... and add one more: HelloWorld.MyStringVec += [ "!" ]
… more Algorithms Private Options # Set a map of strings to strings property ... HelloWorld.MyDict = { 'Bonjour' : 'Guten Tag', 'Good Morning' : 'Bonjour' , 'one' : 'uno' } # ... and add one more: HelloWorld.MyDict[ "Goeiedag" ] = "Ni Hao" # Set a table (a vector of pairs of doubles) ... HelloWorld.MyTable = [ ( 1 , 1 ) , ( 2 , 4 ) , ( 3 , 9 ) ] # ... and one more: HelloWorld.MyTable += [ ( 4, 16 ) ] # Set a matrix (a vector of vectors) ... HelloWorld.MyMatrix = [ [ 1, 2, 3 ], [ 4, 5, 6 ] ] # ... and some more: HelloWorld.MyMatrix += [ [ 7, 8, 9 ] ]
Algorithms Tool Usage Private Options (advanced and optional) # Import configurable for using our HelloTool from AthExHelloWorld.AthExHelloWorldConf import HelloTool # Setup a public tool so that it can be used (again, note name) ToolSvc += HelloTool( "PublicHello" ) ToolSvc.PublicHello.MyMessage ="A Public Message!" # Tell "HelloWorld" to use this tool ("MyPublicHelloTool" is a # ToolHandle property of HelloAlg) HelloWorld.MyPublicHelloTool = ToolSvc.PublicHello # Hand "HelloWorld" a private HelloTool ("MyPrivateHelloTool" is # a ToolHandler property of HelloAlg) HelloWorld.MyPrivateHelloTool = HelloTool( "HelloTool" ) HelloWorld.MyPrivateHelloTool.MyMessage = "A Private Message!"
Header file (HelloAlg.h) • Include basic features // -*- C++ -*- #ifndef ATHEXHELLOWORLD_HELLOALG_H #define ATHEXHELLOWORLD_HELLOALG_H #include "GaudiKernel/ToolHandle.h" #include "AthenaBaseComps/AthAlgorithm.h" #include <string> #include <vector> #include <utility> #include <map> • Specify tool template class IHelloTool;
Declare class HelloAlg as a descendent of AthAlgorithm class HelloAlg : public AthAlgorithm { • Declare its public methods public: HelloAlg( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator ); StatusCode initialize(); StatusCode execute(); StatusCode finalize(); StatusCode beginRun(); StatusCode endRun();
Declare its private variables and methods private: int m_myInt; bool m_myBool; double m_myDouble; std::vector< std::string > m_myStringVec; ToolHandle< IHelloTool > m_myPrivateHelloTool; ToolHandle< IHelloTool > m_myPublicHelloTool; typedef std::map<std::string, std::string> Dict_t; Dict_t m_myDict; typedef std::vector<std::pair<double, double> > Table_t; Table_t m_myTable; typedef std::vector<std::vector<double> > Matrix_t; Matrix_t m_myMatrix; };
Source file(HelloAlg.cxx) • Include basic features #include <iterator> • Include headers for tool #include "AthExHelloWorld/IHelloTool.h" #include "HelloAlg.h" • Algorithm Constructor HelloAlg::HelloAlg(const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator) : AthAlgorithm(name, pSvcLocator), m_myInt(0), m_myBool(0), m_myDouble(0), m_myPrivateHelloTool("HelloTool",this), m_myPublicHelloTool("HelloTool"), m_myDict(), m_myTable(), m_myMatrix() {
Declare properties declareProperty("MyInt", m_myInt); declareProperty("MyBool", m_myBool); declareProperty("MyDouble", m_myDouble); declareProperty("MyStringVec",m_myStringVec, "an entire vector of strings!"); declareProperty("MyPrivateHelloTool", m_myPrivateHelloTool, "private IHelloTool"); declareProperty("MyPublicHelloTool", m_myPublicHelloTool, "public, shared IHelloTool"); declareProperty("MyDict", m_myDict, "A little dictionary" ); // some default values; m_myDict["Bonjour"] = "Guten Tag"; m_myDict["Good Morning"] = "Bonjour"; m_myDict["one"] = "uno"; declareProperty("MyTable", m_myTable, "A table of <double,double>" ); // some default values m_myTable.push_back( std::make_pair( 1., 1. ) ); m_myTable.push_back( std::make_pair( 2., 2.*2. ) ); m_myTable.push_back( std::make_pair( 3., 3.*3. ) ); declareProperty("MyMatrix", m_myMatrix, "A matrix of doubles" );
StatusCode HelloAlg::initialize() { • Print where you are ATH_MSG_INFO ("HelloAlg initialize()"); • Print out the property values ATH_MSG_INFO ( " This is MyInt = " << m_myInt << endreq << " MyBool = " << (int)m_myBool << endreq << " MyDouble = " << m_myDouble); for (unsigned int i=0; i<m_myStringVec.size(); i++) { ATH_MSG_INFO (" MyStringVec[" << i << "] = " << m_myStringVec[i]); } for ( Dict_t::const_iterator itr = m_myDict.begin(); itr != m_myDict.end(); ++itr ) { ATH_MSG_INFO (" MyDict['" << itr->first << "'] = '" << itr->second << "'"); }
for ( Table_t::const_iterator itr = m_myTable.begin(); itr != m_myTable.end(); ++itr ) { ATH_MSG_INFO (" MyTable['" << itr->first << "'] = '" << itr->second << "'"); } for (unsigned int i=0; i<m_myMatrix.size(); i++) { msg(MSG::INFO) << " MyMatrix[" << i << "] = [ "; std::copy( m_myMatrix[i].begin(), m_myMatrix[i].end(), std::ostream_iterator<double>(msg().stream(), " ") ); msg() << "]" << endreq; } ATH_MSG_INFO (" " << m_myPrivateHelloTool.propertyName() << " = " << m_myPrivateHelloTool.type() << endreq << " " << m_myPublicHelloTool.propertyName() << " = " << m_myPublicHelloTool.type());
Retrive the tools using the ToolHandles if ( m_myPrivateHelloTool.retrieve().isFailure() ) { ATH_MSG_FATAL (m_myPrivateHelloTool.propertyName() << ": Failed to retrieve tool " << m_myPrivateHelloTool.type()); return StatusCode::FAILURE; } else { ATH_MSG_INFO (m_myPrivateHelloTool.propertyName() << ": Retrieved tool " << m_myPrivateHelloTool.type()); } if ( m_myPublicHelloTool.retrieve().isFailure() ) { ATH_MSG_FATAL (m_myPublicHelloTool.propertyName() << ": Failed to retrieve tool " << m_myPublicHelloTool); return StatusCode::FAILURE; } else { ATH_MSG_INFO (m_myPublicHelloTool.propertyName() << ": Retrieved tool " << m_myPublicHelloTool.type()); }
StatusCode HelloAlg::execute() { // Part 1: print where you are ATH_MSG_INFO ("execute()"); // Part 1: Print out the different levels of messages ATH_MSG_DEBUG ("A DEBUG message"); ATH_MSG_INFO ("An INFO message"); ATH_MSG_WARNING ("A WARNING message"); ATH_MSG_ERROR ("An ERROR message"); ATH_MSG_FATAL ("A FATAL error message"); // Part 1a: Let publicly declared tool say something ATH_MSG_INFO ("Let the tool " << m_myPublicHelloTool.propertyName() << " say something:"); StatusCode sc1 = m_myPublicHelloTool->saySomething(); // Part 1b: Let privately declared tool say something ATH_MSG_INFO ("Let the tool " << m_myPrivateHelloTool.propertyName() << " say something:"); StatusCode sc2 = m_myPrivateHelloTool->saySomething(); if ( sc1.isFailure() || sc2.isFailure() ) { return StatusCode::FAILURE; } return StatusCode::SUCCESS; }
StatusCode HelloAlg::finalize() { // Part 1: print where you are ATH_MSG_INFO ("finalize()"); return StatusCode::SUCCESS; } // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * StatusCode HelloAlg::beginRun() { // Part 1: print where you are ATH_MSG_INFO ("beginRun()"); return StatusCode::SUCCESS; } // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * StatusCode HelloAlg::endRun() { // Part 1: print where you are ATH_MSG_INFO ("endRun()"); return StatusCode::SUCCESS; }