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Proper Assembly. The official discrimination complaint case file will include all documents pertinent to the complaint.The documents will be organized in the order specified in NGR (AR) 690-600/ NGR (AF) 40-1614 paragraph 12-6.The documents required to be in the official discrimination case file a
Equal Opportunity Assistant
NGR (AR) 690-600/ NGR (AF) 40-1614
2. Proper Assembly The official discrimination complaint case file will include all documents pertinent to the complaint.
The documents will be organized in the order specified in NGR (AR) 690-600/ NGR (AF) 40-1614 paragraph 12-6.
The documents required to be in the official discrimination case file are as follows:
3. Required Documents Rights and Responsibilities
Right to Anonymity
Notice of Final Interview
Notice of Receipt of the Formal Complaint
Notice of Acceptance/Dismissal
Request for NGB Review/Investigation
4. Organization of File Official discrimination complaint case files will be assembled and organized with an index (NGB form 690-R), tabs A-Z, and a hard backing.
All documents will be fastened together with appropriate fasteners and will be legible.
NGB form 690-R will be placed as the top document over the complaint file.
The index will be updated each time a document is added to the complaint file.
5. Organization of File cont’d The index will contain:
The name of the complainant (last, first, middle initial).
The NGB case number (assigned once forwarded to NGB).
To whom each document was sent and the originator of the document (entered in TO/FROM column).
6. Organization of File cont’d The date on which the document was mailed, sent by fax or delivered in person (entered in ON DATE column).
A brief description of the document.
The date the document was created (entered in DOC DATE).
A letter indicating which tab the document can be found (entered in the TAB column).
7. Organization of File cont’d A full set of alphabetical tabs (A-Z) will be used to separate documents listed.
Documents will be arranged in chronological order with the earliest document at the bottom and the last document on top.
Tab A will be at the bottom (the first document should be filed here) and the letters will continue up to Z.
8. Disposition of the Complaint File Once the official discrimination case file has been assembled, 1 original and 3 copies will be forwarded to NGB.
Each copy should have the identical documentation within the file.
Upon receipt of the official discrimination complaint file, NGB then becomes the custodian of the original.
The last document entered is the States request for NGB review, which should list the states dismissal or acceptance of the issues.
9. Questions