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Ossification. Endochondral . General. intramembranous. OSU. Cancer. $100. $100. $100. $ 100. $100. $200. $200. $200. $200. $200. $300. $300. $300. $300. $300. $400. $400. $400. $400. $400. $500. $500. $500. $500. $500. FINAL ROUND. General : $100 Question.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Ossification Endochondral General intramembranous OSU Cancer $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 FINAL ROUND

  2. General : $100 Question • Forms a bone collar first ANSWER BACK TO GAME

  3. General: $100 Answer • What is endochondral ossification? BACK TO GAME

  4. General : $200 Question • When mesenchyme cells bunch up and begin producing bone ANSWER BACK TO GAME

  5. General : $200 Answer • What is an ossification center? BACK TO GAME

  6. General:$300 Question • They breakdown bone ANSWER BACK TO GAME

  7. General : $300 Answer • What are osteoclasts? BACK TO GAME

  8. General : $400 Question • Cartilage is hollowed out in this type of bone growth ANSWER BACK TO GAME

  9. General : $400 Answer • What is endochondral ossification ? BACK TO GAME

  10. General : $500 Question • Bone Growth from a membrane. ANSWER BACK TO GAME

  11. intramembanous:$500 Answer • What is intramembranousossificaion? BACK TO GAME

  12. Intramembanous$100 Question • Last thing to form in intramembranous ossification ANSWER BACK TO GAME

  13. intramembranous: $100 Answer • What is a bone collar? BACK TO GAME

  14. intramembranous: $200 Question • Intramembranous ossification forms this type of bone. ANSWER BACK TO GAME

  15. intramembranous: $200 Answer • What is flat bone? BACK TO GAME

  16. intramembranous: $300 Question • As condroblasts are to chondrocytes, these are to osteocytes ANSWER BACK TO GAME

  17. intramembanous : $300 Answer • What are osteoblasts? BACK TO GAME

  18. Division : $400 Question • Not technically part of the skin. ANSWER BACK TO GAME

  19. Division:$400 Answer • What is the hypodermis? BACK TO GAME

  20. Division: $500 Question • Daily Double! • How much would you like to wager? ANSWER BACK TO GAME

  21. Division: $500 Answer • Give 4 differences between endochondral and intramembranous ossification. BACK TO GAME

  22. Endochondral:$100 Question • Endochondral Ossification Forms these types of bone. ANSWER BACK TO GAME

  23. endo: $100 Answer • What are long bones? BACK TO GAME

  24. Too late to apoptize : $200 Question • This contains arteries, veins and nerves and invades the cavity ANSWER BACK TO GAME

  25. endo: $200 Answer • What is a periosteal bud? BACK TO GAME

  26. endo: $300 Question • Where secondary ossification centers appear ANSWER BACK TO GAME

  27. endo: $300 Answer • What are epiphyesisisis? BACK TO GAME

  28. endo: $400 Question • EO forms from this type of tissue. ANSWER BACK TO GAME

  29. endo: $400 Answer • What is hyaline cartilage? BACK TO GAME

  30. Endochondral!500 • Life shows these qualities and thus we know bone is alive ANSWER BACK TO GAME

  31. Bone!500 • What is grow, respond, made of cells, reproduce, maintain homeostasis BACK TO GAME

  32. Histology:$100 Question • The functional unit of bone ANSWER BACK TO GAME

  33. histology$100 Answer • What is an osteon? BACK TO GAME

  34. Characteristics of Cancer $200 Question • Canaliculi ANSWER BACK TO GAME

  35. Characteristics of Cancer : $200 Answer • What connects osteocytes to eachother in an osteon? BACK TO GAME

  36. Characteristics of Cancer $300 Question • They just do not fit in ANSWER BACK TO GAME

  37. Characteristics of Cancer :$300 Answer • What is undifferentiated? BACK TO GAME

  38. Characteristics of Cancer : $400 Question • Switch to oncogenes after a carcinogen has altered them ANSWER BACK TO GAME

  39. Characteristics of Cancer : $400 Answer • What are proto-oncogenes? BACK TO GAME

  40. I give this rose to :$500 Question • After mitosis cancer cells may add nucleotides to these. ANSWER BACK TO GAME

  41. Neurotransmitters and Integration:$500 Answer • What are telemores? BACK TO GAME

  42. Mixed Bag:$100 Question • The 3 greatest football coaches of all time. ANSWER BACK TO GAME

  43. Mixed Bag:$100 Answer • Who is Woody Hayes, Jim Tressel, and Coach Pinto? BACK TO GAME

  44. Mixed Bag: $200 Question • This is the official rock song of Ohio. ANSWER BACK TO GAME

  45. Mixed Bag:$200 Answer • What is hang on sloopy? BACK TO GAME

  46. Mixed Bag: $300 Question • He beat Hitler in the 1936 Olympics, and graduated from THE Ohio State University ANSWER BACK TO GAME

  47. Mixed Bag:$300 Answer • Who is Jesse Owens ? BACK TO GAME

  48. Mixed Bag: $400 Question • 8 years ANSWER BACK TO GAME

  49. Mixed Bag: $400 Answer • How long has it been since M*ch*g*n beat The Ohio State University? BACK TO GAME

  50. Mixed Bag: $500 Question • He graduated from graduate school at M*ch*g*n ANSWER BACK TO GAME

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