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Romanian civil service: challenges and opportunities in 2007

Explore the functions and achievements of the National Agency of Civil Servants in Romania in 2007, including policy drafting, recruitment, and HR coordination. Learn about ongoing projects and the country’s participation in European public administration networks.

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Romanian civil service: challenges and opportunities in 2007

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  1. Romanian civil service: challenges and opportunities in 2007 National Agency of Civil Servants Berlin June 2007

  2. Public stakeholders in charge with PA reform • Public stakeholders in charge with PA reform: • the Ministry of Interior and Administrative Reform • the Central Unit for Public Administration Reform • the National Agency of Civil Servants • the National Institute of Administration NACS: • Established in 2000, upon Law 188/1999 • Role of NACS: ensure the management of the civil service positions and civil servants

  3. National Agency of Civil Servants • Main attributions: • Drafts policies and strategies • Issues the legal framework • Monitors and controls the application of the legislation • Organizes recruitment and gives notifications • Manages the register of the civil service positions and civil servants • Coordinates the HR departments • Carries out programs in its field of activity.

  4. Some of major achievements in 2006 • Law no. 188/1999 regarding the Statute of Civil Servants was amended by Law no. 251/2006: • Difference between state, territorial and local PA. • Career system: easier promotion and longer seniority required • Prefects and sub-prefects included in the high civil servants category • Possibilities of fast track. • Phare project Transparency and Ethics in the civil service finalized (network of ethics counselors, 3 awareness conferences, a manual of ethics published) • Two Phare projects initiated (review the secondary legislation, implement a HR information system, enhance NACS institutional capacity).

  5. Main developments in 2007 • Law no. 7/2004 regarding the Code of Conduct amended (ethical counselors, whistle blowers protection) • Report on the management of civil service positions and civil servants in 2006 • 2 international conferences organized with SIGMA- OECD (on the salary system of the civil servants and on the public integrity and anticorruption in the PA).

  6. Ongoing projects • Draft law on the unitary pay system of the civil servants submitted for approval (increase of base salaries by assimilation of bonuses, pay variable according to performance and job complexity) • Government Decision related to the career development (procedures improved) • Government Decisionrelated to training of civil servants (better definition of terms, clarification of responsibilities) • Strategy on development of the civil service • Portal including an integratedinformation system for the whole civil service.

  7. Figures about Romanian civil service in 2006

  8. Figures about Romanian civil service in 2006

  9. Figures about Romanian civil service in 2006

  10. Romania- EUPAN member • Romania: observer in EUPAN working groups since 2003 • Participation in EIPA/HRWG/IPSG/Better Regulation working groups, studies and questionnaires • Added value for the Romania: relevant expertise of older member states, shared know how on particular topics, informal network of experts created. • Added value for EUPAN working groups: fresh input of new member state on PA issues, awareness of challenges and opportunities of emerging system, contact with specific traditions and cultural heritages.

  11. Instead of conclusions …“I owe my success to having listened respectfully to the very best advice, and then going away and doing the exact opposite” G. K. CHESTERTON:

  12. Thank you! jozsef.birtalan@anfp-map.ro ciresica.butiu@anfp-map.ro

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