Newsletter/Panui May2014 Victory Street The children have loved learning about their special uniqueness and how we are all different, so we have decided to further extend this interest. We are also going to include how we are part of Preschool Community and how we care, help and respect each other and our belongings. We would like to: Welcome: Ondre, Dylahn and Riley Farewell: To Anika who is off to school Harihuri tau ki a koe (happy birthday) to Brayden, Elijah and Kay Kia Ora Koutou. As the weather is getting cooler please remember to bring in a jersey and shoes for your children. Up & Coming Events Kids Klubis a production team that make an individual movie of your child. They will be with us on the 13th May . Permission slip to be filled in before the day. Information on front desk. Staff Swap For the month of May Vicki will be working at our other centre in Pamir Place and we will have Angela working with us. We are using this as an experience for the teachers to work within our different age ranges.For the month of June the staff swap will be Tracy & Agnes will swap with Sarah.The month of July will be Vicki swapping with Emma-Jane.Thank you in advance for making these teachers feel welcome. Professional Development We have gained the GOLD Healthy Heart Award from the Heart Foundation. Thank you Thank you to all the Grandparents and Special People who attended our Grandparents Day. Thank you to Graham, Vicki’s dad for making our yummy scones. • Our songs we will be learning this month are: • Head, shoulders, knees and toes • Mahunga, pakihiwi • Ma is white • Tirama, Tirama Last month we attended the Selwyn Ridge School Duathlon. Watching the duathlon at Waipuna Park. Grandparent’s Day Our Grandparents Day was a huge success. What a great turn out we had. Thank you too all the Grandparents and parents who made this morning great. • Policies being reviewed this month are, • Biting • Caring For The Environment • Car Seat Policy • Collaboration With Parents • Identification Of Hazard • Cybersafety • These are situated on the front desk so please read, comment, and document any changes you would like to see. Soup day will be starting This Thursday Please bring along a vegetable to share in our soup. We would like to wish all our wonderful mothers a very special ‘Happy Mother’s Day’ this Sunday.