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Reflections on Life. Unit Ten. The Objectives of the Unit. Part One. 1.Make students know how to look at the joys of life 2.Make students know some maxims 3.Make students know some key words and useful expressions 4.Make students know some figurative language. Part Two.
Reflections on Life Unit Ten
The Objectives of the Unit Part One
1.Make students know how to look at the joys of life2.Make students know some maxims3.Make students know some key wordsand useful expressions4.Make students know some figurative language
Part Two Preparation of the Unit
Task 1 The Thinker 1. What is the sculptor (雕塑家) trying to show or express? 2. What do you think the Thinker is thinking about?
Task 1 The Thinker Sample Answer 1. The sculptor is trying to show the importance of thought in the life of humans; 2. — The Thinker is thinking about his future; — He is thinking about his past and is trying to understand what he did wrong; — He is reflecting on the meaning of life; — He is trying to figure out what is the best thing to do next.
Task 3 Do you often daydream? Exchange your daydreams with your group members. Where Does Your Mind Fly?— Discussion
Where Does Your Mind Fly? Sample Answer — I daydreamed of having a plane of my own so that I can fly around the world; — I daydreamed that one day the world may stop revolving; — I daydreamed of being a successful businessman with hundreds of people working for me; — I daydreamed of becoming the president of the country; — I daydreamed of being a prominent scientist and giving lectures to college students.
1.Experience is a dear teacher, but fools will learn at no other. -Benjamin Franklin2.Be not afraid of life. Believe that life is worth living and your belief will help create the fact.-James Truslow Adams3.Anyone Who stops learning is old, whether art two or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. The greatest thing on life is to keep your mind young.-Henry Ford
Part Three Reading Activities
Have you thought carefully about your past and your future? Do you think this kind of thinking is necessary in life? past, future, necessary, experience, profit, mistakes, goals, plans, future, avoid
motivate (v.)(Line4, Para2) provide someone with a strong desire for doing something 激发;作为……的动机 motivation (n.) the action or thing that motivates something or someone 促动因素;动机 Translation 出于慈善的原因,全家决定支持 这个穷孩子上完中学。 Motivated by a feeling of charity, the whole family decided to support the poor child to finish his secondary education.
Translation 他是出自爱心,并不指望得到任何汇报。 He was motivated by love, and expected nothing in return. 带着强烈的要成为国际影星的动机,他去了好莱坞。 With a strong motivation to be a world-known star, he went to Hollywood.
intensity (n.)(Line 10, Para. 3) the quality of being felt very strongly or having a strong effect 强度;强烈;剧烈 请用下面的提示词造句。 Exercise 竞争 日益激烈 The intensityof competition in economy / among people is increasing / growing. 情绪 激烈 The government didn’t realize the intensity of people’s feeling on the issue.
词汇扩充 intense strong in quality or feeling 强烈的;热烈的;认真的 intensifybecome more intense 使强化;加剧 intensivewhich gives a lot of attention or action to a small amount of something 集中的;密集的;深入细致的
请完成下面的句子。 Exercise 医院对重病患者给予深入细致的照料。 ____________ in hospitals is given to the seriously ill. Intensive care 失败反而使他增强了学好英语的愿望。 Failure only to __________________ succeed in learning English. intensified his desire 与宠物的交流使他从丧失亲人的 极度悲痛中解脱出来。 Through communicating with his pets, he freed himself from the _____________ of losing relatives. intense sorrow
humble (Line 20, Para. 5) (adj.) 1) having a low opinion of oneself and a high opinion of others 谦逊的;谦卑的;恭顺的 2) low in rank or position; unimportant 地位低下的; 职位卑下的 (v.) make humble or lower in position 使卑下;压低(地位、身份)
Translation 许多名人惊人地谦虚。 Many famous people are surprisingly humble. 他很快打掉了那个富人的傲气。 Very soon he humbled the rich man’s pride.
对比 humble和modest modest 表示谦虚、谨慎、不炫耀。含义最广。 humble 指态度谦逊而显得卑微。用于褒义,表示谦恭。 请用 humble或 modest填空。 Exercise 我喜欢这个态度谦虚的女孩,她 既不拘束,又不爱夸耀。 I like this _______ girl, who is neither shy nor loud. modest 他对待长者必恭必敬。 He is very _______ towards his elders. humble
polish (Line 21, Para. 5) (v.) 1) make or become smooth and shiny by continual rubbing 磨光;擦亮 2) (+ up) make as perfect as possible 使尽可能完美 (n.) (U) fine quality or perfection of manners, education, ect. (态度、教育等) 优雅;完美 请用下面的提示词造句。 Exercise 润饰讲稿 You should spend several more days polishing your lecture draft.
请用下面的提示词造句。 Exercise 补习法语 I’ll need to polish up my French if I’m going to France for my holidays. 大学生活 修养 Four years of college gave her considerable polish.
请掌握以下常见表达。 鞋油 shoe polish 指甲油 nail polish 上光剂 liquid polish 作最后的润饰 give a final polish
infinite (adj.)(Line 27, Para. 6) 1) very great and seeming to have to limit in amount or degree 极大的 2) without limits in space or time 无限的;无穷无尽的 Translation 宇宙是无边无际的。 The universe is infinite. 教导儿童需有极大的耐心。 Teaching little children takes infinite patience.
对比 infinite 和boundless infinite 最普通用语。表空间时,指没有界限; 指时间时,指永恒;在数学上表无穷大。 boundless常用于夸张地形容某物在体积、范围、数量 等方面超出正常水平而令人震惊。 请用 infinite或 boundless填空。 Exercise boundless She has _________ supply of money. (源源不断的) For the humble and the unfortunate he has _______ love. infinite (无尽的)
resolve (Line 42, Para. 8) (v.) 1) settle or clear up (a difficulty) 解决(困难) 2) decide决定;下决心 3) (sth. into sth. ) break up, separate into分解;分析;化成 (n.) 1) (fml) a decision 决定;决心 2) the quality of being resolute 坚决;坚定;决心 Translation 我们会把这个问题解决得让你满意的。 We will resolve the matter to your satisfaction.
Translation 他决心不为任何阻碍所挫。 He resolved that nothing should hold him back. He made a resolve that nothing should hold him back. 枯燥劳动变成了愉快的享受。 The boring work resolved itself into a pleasant enjoyment. 这种混合物可以分解为两种简单物质。 The mixture will resolve into two simple substances.
rigid (adj.)(Line 52, Para. 11) 1) stiff; unbending 僵硬的;坚挺的;不 能弯曲的 2) firm; strict; not changing; not to be changed 坚强的;严厉的;不变的 Translation 当他第一次去面试的时候,紧张得全身僵硬。 He was rigid with nervousness at the first job interview. 他对婚姻的看法非常固执。 He is rather rigidin his ideas on marriage.
regardless of (Line 56, Para. 11) without worrying about 不管;不顾;不担心 Translation 人类肆意 (wilfully)开采森林, 置生态平衡于不顾。 Human beings wilfully exploit the forest, regardless of the ecological balance. 有些人做事不顾后果。 Some people act regardless of what will happen afterwards.
请掌握以下常见表达。 regarding / as regards 关于;有关(正式;尤指事务信件) 出于对……的关心;出于对……的考虑 out of regard for… with best personal regards 谨致本人最亲切的问候 关于这一点;在这个问题上 in this / that regard
请用适当的短语填空。 Exercise ___________________ the contract, the second paragraph must be changed. As regards / Regarding In this regard ___________, we agree with each other. ______________ you welfare, you shouldn’t leave the company right now. Out of regard for
祖父出生在英国,父母都是威尔士人。 My grandfather was born in England of Welsh parents. 我的思维比以往更敏锐了。 My mind is better than ever. 曾经捉摸不定的问题现在变得豁然开朗了。 Problems once mysterious now seem obvious. 我已知的东西如同沧海一粟。 What I know is like a grain of sand by the sea.
我什么天赋都没有。 I am a genius at nothing. 她若一旦谢世,人们必定泪流成河。 When she dies an ocean of tears will flow. 我不再苛求自己。 I am less rigid about what I expect from myself. 生活是苦海。 Life hurts.
Part Four Further Development
Figurative language refers to words and phrases used in unusual ways to created strong, vivid images, to focus attention on certain ideas, or to compare things that are basically different. There are several types of figurative language.
1.Simile: a direct comparison between otherwise dissimilar things, using the word like or as. e.g.1)The fog hung like a veil over the campus. 2)The lake looked like a huge mirror.
2.Metaphor:A comparison between otherwise dissimilar things without using the word like or as. e.g. 1) Pale and thin, she was a shadow of her former self. 2)Swimming against the tide often leads to successs.
3.Personlification:The assignment of a human trait to a non-human thing. e.g.1) A smiling moon peeped out of the clouds. 2)The car coughed when it climbed up the moon.
4.overstatemen(hyperbole): Deliberate exaggeration for emphasis. e.g. If I don’t get this paper in on time, the professor is going to kill me.
对于英文习惯表达的误译 His best jokes fell flat. 他最好的笑话都跌倒了。 他那些最令人开心的笑话都不灵了。 The explosion of the space shuttle Challenger (“挑战者号”航天飞机) drive home human technology, and there was no ready hand to set it right. “挑战者号”航天飞机的爆炸将人类技术打回老家;没有任何准备好的手正确启动它。 “挑战者号”航天飞机的爆炸彻底否定了人类技术;没有任何人作好准备将其导回正轨。
对于英文习惯表达的误译 常见英语文体主要分为书面语、口语、俚语等。当译者拿到英语原文时,在充分理解语意的基础上,应注意原文文体特点,选择与之相对应的中文语言进行翻译。在翻译中,只有做到“意思”和“风格”都忠实,才能保持原文(话)的精神和面貌,保持原来的特点。也就是说,口语应译得口语化,书面文章应译得像书面语言。
Temples and statures decay, but books survives. 寺庙和神像会腐烂,而书籍会留下来。(这样的翻译很难表现出文章的内在神韵。) 寺庙会坍塌,神像会腐朽,而书籍却流芳百世。(通过采用正规对仗的书面语言,原句的内涵被充分表达出来。)
Directions: Write a composition on the topic: The Virtues of Being College Students. Your composition should be no less than 120 words according to the outline given below in Chinese: 1) 大学生朝气蓬勃; 2) 大学生求知欲强烈; 3) 大学生要珍惜大学生活。
The Virtues of Being College Students Being college students is a wonderful experience, because college life provides some of the most colorful scenery of life. College students are vigorous and energetic. They face challenges with passion and are open to new things. It won’t take long for them to recover from disappointing failures, especially when they can get encouragement and advice from the people around them. They are always optimistic and full of love in their hearts. They can easily find interesting things to spend time on.