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Answers to Movie Questions: Gandhi. Introduction: Assassination and Funeral. Where and when does the assassination of Gandhi occur? New Delhi, India January 30 th , 1948
Introduction: Assassination and Funeral • Where and when does the assassination of Gandhi occur? • New Delhi, India • January 30th, 1948 • Who said about Gandhi that, “Generations to come will scare believe that such a one as this ever in flesh and blood walked upon this earth”? • Albert Einstein
Welcome to South Africa • When and where does the movie pick up the story of Gandhi’s biography? • South Africa in 1893 • In what city did Gandhi study law? • London • Why was Gandhi thrown off the train? • No colored people in first class, Apartheid Laws • What Empire is South Africa part of? • British • Are Indians allowed to walk on the sidewalks in South Africa? • No • Why were Hindu Indians brought to South Africa? • Pick the crops from the field and dig in the mines • How did Gandhi say he would fight the pass law? • Civil Disobedience (politely refusing to follow laws that were unjust)
First Protest • How many people did Gandhi expect to show up to his first protest meeting and about how many showed up? • 1000s, not many • Why was Gandhi protesting the pass law? • Discrimination against Indians • White British citizens did not need the passes, but brown and black British citizens did • Why was Gandhi beaten by the police at the demonstration? • He refused to stop burning the passes • Why was the media interested in Gandhi’s demonstration? • Classic story of David and Goliath
Out of Prison • What were the extent of Gandhi’s injuries from his first beating? • Broken Jaw • Charley Andrews came from India to South Africa for what purpose? • Helping Gandhi fight against the Apartheid Laws • What biblical reasoning did Gandhi give for not moving off of the sidewalk and walking into a confrontation? • Turn the other cheek • Who saved him from being beaten up? • The hooligan’s mother • Were the pass laws changed to become more or less strict? • More Strict • Who is Mr. Walker? • A reporter from the New York Times
Ashram • How does Gandhi respond when Mr. Walker asks him if he is going to respect the new pass law? • Gandhi cannot follow an unjust law • What was the purpose of the Ashram? • For everyone to live as equals • What does Gandhi and his wife argue about? • Her having to clean toilets • What aspect of Gandhi’s character is the director trying to show in the scene between Gandhi and his wife? • He is not perfect • He is very focused on his cause
The Meeting about the new Pass Law 24. What were some of the characteristics of South Africa’s new Pass Law? • Fingerprints • Police could come into house to check passes • How does Gandhi ask the Indians to fight against the South Africans at the meeting? • Civil Disobedience and no violence • What national anthem did they sing to end the meeting? • British
The First Protest • What did Gandhi and the mineworkers do when the police horses charged at them? • They lied down on the road • What did many of Mr. Andrews’s church members do when he praised Gandhi for battling against an unjust law? • They walked out • Who was working in the mines and fields for the white South African owners during the strike that Gandhi organized? • No one • What did the overcrowding in the prison and lack of mine workers force the South African government to do with Gandhi? • Give in to his protests, let the Indians out of prison • What did General Smuts agree to do about the law restricting the freedom of Indians? • Repeal the Law (end it)
Re-Discovering India • Why is Gandhi dressed so differently? • To dress like the regular peasant Indians • What does Gandhi say about his support of World War I? • He supports it • Why was Gandhi treated like a hero on his return to India? • He stood up to British discrimination in South Africa • Upon Gandhi’s return to India, what country was governing India? • Britain • While Gandhi was at the gathering of wealthy Indian leaders, did any of them seem to advocate violence in order to gain Indian independence? • Yes • What was the purpose of Gandhi’s train trip across India? • Re-discover his country • What seemed to be the general economic situation of India that Gandhi witnessed on this travels? • Poverty
Congress Party Convention • What do the three Indian politicians want to demand at a party convention? • Home Rule • When Gandhi began his speech, not many were paying attention. What did he say that got everyone to quiet down and listen? • Equality, Liberty, Democracy • What was the message of Gandhi’s speech at the party convention? • Non-violent civil disobedience with corrupt British rules
Gandhi Goes to the Village Champaran • What did the soldiers tell Gandhi to do immediately after he got off the train? • Threaten arrest him • What were the British landlords refusing to give the villagers until the Indians paid their rent in cash? • Food and water • Why was Gandhi arrested? • Disturbing the Peace • What sport were the British playing? • Cricket
Gandhi in Prison • At this point in the movie, how many different times has it been shown that Gandhi is thrown in jail? • Third • Why is Gandhi barely dressed? • To show his solidarity (support) for the peasants • Why does Gandhi ask Charley Andrews to go to Fiji? • The movement for equality has to be handled by Indians
Gandhi in Court • On what grounds was Gandhi ordered out of the poor villagers’ province? • Disturbing the peace • Why did the judge have to decide not to send Gandhi to jail or fine him? • He feared a disturbance by the 1000s of supporters of Gandhi • What did the four young rich Indian men (who laughed at Gandhi a few months earlier) wish to do? • Help him with the movement • What did the British Viceroy order the landlords of the village to do? • Pay back rents • Let them grow whatever crops they want • An investigation of living conditions
Meeting with “Home Rule” Leaders 53. What were the new British restrictions being placed on India that they were meeting to discuss how to respond to? • Search without a warrant • Arrest any one with papers or books discussing the end of British rule in India 54. What response to the restrictions did Gandhi offer? • A day of prayer and fasting (no eating) • No one works • The British controlled economy of India stops • Were the British leaders concerned about the protest? • Not in the beginning • What was their decision on how to deal with Gandhi and the protest? • When the protests were successful, the government had Gandhi arrested
Massacre of Amritsyn • Gandhi is in prison again. At this point in the movie, how many times has he been jailed? • How many causalities (dead and seriously wounded) were there in the lesson the General intended to have an impact throughout all of India? • 1516 with 1650 bullets fired • Did the General realize he was slaughtering women and children? • Yes • Did the British government support the General’s actions? • No
Meeting to discuss the Massacre with British Officials • After the massacre, what does Gandhi tell the British it is time for them to do? • Leave (“Walk out”) • What religious minority in India does the British official claim his government is protecting? • Muslims • What method does Gandhi intend to use in order to force the British out of India? • Civil Disobedience • Non-violent, non-cooperation • When the British officials were meeting in private, what was their general response to Gandhi’s message to them? • To laugh at it • Not taking it seriously
Burning the British Clothes • What is “homespun”? • Cloth made in the house (like before the industrial revolution) • What was the purpose of Gandhi asking the people to burn their British clothes and make their own? • Stop giving the British their money • Boycott • Who is Mirabel? • Mirabel - The daughter of a British navy admiral who becomes a follower of Gandhi
Hindu v. Muslim Conflict • What religion were the soldiers beating the marchers? • Muslims (Islam) • What religion were the marchers? • Hindus • What does Gandhi say is the result of the kind of justice that takes an eye for an eye? • It makes the whole world blind • Gandhi’s advisor’s tell him he is the father of the nation. In the aftermath of the riot, what is Gandhi’s response to their comments? • Shame • What does Gandhi do in order to stop the rioting and violent marches? • Fasting – Not Eating • Did the people of India heed Gandhi’s call to stop the protests and demonstrations? • Yes
The First Long Fast • What did Gandhi say has always happened to tyrants and dictators all through history? • They always fall • Why did Gandhi say that he might have over done it with his long fast? • The protesters were giving the British soldiers flowers • After Gandhi stopped the rioting with his fast, how did the British government reward him? • Arrested him (sent him to jail)
In Court Again • What penalty does Gandhi ask the court to give him? • The maximum • For how many years is Gandhi sentenced to prison? • Six • What action does the judge take to demonstrate his sympathy for Gandhi and his methods? • He stood when Gandhi stood
Gandhi’s Out of Prison • Who showed up to see Gandhi that knew him from his work many years earlier in South Africa? • The New York Times, Mr. Walker • How old was Gandhi when he married his wife? • 13 • During his childhood, in what religion was Gandhi raised? • Hindu • What is the big protest that Gandhi is planning? • The March to the Sea (to make salt)
The March to the Sea • In what way is Gandhi breaking the law by making salt? • The British forbid Indians to make salt • How are the British planning to respond to Gandhi’s March to the Sea? • In the beginning, they planned to ignore it • What anniversary is Gandhi planning on arriving at the sea to make salt? • Amritsar • Who does Gandhi say is in control of the situation in India? • He is in control
Results of the Salt Protest • Did the British continue to ignore the salt making protest? • No, they started arresting everyone • During the protest demonstrations was there any violence on the part of the British? • Yes • During the protest demonstrations was there any violence on the part of the Indians? • No • Gandhi planned to block the entrance to a Salt making factory. What did the British do to him? • Arrested • Did the protest continue on without Gandhi? • Yes • According to the report of Mr. Walker, how long did the protesters continue to walk four at a time into the beatings? • All day and night • Who did Mr. Walker declare victory for in the aftermath of the protest, India or the British? • Indians
Discussions of the Independence of India • Why did the British finally decide to enter into discussions of Indian independence with Gandhi? • They could not control 350 million Indians any longer • World opinion shifted against the British • What British city did Gandhi go to for the meetings? • London • Gandhi was thinking ahead to when the British would finally leave India. On what terms did he want to part with them? • As friends
World War II • At the train station, Gandhi was going to make a speech in which he would voice his opposition to the British involvement in World War II. What was the response of the British to this? • Arrest him • At his point in the movie, how many times has Gandhi been jailed? • South Africa – pass demonstration • South Africa – for not carrying the pass on a second occasion • Indian Village for disturbing the peace • After the fast to stop the violence caused by the massacre of Amritsar (for six years) • For making salt • To stop an anti war speech about WWII • What aspect of India’s coming independence is Gandhi worried about? • Muslim – Hindu violence • What happened to Gandhi’s wife while imprisoned under house arrest? • She died of a heart attack
Division of India • When Gandhi stops the car to engage the protestors, what religions does he say he is? • Muslim, Hindu, Sikh, Christian, and Jew • What compromise did Gandhi offer to the Muslims to keep India undivided? • The Muslims could control the government • Were his Hindu advisors willing to support Gandhi’s compromise? • No
The British Leave • In what year did the British finally leave India? • 1947 • Why were so many people traveling along the newly formed India – Pakistan border? • Hindus were leaving Pakistan • Muslims were leaving India • It was a mass migration to escape religious persecution and ethnic conflict
The Last Fast • What action does Gandhi take to try to bring about peace between the Hindus and Muslims? • Fast • What does Gandhi tell the Hindu who murdered a child is his way out of hell? • Raise a Muslim child as a Muslim • Who shoots Gandhi, a Hindu or a Muslim? • Strict Hindus considered Gandhi a traitor to his faith and his people • For this he was assassinated