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Take these 15 simple employee engagement ideas and tell us, how it goes. Put the things into practice at your office and understand the gaps. Also, do not forget to tell us what kind of engagement ideas do you have or strategies that have worked for you in order to increase employee engagement.<br><br>https://www.troopmessenger.com/blogs/14-powerful-tips-to-increase-employee-engagement
BLOGS >> 14 Powerful tips to Increase Employee Engagement 14 Powe?ul tips to Increase Employee Engagement 19 Sep '2018 Farhana Syed In any organization, employee engagement is one of the di?cult things to de?ne and harder to measure. It is essentially equal to employee self-esteem which makes it stand always on the top of the priority list. Majority of the employees in today’s market do not feel inspired by their work. They get bored for a year or so and sta? hunting for something new. But again, the same old story is going to repeat. But a quick turnover drains the companies from all corners. Analyzing exactly how much does it costs businesses or organizations to replace every employee who leaves is a challenge out there. Here are some 15 employee engagement activities that assist in growing your bo?om line as a result: 1. Encourage them to speak up Give employees their voice. It is a paramount thing for employees to realize that they are being heard. Every organization should give employees their voice. It is quite common for modern-day workspace feeling uncomfo?able with the concept of speaking their minds. The tenderness could be of several reasons. But the ball is always in your cou?. Try to break it down. When workers are constantly being shut down, soon they will commence using their voice somewhere else. Encourage your employees that you are all ears which ce?ainly boost their pe?ormance. An open door communication or open door policy is a valuable asset to any organizations. The more space you give for communication, the more likely they will bring fresh ideas on the board.
2. Give people a chance to know each other There are many employees who have no idea about their colleagues, not at all. Watching the complete series of “The O?ce” could bring you more employee engagement ideas than you would get from reading every employee engagement a?icle on the internet. It is impo?ant to focus on helping your employees to get to know each other well. Conduct some o?ce games or a happy li?le hour at the end of the week. Not everyone is okay about pa?ying, so ask them what they want to do and implement them right away. This helps them to communicate with each other more on to a personal level. Whenever a new employee steps in, welcome him/her o?cially to the team. No one is under his eye Hehe. Just make sure to allow your team to interact with them instead of le?ing them feel they are being watched. Every human needs a break once in a while. Conversations always do not to be related to work. Let them talk. 3. Give and Receive Feedback Every employee wants to know where they stand in the line. It seems hard to implement. But this makes them feel that they are a pa? of something in the organization. Also, it is essential to seek feedback from their end as well. Conduct surveys and seek anonymous responses to ?nd out how they are feeling in the organization. Keep it simple. You might even be able to act on some of their wishes. Let them understand that you know their opinion. 4. Assign a buddy Improving employee engagement also involves serving as a mentor despite being how busy you are. There are many people out there hesitant to simply ask a manager for li?le things. But you have to build a trustwo?hy relationship with employees to make the work environment more welcome. Make them grow as a pa? of the team. Many managers do not opt for the personal approach but it is o?en necessary to talk and resolve who are facing issues. Just help and ensure no one is le? behind 5. Focus on the collaboration It seems that cubicles give a personal space. It is true, but only to an extent. You might have experienced yourself in cubicles or seen in any o?ce space. These kinds of companies o?er comfo?, not collaboration. However, collaboration is one of the vital components for businesses to thrive in this competitive world. In the long history of humankind, those who learned to collaborate and improvise most e?ectively have prevailed. - Charles Darwin One of the best ways to improve is to implement collaboration tools that cut down the time of moving from desk to desk or waiting for someone to write a formal email for a simple thing. 6. Praise them It is an open truth that one of the best ways to motivate people to work more is to reward them on a regular basis. But, rewarding for every tiny thing makes him/her comfo?able. Hence, it should be done only from time to time. That will mean a lot to the person. Trust me!
Also, encourage co-workers to hear about someone’s achievement and congratulate them. This step brings employees together for sure. 7. Draw a?ention to work-life balance It seems like a typical phrase bragged by many employees or organizations. But a good work-life balance can reduce employee stress and increase sta? retention. There should be an equity between the time spent working and personal life. Work-life balance is subjective. It is going to mean di?erent for each other. Talk with your team to acknowledge what you can do for a be?er workplace engagement. A ?exible schedule is the easiest way to keep them thriving. 8. Work from home There should be an ability to work from home whenever necessary. Come on, who likes to work side-by-side someone who is blowing snot or who wants to commute in a heavy tra?c with running a fever. Whenever an employee is sick, let them know that they can work from home. As a ma?er of fact, remote workers are more productive than the peeps working in-house. A couple of days in a year would not hu?. Isn’t it? 9. Hold fun One of the unfo?unate aspects of the modern work culture is that many do not even associate the word “fun” with the work. You do not necessarily have to disrupt the normal week to integrate fun into the o?ce. Just take a half day Friday and let all the depa?ments do something together. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy Holding contests within the organization, playing outdoor spo?s, going as volunteers can make the day much be?er and improve employee engagement levels than you have imagined. 10. Celebrate your team Make your sta? members feel special on their work anniversaries, bi?hdays, or for even a big project closure. When employees feel like they are ge?ing an adequate amount of a?ention for his/her e?o?s, they typically have a more urge to be engaged. Make it unexpected. 11. Dress code There should be no Barney who hunts you every day to “suit-up.” Every workspace has its own sense of culture. The clothes people put on absolutely have a dramatic impact on the environment. While you are working with a team of professionals there must not be a much of concern over what one has to wear at work. As long as the a?ire looks decent, the rest of the things goes well. Allow them to come up with a reasonable and comfo?able dress code that makes everyone happy. 12. Step in the motivational speakers To shake up the workday, commence it with something inspirational. Ever seen how a motivational speaker spills out the magic in lives? They just shake it o?. Chances are you know how they e?ective they can be at improving team engagement or motivation or whatever.
Do your homework. But also ask your members for references. If many are into music, bring a professional musician; just like how spo?s fans respond to athletes. Your employees would be grateful, focused, and energized by the oppo?unity to learn from the expe?s. 13. Lunch out twice a week Once or twice a week, host a lunch for the whole team. Throughout the busy week, it is common for employees to feel branch out. Common lunches are lots of fun; people talk about from crushes to cryptocurrencies, not to forget the bene?ts of employee engagement. Make sure that everyone is well aware of the venue and time. 14. Be operative on a ?rst name basis Many people are bad at remembering names. Okay, I am one among them. I can tell how and what they talked about, the dress they were wearing, whether they were interested in the conversation or not and just everything under the sun; but when it comes to their name. Man, it sucks. It is quite challenging for me as I manage a lot of people. However, no one wants to be treated as a cog in the wheel. Isn’t it? But when you call someone by their name, they feel superior for not being just a member or some tester anymore. True that it takes time to remember everyone’s name, but it is wo?h trying. Bo?om Line : When you focus on engaging the employees, the results would be productive with high retention rates and success across the industry. It is high time. It is your turn now. Take these 15 simple employee engagement ideas and tell us, how it goes.Put the things into practice at your o?ce and understand the gaps. Also, do not forget to tell us what kind of engagement ideas do you have or strategies that have worked for you in order to increase employee engagement. Let me know in the comment section below EMPLOYEE ENGAGEMENT TEAM ENGAGEMENT WORKPLACE ENGAGEMENT ENGAGEMENT ACTIVITIES Team Collaboration like never before Give enough space to your business to grow. Make it accessible anytime anywhere. Sign Up FOLLOW US Recent Blogs