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Explore the context of Mary's Song in Luke 1:39-56. Reflect on Ruth Bell Graham's insight into worship and worry. Join in the praise for God's favor and receive the message of hope in the birth of Christ.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. TBC Kid's Choir

  2. Mary's Song Luke 1:39-56

  3. 1 Timothy 2:5-6 For there is one God and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, who gave himself as a ransom for all men—the testimony given in its proper time.

  4. Mary's Song Luke 1:39-56

  5. a song of Praise & Thanksgiving

  6. the context Blessed Women

  7. the context Blessed Women

  8. Ruth Bell Graham Worship and worry cannot live in the same heart; they are mutually exclusive.

  9. the context Blessed Women

  10. Mary's Magnificat A SONG OF Worship

  11. Praise for the father's Favor

  12. Where the heart is willing it will find a thousand ways, but where it is unwilling it will find a thousand excuses.

  13. A heart in tune with God can sing praises even in the darkest night.

  14. Praise for the father's Favor Fairness Faithfulness

  15. the Departure Waiting for the FATHER'S Child

  16. come and Worship

  17. My Soul Magnifies the Lord Good news of great joy For every woman every man This will be a sign to you A baby born in Bethlehem Come and worship do not be afraid

  18. A company of angels Glory in the highest And on the earth peace among Those on whom His favor rests Come and worship do not be afraid

  19. My soul my soul magnifies the Lord My soul magnifies the Lord He has done great things for me Great things for me

  20. Unto you a child is born Unto us a Son is given Let every heart praise His throne Let every nation under heaven Come and worship do not be afraid

  21. My soul my soul magnifies the Lord My soul magnifies the Lord He has done great things for me Great things for me

  22. Of His government there will be no end He’ll establish it with His righteousness And he shall reign on David’s throne And His name shall be from this day on

  23. My soul my soul magnifies the Lord My soul magnifies the Lord He has done great things for me Great things for me

  24. My soul my soul magnifies the Lord My soul magnifies the Lord He has done great things for me Great things for me

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