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Applied Cryodetectors

Learn about the XACT facility with a fixed-exit X-ray monochromator system for microcalorimeter array development in X-ray astronomy. Address project details, conclusions, and the presenter's background.

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Applied Cryodetectors

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  1. Applied Cryodetectors Research Training Network funded by the European Commission's 5th Framework programme Improving Human Potential Carlo Pelliciari INAF-Osservatorio Astronomico G.S. Vaiana, Palermo, Italy 10 Dec 2004, Mid-term Review in Milano

  2. What I am going to show • A brief C.V. • Present position • The XACT facility • Fixed exit X-ray monochromator system • RTN project: Microcalorimeter array development for X-ray astronomy • Conclusions 10 Dec 2004, Mid-term Review in Milano

  3. Something about me • 1996: Graduate on Physics @ University of Ferrara (Italy): “Fixed-exit monochromator for hard X-ray beams (8-130 keV) for astrophysics instrumentation tests”; • 1997: 9 months fellowship @ DSRI (Denmark) : characterization of X-ray single-layer and multilayer mirrors; • 1998 - 2001: Research Contracts @ University of Ferrara (Italy), Physics department: X ray optics development, realization of a X ray monochromator system, upgrading of the X-ray facility, JEM-X detector calibration (INTEGRAL project); • 2002 - 2003: European fellowship (1y) + RTN Contract (1y) @ CEA/SAp(France): development and characterization of micro-calorimeter for X-ray astronomy. 10 Dec 2004, Mid-term Review in Milano

  4. Present positionResearch Contract @ INAF-Osservatorio Astronomico G.S.Vaiana, Palermo, Italy Development of a Monochromator System for theX-ray Astronomy Calibration and Testing (XACT) Facility 10 Dec 2004, Mid-term Review in Milano

  5. 20 50 100 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 100 18 m XACT Facility Test chamber X ray source 100 63 55 40 50 35 25 30 25 30 The X ray source is a multi-anode system able to mounting up to 6 anodes and 4 filters. Flux = 105 ph/s/cm2 @ 16 meters. Energy range: 0.1 - 20keV: Cu(0.93; 8.04), Fe(6.4), Cr(5.41), Ti(4.51), Al(1.49), C (0.28) … 20 clean room (1000 class) test chamber (Ø=1 m) Vacuum tube (10-6 mbar) X ray source 10 Dec 2004, Mid-term Review in Milano

  6. DATA Bmax = 2.3 T 60 50 Tmeas ~ 45 mK 40 Tpred = 43 mK 30 XACT: the cryostat • Pumping on air (1 night) • Pumping on LHe and LN2 (2 hours) • Isothermal Magnetization (2 hours) • Adiabatic Demagnetization (30 min) 10 Dec 2004, Mid-term Review in Milano

  7. Some results What I am doing • Monochromator system for XACT facility • The system will provide a monochromatic beam in the full energy range: 0.1 - 20 keV; • Energy resolution: E / E = 10% ; • Fixed position of the monochromatic beam at all energies; • It is based on double Bragg diffraction; • Beam section: 60 x 60 cm2 @ 20 meters; • We plane to mount the system soon and to run the first tests in January 2005. 10 Dec 2004, Mid-term Review in Milano

  8. Applied Cryodetectors Network contract (HPRN-CT-2002-00322) Research Training Network 5th Framework programme: Improving Human Potential Microcalorimeter array development for X-ray astronomy CEA / DSM-DAPNIA / SAp (Commisariat à l’Energie Atomique / Direction des Science de la Matière- Dep. Astrophysique,Particule, Nucléaire et Instrumentation Associée / Service d’Astrophysique) 10 Dec 2004, Mid-term Review in Milano

  9. 10 Dec 2004, Mid-term Review in Milano Removed Silicon substrate glue High Z superconductor Removed CdTe substrate High Z Oxide sensor simox plate Etching of SOI dioxide back and front side -calorimeter array development for X-ray astronomy Philosophy: realisation of a -calorimeter from the modification of existing bolometer arrays for IR instruments. Advantages: tested standard collective silicon technologies. The sensor will be adapted increasing the implanted dose (Phosphorus, 40% Boron compensation) from 1-10 G @ 300 mK° to 1-10 M @ 50-100 mK°. Absorber candidate: Tantalum. Indium bump hybridization process allows a self alignment between the absorbers and the sensors. CEA/SAp

  10. Microcalorimeter structure Scheme of the MESA process on a double SOI substrate 1-Thermometer Implantation 3-Contact Implantation and Diffusion 2-Diffusion of the thermometer implantation 6- Al Deposit and Etching on the thermo contacts. 4-Etching of the Thermometer 5-Etching of the first SOI dioxide m-calorimeter 2D array Resistive Mesa Si thermometer Silicon Micro-etching technology 10 Dec 2004, Mid-term Review in Milano

  11. Wafer Matrix 25 mm thick Ta foil glued on sensor plate CEA/DSM/DAPNIA/Edelweiss group Saclay, France. Dilution Cryostat Setup Synergy CEA/DTA/LETI Grenoble, France. Microcalorimeter CEA/DSM/ DAPNIA/SAp, Saclay, France. 10 Dec 2004, Mid-term Review in Milano

  12. Acquisition data setup 10 Dec 2004, Mid-term Review in Milano Internet link Relay board high insulation • TRMC2: Temperature Regulator and Measurement Controller 2. • PC1: TRMC2 interface. PC1-PC2 link is established only during test campaign. • PC2: acquisition data; it has read/write permission on PC1

  13. 01 02 04 05 01 04 05 02 thermistor Measurements Heating resistor Feedback resistor • 15 sensor / 4 matrix of the same wafer. • 3.75 1018 atoms/cm3 P implantation, B 40% compensation. • Gap betweens curves  circular implantation • “04” Curve fitting (Efros and Shklovskii): • R = R0e(T0/T);R0 = 6 k, T0 = 40 K,  = 0.48 10 Dec 2004, Mid-term Review in Milano

  14. 10 Dec 2004, Mid-term Review in Milano Conclusions The mobility of the researchers can give the opportunity to establish fruitful international contacts and collaborations. Some examples in my experience: Symbol X: CEA/SAp, Saclay, Paris (H.E. detector) – Osservatorio Astronomico di Brera, Milano, Italy (X ray optics); Bolometers: CEA/SAp, Saclay, Paris (micro calorimeter technology) – INAF/Osservatorio Astronomico G.S. Vaiana, Palermo, Italy (absorber tests and modeling); Fixed Exit Beam Monochromator: CEA/SAp, Saclay, Paris (experience in monochromator elements) - INAF/Osservatorio Astronomico G.S. Vaiana, Palermo, Italy (Monochromator design and construction);

  15. Article • Development of a microcalorimeter array for wide energy band X-ray astronomyPelliciari, C. / Agnese, P. / Navick, X.F. / Pigot, C. / Sauvageot, J.L., Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, Mar 2004 • Microcalorimeter array development for X-ray astronomyPigot, C. / Agnese, P. / Navick, X.F. / Pelliciari, C. / Sauvageot, J.L., Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, May 2003

  16. Monochromator elements Energy range: from 10 up to 20 keV few fluorescence lines continuum Energy range: from 0.1 up to 10 keV fluorescence lines; We investigated several materials as candidate for monochromators with different geometry (flat, concave and convex with different curvature radius). 10 Dec 2004, Mid-term Review in Milano

  17.  = standard deviation of mosaic distribution; •  = 2.355 ; • B = Bragg angle; • r concave/convex = curvature radius 1st and 2nd crystal; • xl z dim: z crystal dimension (mm); • xls prj: crystal dimension projection (seen from source) • div (rad): angular spread Simulation results 10 Dec 2004, Mid-term Review in Milano

  18. monochromator Beam features: Graphite 10 Dec 2004, Mid-term Review in Milano

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