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A web -services approach to modeling global methane flux. Warren Wood 1 , Richard Owens 1 , John Sample 1 , Joe Calantoni 1 , Tom Boyd 2 , WooYoel Jung 2 , Richard Coffin 2. 1 U . S. Naval Research Laboratory, Stennis Space Center, MS 2 U. S. Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, D.C.
A web-services approach to modeling global methane flux • Warren Wood1, Richard Owens1, John Sample1, Joe Calantoni1, Tom Boyd2, WooYoelJung2, Richard Coffin2 • 1U. S. Naval Research Laboratory, Stennis Space Center, MS • 2U. S. Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, D.C. • Funding through Naval Research Laboratory Base Program (6.1) Web Services, Generic Earth Modeling System, CH4 Flux
Q. What are web (enabled) services?A. Relatively new computer science constructs that allow interoperability of data and data processing.Q. How will this help us quantify methane flux?A. This allows us to build an earth model whose components are continually updated by experts in the community. Server Clients Web Services, Generic Earth Modeling System, CH4 Flux
Web Feature, Coverage Services • Many datasets are in a repository or otherwise "available on the web" • What does this mean? Are the data a JPEG image?, zipped bitmap image? ASCII flat file? • Web enabled service – In our case, a Java interface that allows almost any data set to be machine accessible via the web – Descriptions of the kind and structure of the data (metadata) are included in the Java code. • Data are served via the web. (Web Feature Service) (Web Coverage Service) data, in any format; point, profile, section, etc. Gridded data, in any format; 2-D, 3-D, 4-D, etc. World Wide Web Web Services, Generic Earth Modeling System, CH4 Flux
Web Process Services • Many earth science modeling algorithms (codes) are also are in a repository or otherwise "available on the web" • If not in a machine accessible form, they are nearly useless. • Web process service – In our case, a Java interface that allows almost any model to be accessed via the web – Descriptions of the inputs and outputs are embedded in the Java code. • Numerical simulations (models) are served via the web. Processing one form of data into another (Web Process Service) My numerical simulation, in any code World Wide Web Web Services, Generic Earth Modeling System, CH4 Flux
How will Web Enabled Services Help Us Quantify CH4 Flux? • They allow development of a Generic Earth Modeling System (GEMS) • Like other topics in Earth Sciences, estimating methane generation, distribution, and flux requires many disparate capabilities (geophysics, bio-geochemistry, hydrology) and data types. • A generic system allows experts to focus on their own data/models and not just share data, but actively collaborate by linking data and codes together over the web. • Similar to a GIS, but layers can interact in sophisticated ways. • Why should individuals contribute? Everyone gets "citation" credit, based on the frequency their contribution is accessed. Web Services, Generic Earth Modeling System, CH4 Flux
Where to Start ? • Global estimate of Seafloor Carbon flux • Data volumes of fundamental marine sediment properties • (with of latitude, longitude and depth) • Pressure(bathymetry, fraction lithostatic) • Temperature(ocean climatology, geothermal gradient) • Porosity(Athy: porosity at seafloor, characteristic length) • Fluid Flux (compaction, sedimentation rate) • Concentration of fluid Carbon (CO2, CH4) • Transport (gas, hydrology) Web Services, Generic Earth Modeling System, CH4 Flux
Example of 1-D Seep Potential Modeling (simplest parts) T(z) and P(z) control methanogenesis, solubility, phase mobility Temperature Pressure OCEAN OCEAN Water Depth (e.g. Smith and Sandwell) Seafloor Temperature (e.g. Levitus) Sediment Thickness (e.g. Laske) Lithostatic Sed. Temp. (e.g. Pollack) Hydrostatic SEDIMENT SEDIMENT CRUST CRUST Web Services, Generic Earth Modeling System, CH4 Flux
Example of 1-D Seep Potential Modeling (less simple parts) Porosity affects thermal properties, Age controls methanogenesis Porosity = fmax to fo Age =0 to crustal age OCEAN OCEAN fmax Age Porosity (f) SEDIMENT SEDIMENT fo Crustal Age (e.g. Muller 2008) CRUST CRUST Web Services, Generic Earth Modeling System, CH4 Flux
Web Services Desktop, Laptop, iphone? Web Feature/Coverage Service Data (e.g. Bathy – pressure) Data (e.g. Seafloor Temperature) • Client (user) requests Data/Process Data (e.g. Sediment Temperature) Data sets are created by: 1) Observations 2) Processing existing data - including Interpolation/Extrapolation Process Inputs are: 1) One or more data sets and/or 2) List of runtime parameters Process Outputs are: 1) One or more data sets 2) List of output parameters Web Process Service Process (e.g. Calculate hydrate stability zone thickness) Process (e.g. simulate thermogenic methane production) Web Services, Generic Earth Modeling System, CH4 Flux
Web Process Service Models and data 1) For our project data/models must be transparent (open source, no proprietary black boxes). Data/models from our system may be merged with proprietary data/modelsbehind a firewall. 2) Data/models may run on any computer (UNIX, Windows, Mac) using any code (MATLAB, FORTRAN C, BASIC, JAVA, etc.) as long as they have a JAVA wrapper. (we are currently working on a "scientist-friendly" series of wrappers to distribute ) Web Services, Generic Earth Modeling System, CH4 Flux
Generic Earth Modeling Systems approach • e.g. Web Feature Service, • Web Coverage Service Bathymetry Climatology Geoth. Grad. … Grid or re-grid data to 2x2 minute • Web Process Service Bathymetry Climatology Geoth. Grad. … • Web Coverage Service Calculate Carbon Flux • Web Process Service • Web Coverage Service, • Web Mapping Service Gridded carbon flux estimate Web Services, Generic Earth Modeling System, CH4 Flux
Example: Gas Hydrate Stability Zone thickness Temp. Press. CH4 Conc. Porespace Databases Processes Models Geospatial Inputs Geospatial Outputs Bathymetry Calculate Pore Pressure Pressure vs. Depth Calculate Pore Temperature Seafloor Temperature Geothermal gradient Temp. vs. Depth Thermal Conductivity Calculate CH4 Solubility f(PT) Sediment Thickness Depth to base of HSZ Calculate Methane Hydrate stability zone (HSZ) HSZ thickness Empirical Relations CH4Capacity of HSZ Calculate CH4 Capacity Calculate Porosity vs. Depth Calculate Pore volume in HSZ NRL - Web-Services Approach to Carbon Flux
Calculated result can be served up in Google Earth(demonstrations available after the talk) Web Services, Generic Earth Modeling System, CH4 Flux
Recently Discovered Phenomenon - CH4 Derived CO2 Isotopic evidence shows low flux seepage contains CO2, not methane Methane converted to CO2 via anaerobic oxidation of methane and other processes Including this effect requires a model of increased seep potential to include CO2 as well as CH4. Pohlman, Nature Geoscience, 2010 Web Services, Generic Earth Modeling System, CH4 Flux
Potential Collaborations • The GEO 2012-2015 Work Plan include a specific task on Carbon dedicated to contribute to the achievement of the 2015 GEOSS climate strategic target, namely the CL-02-C1: Integrated Global Carbon Observation and Analysis System. This task aims at developing a comprehensive global carbon observation system integrated across the atmosphere, land and ocean (including anthropogenic) domains, providing both improved estimates of carbon budget at different scales (from global to regional/national and reliable information and products for decision-makers, improving global observation networks of CO2, CH4, isotope ratios and exchange fluxes, developing an integrated carbon-cycle data assimilation system. • TOTAL FUNDS: 8.6 M€ of which 6.6 M€ from EC Web Services, Generic Earth Modeling System, CH4 Flux
Potential Collaborations Web Services, Generic Earth Modeling System, CH4 Flux
Questions?Comments?Suggestions?Opinions? Web Services, Generic Earth Modeling System, CH4 Flux