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Genesis. Genesis 11:10-32. Descendants of Shem, Son of Noah. Genesis 11:8-9. Q: Would the division at Babel explain why civilizations appeared contemporaneously in all parts of the world only a few millennia ago? Yes
Genesis 11:10-32 Descendants of Shem, Son of Noah
Genesis 11:8-9 Q: Would the division at Babel explain why civilizations appeared contemporaneously in all parts of the world only a few millennia ago? Yes Tribal migration to unexplored regions, moving to higher elevations for protection, or near springs or rivers, with fertile areas for food supply and water, would explain why agriculture, animal husbandry, ceramics, metallurgy, etc. Would be developed immediately.
Genesis 11:8-9 Temporary homes would be built of stone, if available, or more immediate needs would be met by living in caves. Remains of these original occupation sites suggest to the evolutionist a ‘stone age culture’ but actually they simply reflect a very temporary situation. As soon as materials for ceramics and metals could be found, the site was abandoned, and a village formed. ‘Stone age’ to ‘bronze age’ to ‘iron age’ to ‘village economy’ would progress quickly.
Genesis 11:8-9 Q: Would the Tower of Babel confusion explain differences in cultures around the world? Yes. Distinctive cultures would develop, along with distinctive physical and biological characteristics. Since they could communicate well only within family units, the possibility of marrying outside the family unit would be minimized. Inbreeding would occur in all areas. Variation takes place very quickly in a small inbreeding population. Dominant genes find common expression in the outward physical characteristics of a population.
Genesis 11:8-9 In a small, inbreeding population, genes that may be present in all members, though recessive in the larger population, will become dominant under these circumstances. Just a very few generations of such inbreeding would develop distinct differences in skin color, height, hair texture, facial features, temperament, environmental adjustments, becoming distinctive in particular tribes and nations.
Genesis 11:8-9 After many generations of inbreeding, and perhaps enhanced by the dangers of radiation, and other environmental factors, God forbid incestuous marriages (Lev. 18:6-14). Q: Is this post-Babel sequence of world-wide development described in the Bible? No. But it does seem to fit the data in science as well as in the Bible (Morris, p. 276)
Genesis 11:8-9 Q: Was the confusion of language a miracle? Yes. We do not know how God accomplished this. Language itself is a miracle; there is absolutely no way in which the grunts and barks of animals could ever have evolved by natural processes into the articulate, symbolic, abstract language of humans.
Genesis 11:8-9 Q: Will we all speak the same language in Heaven? Yes. The Day of Pentecost foreshadowed the reality of this, when people spoke in languages they did not know, and/or people heard languages they did not know. (Acts 2:6-11) (6) “And when this sound occurred, the multitude came together, and were bewildered, because they were each one hearing them speak in his own language.” (8) “And how is it that we each hear them in our own language to which we were born...(11) we hear them in our own tongues speaking of the mighty deeds of God”
Genesis 11:8-9 Q: Is the miracle of Acts 2 a miracle of HEARING, and not of Speaking in a language you don’t know? Q: Were the Apostles speaking one language, and everyone HEARD and UNDERSTOOD what they were saying?