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Applications of Accelerators. Philip Burrows John Adams Institute for Accelerator Science Oxford University. 1. Lecture 2 outline. Application of accelerators for fundamental discoveries A bit of history Colliders Large Hadron Collider After the Large Hadron Collider. 2.
Applications of Accelerators Philip Burrows John Adams Institute for Accelerator Science Oxford University 1
Lecture 2 outline • Application of accelerators for fundamental discoveries • A bit of history • Colliders • Large Hadron Collider • After the Large Hadron Collider 2
Scientific importance of accelerators • 30% of physics Nobel Prizes • awarded for work based • on accelerators • Increasing number of non-physics • Nobel Prizes being awarded • for work reliant on accelerators! 3
Accelerator-related Physics Nobel Prizes • 1901 Roentgen: X rays • 1905 Lenard: cathode rays • 1906 JJ Thomson: electron • 1914 von Laue: X-ray diffraction • 1915 WH+WL Bragg: X-ray crystallography • 1925 Franck, Hertz: laws of impact of e on atoms • 1927 Compton: X-ray scattering • 1937 Davisson, Germer: diffraction of electrons • 1939 Lawrence: cyclotron 4
Accelerator-related Physics Nobel Prizes • 1943 Stern: magnetic moment of proton • 1951 Cockcroft, Walton: artificial acceleration • 1959 Segre, Chamberlain: antiproton discovery • 1961 Hofstadter: structure of nucleons • 1968 Alvarez: discovery of particle resonances • 1969 Gell-Mann: classification of el. particles • 1976 Richter, Ting: charmed quark • 1979 Glashow, Salam, Weinberg: Standard Model • 1980 Cronin, Fitch: symmetry violation in kaons 5
Accelerator-related Physics Nobel Prizes • 1984 Rubbia, van der Meer: W + Z particles • 1986 Ruska: electron microscope • 1988 Ledermann, Schwartz, Steinerger: mu nu • 1990 Friedmann, Kendall, Taylor: quarks • 1992 Charpak: multi-wire proportional chamber • 1994 Brockhouse, Shull: neutron scattering • 1995 Perl: tau lepton discovery • 2004 Gross, Pollitzer, Wilczek: asymptotic freedom • 2008 Nambu, Kobayashi, Maskawa: broken symm. 6
Dark Matter 10
Dark Energy 12
Recreating conditions of early universe Big Bang now Older ….. larger … colder ….less energetic 13
Telescopes to the early universe Big Bang now Older ….. larger … colder ….less energetic 14
Large Hadron Collider (LHC) Best window we have on matter in the universe, at ultra-early times and at ultra-small scales 15
Interesting speculations All eyes on collider as it comes to life Will atom smasher signal end of the world? Le LHC, un succès européen à célébrer Large Hadron Collider e International Linear Collider a caccia del bosone di Higgs Wir stoßen die Tür zum dunklen Universum auf 16
For physics studies see • Heavy ion physics (Barbara Jacak) • Standard Model (Harald Fritzsch) • The LHC and the Standard Model (Albert de Roeck) • Beyond the Standard Model (John Ellis) • CP violation (Yosef Nir) • Detectors (Emmanuel Tsesmelis) 18
Accelerators • Want to see what matter is made of • Smash matter apart and look for the building blocks • Take small pieces of matter: • accelerate them to very high energy • crash them into one another • LHC: protons crashing into protons head-on 19
High energy is critical • Size of structure we can probe with a collider like LHC • = h / p(de Broglie, 1924) • h = Planck’s constant = 6.63 x 10**-34 Js • p = momentum of protons • The larger the momentum (energy), the smaller the size • LHC exploring structure of matter at 10**20 m scale 20
Why build colliders? 60 mph stationary 22
Why build colliders? 60 mph stationary 30 mph 30 mph 23
Why build colliders? For speeds well below light speed: same damage! 60 mph stationary 30 mph 30 mph 24
Why build colliders? • Now try this with protons moving near light speed stationary 26
Why build colliders? • Now try this with protons moving near light speed stationary 27
Why build colliders? For the same physics, 14,000 times the energy of each proton in the LHC stationary 28
Why colliders? Most of the energy goes into carrying the momentum forward 29
Why colliders? All the energy available for smashing up the protons 30
Large Hadron Collider (LHC) Largest, highest-energy particle accelerator CERN, Geneva 31
The fastest racetrack on the planet The protons will reach 99.9999991% speed of light, and go round the 27km ring 11,000 times per second 32
The coldest places in the galaxy The LHC operates at -271 C (1.9K), colder than outer space. A total of 36,800 tonnes are cooled to this temperature. The largest refrigerator ever 33
The emptiest vacuum in the solar system Ten times more atmosphere on the Moon than inside LHC beam pipes 34
The hottest spots in the galaxy When the two beams of protons collide, they will generate temperatures 1000 million times hotter than the heart of the sun, but in a minuscule space 35
LHC Beams • Each beam contains 3000 ‘bunches’ of protons • Each bunch contains 200 billion protons 36
LHC Magnets • 27km tunnel is 50 – 150 m below ground • Two beams of protons circulating in opposite directions • Beams controlled by 1800 superconducting magnets, dipoles are of field strength about 8 Tesla 40
Large Hadron Collider (LHC) Back on November 20th 2009 47
At last! 48