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E-learning. E-learning. E-learning defined. Engagement skills. E-learning defined. E-learning basically boils down to learning that is facilitated and supported via information and communications technology (ICT) ( http://www.about-elearning.com/definition-of-e-learning.html ).
E-learning E-learning defined Engagement skills
E-learning defined • E-learning basically boils down to learning that is facilitated and supported via information and communications technology (ICT) (http://www.about-elearning.com/definition-of-e-learning.html). • The delivery of a learning, training or education program by electronic means (http://derekstockley.com.au/elearning-definition.html). • e-Learning is an umbrella term that describes learning done at a computer, usually connected to a network, giving us the opportunity to learn almost anytime, anywhere (http://www.worldwidelearn.com/elearning-essentials/index.html). • E-learning is the use of multimedia technologies and the Internet to improve the quality of learning by facilitating access to resources and services as well as remote exchanges and collaboration (Bryn & Gardner, 2006 p. 14). • E-learning involves online access to learning resources, anywhere and anytime (Bryn & Gardner, 2006 p. 14).
E-learning defined E-learning is an umbrella term that describes the use of digital ICTs to enhance the delivery of learning content, the facilitation of learning and teaching as well as assessment. Example 1: http://lgfl.skoool.co.uk/keystage3.aspx?id=64 Example 2: http://www.c4lpt.co.uk/Showcase/index.html Example 3: http://blog.cathy-moore.com/elearning-samples/ Example 4: http://wikieducator.net/hookeslaw/index.html Example 5: http://wikieducator.net/biology/index.html
E-learning defined • Interaction between the learners and the teacher is a prerequisite for the facilitation of teaching and learning in an e-learning environment. • Interaction is supported by asynchronous and synchronous communication tools. • Asynchronous tools enable communication and collaboration over a period of time through a "different time-different place" mode. • Synchronous tools enable real-time communication and collaboration in a "same time-different place" mode.
Asynchronous communication tools E-Learning
Engagement skills • E-learning requires different types of engagement skills. • The following six skills assist learners to assimilate and understand new knowledge: Searching, selecting, exploring, testing, analyse and synthesise. • The following six skills assist the learners to consolidate, share and use their knowledge gains: Collaborate, discuss, understand, apply, create and promote. E-Learning Click a petal to view more information.
Searching • Identifying where the information sources are. • To look at or examine (a person, object, etc.) carefully in order to find something concealed, (http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/search). Engagement skills
Selecting • Choosing the relevant sources according to a set of criteria. • To choose and take from a number of things. • To pick the best (http://www.just-define.com/selecting-definition.htm). Engagement skills
Exploring • Looking for information that might match our interests or meet our needs. Engagement skills
Testing • Learners try out ideas and test hypotheses. Engagement skills
Analyse • Deconstructing the complexity of information. Engagement skills
Synthesise • Rebuilding deconstructed information as own knowledge. Engagement skills
Collaborate • To work jointly with others or together especially in an intellectual endeavor. • (http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/collaborate). • To work together with others to achieve a common goal. (http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/collaborate). Engagement skills
Discuss • Explain (externalize) what has been internalized. • To make something external or objective (http://www.allwords.com/word-externalize.html) • To represent something abstract or intangible as material; to embody (http://www.allwords.com/word-externalize.html) Engagement skills
Understand • Grasping of new knowledge demonstrates understanding. • To grasp the significance, implications, or importance of something (http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/understand) Engagement skills
Apply • Using grasped knowledge in a new context. Engagement skills
Create • Fashion grasped knowledge in transferable forms. Engagement skills
Promote • Making transferable forms of knowledge available to others. Engagement skills