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Job Interviews & Resumes

Job Interviews & Resumes. What I’ll Tell You. Disclaimer Experience My view of resumes The initial interview Subsequent interviews Questions. Disclaimer. My opinions My likes and dislikes Years of experience. Food for Thought.

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Job Interviews & Resumes

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Job Interviews & Resumes

  2. What I’ll Tell You • Disclaimer • Experience • My view of resumes • The initial interview • Subsequent interviews • Questions

  3. Disclaimer • My opinions • My likes and dislikes • Years of experience

  4. Food for Thought “Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson American essayist, lecturer, and poet

  5. Curriculum Vitae, Pete Viehweg • Maj, US Army retired (Co. Commander, Aviator) • Production Supervisor • Production Planning Coordinator • Warehouse Manager • Manufacturing Manager • National Transportation Manager • National Planning Manager • Manager, Logistics & Planning • Plant Manager • Director of Logistics Systems • Vice President, Operations • Sr. Vice President, Logistics Division of

  6. Resume • One page! • Personal, must reflect YOU! • Objective (or summary) • Focused on prospective employer • BRIEF statement of responsibilities for each job • Accomplishments, accomplishments, accomplishments! • Education • Could be at the beginning, after the objective • Language skills • Computer skills • Extracurricular activities? • NO GRAMMATICAL OR SPELLING ERRORS!!!!!

  7. Resume • More than one version? • References • Cover letter

  8. Food for Thought “When anyone asks me how I can best describe my experience in nearly forty years at sea, I merely say, uneventful. Of course there have been winter gales, and storms and fog and the like. But in all my experience, I have never been in any accident... or any sort worth speaking about. I have seen but one vessel in distress in all my years at sea. I never saw a wreck and never have been wrecked nor was I ever in any predicament that threatened to end in disaster of any sort..” • Edward J. SmithCaptain, H.M.S. Titanic

  9. The Interview • Your goal: • Get to the next interview!

  10. The Interview • Your goal: • Get to the next interview! • Well dressed • Better to be slightly over-dressed than under-dressed • Eye contact • Firm handshake • Relate your skills to the company’s needs • Research • Not “I was reading on your website that you need…” • Their needs, not yours • Make sure the company is a good fit for you

  11. Questions?

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