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Market Squid

Shark. Abalone. Sea Urchin. Lobster. Rockfish. Market Squid. Commercial Fishery Landings in Santa Barbara. What is Catch??. Catch = (Catchability) (Effort) (Biomass) Catchability is f(skill, technology,…) Effort is hours, # trawls, … = f(profit, …) Biomass is the stock abundance

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Market Squid

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Shark Abalone Sea Urchin Lobster Rockfish Market Squid Commercial Fishery Landings in Santa Barbara

  2. What is Catch?? • Catch = (Catchability) (Effort) (Biomass) Catchability is f(skill, technology,…) Effort is hours, # trawls, … = f(profit, …) Biomass is the stock abundance • Profit to fishery = (price) (Catch) – (Costs) Profit drives effort… Price = f(market, …) Costs = f(fuel, distance to port, biomass, …)

  3. Fish & Climate • Several identified oscillators • annual, SOI & PDO • more likely as our data sets are short • Several mechanisms • changing upwelling – bottom up - food web control • spawning habitat changes • The interaction of time scales are key • If critical time scales are similar, climate is important

  4. Market Squid Landings VERY short lived – Egg survival is key – Size specific carnivore

  5. Yellowtail Landings Long lived - Migrates 1000’s km – Eats squid, crabs, sardines

  6. PDOand … Switching of Alaskan & Wash/Oregon Catches Related to PDO Hypothesis: Spawning habitat First feeding PDO Alaskan Catch OR/WA Catch Mantua et al paper in reader

  7. Estuaries!

  8. WARM COOL sardines = warm anchovies = cool

  9. Varved Sediments in Santa Barbara Basin • Sediments form in annual varves • Low O2 – little bioturbation – require C inputs

  10. Fish Abundance from Varves • Switching between anchovy & sardine is seen – on 20 to 50 year time scales • Policy implications are important • Fishery collapses are not JUST due to fishing • Climate control of fish abundances

  11. Fish & Climate • The interaction of time scales are key • Salmon its during spawning (precip or first feeding) • Squid its egg survival & recruitment to adult stages • Yellowtail its food availability (recruitment?) • Sardine warm – anchovy cool (food web??) • If time scales are similar, climate is important • We know food webs structure changes due to climate regime shifts

  12. CalCoFIZooplankton Hi Zoo’s = Low Temp ENSO connection All in pre-1977

  13. CalCoFI Zooplankton McGowan et al. [1998] in readings

  14. Food WebChanges Non ESNO ESNO Zooplankton food web Association of abundance among taxa McGowan et al. [1998] in readings

  15. Z(T=10oC) Chlorophyll Biogenic Silica - Diatoms SB Channel – Low Diatoms during 97/98 ENSO

  16. Food Webs & Climate • Abundances of various components of marine food web change due to climate • Some evidence that food webs structure changes too • Dominant phytoplankton go from diatoms to mixed • Zooplankton assemblages & associations change too • This alters food webs and the length & intensity of food chains

  17. Chavez et al. [2003] paper in readings

  18. Seabirds, Anchovy & Sardine off Peru Chavez et al. [2003] paper in readings

  19. Seabirds are dominated by a cormorant who lives off anchovy almost exclusively

  20. Seabirds, Anchovy & Sardine off Peru

  21. Sardine Synchrony Over Pacific

  22. The Sardine Regime

  23. The Anchovy Regime

  24. Climate & Fish • The interaction of time scales are key • Salmon its during spawning (precip or 1st feeding) • Squid its egg survival & recruitment to adult stages • Yellowtail its food availability (recruitment?) • Sardine warm – anchovy cool (food web??) • If time scales are similar, climate is important • We know food webs structure changes due to climate regime shifts

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