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Unit 9 What does he look like?

Unit 9 What does he look like?. 授课人:蒋世燕 单位:厦门双十中学. E veryone has an idol ( 偶像) . Who is your idol?. Who is Miss Jiang's idol?. She is tall and of medium build. She has short curly hair. She is very beautiful and elegant (优雅的). She is a famous hostess (主持人). 学习目标.

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Unit 9 What does he look like?

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  1. Unit 9 What does he look like? 授课人:蒋世燕 单位:厦门双十中学

  2. Everyone has an idol(偶像). Who is your idol?

  3. Who is Miss Jiang's idol? She is tall and of medium build. She has short curly hair. She is very beautiful and elegant(优雅的). She is a famous hostess(主持人).

  4. 学习目标 Describe people's appearances(描述外貌.) Height(身高): He/She is tall/short/of medium height. Build(体型): He/She is heavy/thin/of medium build. Hair(头发): He/She has short straight hair. He/She has long curly hair. Others: He/She wears a pair of glasses. He has big eyes.

  5. What does he look like? Heistall. Heis of medium height. Heisshort.

  6. What does she look like? build(体型) Sheisthin. She isheavy. She isof medium build.

  7. What does she/he look like? She/He has... long straight hair long curly hair short curly hair short straight hair

  8. Memory game She has...and he has... 1

  9. Memory game 2

  10. Memory game 3

  11. Memory game

  12. What does Meijiao look like? tall heavy She is _____and ______. She has _________. long straight hair. What does Xiaodi look like? thin short He is ______and ______ . He has ______. short straight hair.

  13. What does Miss Chen look like? thin short She is _____ and _____. She has ______. short straight hair a pair of glasses She wears __________ She wears __________. a white dress She is cute/pretty.

  14. What does Mr. Gao look like? heavy He is _____ and _____. He has ______. tall short straight hair a pair of glasses He wears __________ He wears __________ a black T-shirt He is handsome(帅气的).

  15. Pairwork Desribe your classmates' appreances. 描述班级同学外貌。 A:What does XX look like? B:He/She is ...and.. He/She has... (He/She wears...)

  16. big head/ small head big eyes/ small eyes round face/ long face

  17. talk about your idol My idol is Jin Xiuxian. He is an actor(演员). He is tall and of medium build. He has short black hair. He wears a black suit(西服). .... I like him because he is really handsome.

  18. talk about your idol My idol is Yangmi. She is an actress. My idol is Yangmi. She is an actress. She is of medium height and thin. She has long curly hair. She has two big eyes. She wears a pink dress. She is really beautiful. She is of medium height and thin. She has long curly hair. She has two big eyes. She wears a pink dress. She is really beautiful. I like her because she can sing well and she is good at acting. I like her because she can sing well and she is good at acting.

  19. talk about your idol My idol is .... He/She is of .. and ... He/She has ...hair. He wears ... I like him/her because ...

  20. guessing game: Describe your idol and other students guess who he/she is. 描述自己的偶像,先描述给四人小组成员听,然后再描述给全班同学听,其它组同学猜。 He/She is a/an...(job). He/She is of .. and ... He/She has ...hair. He wears ... I like him/her because ...

  21. homework Write a passage to describe your idol. 写一篇介绍自己偶像的文章。 My idol is... She/He is a/an.... She/He is ...and .... She/He has... She/He has ... She/He wears .... She/He is really beautiful/handsome. I like her/him because ....

  22. Everyone is special! Everyone is important! 人人都很特别! 人人都很重要! Don’t judge the others by their looks! 不要以貌取人!

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