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Gluon: Communication-Optimizing Substrate for Graph Analytics

Gluon is a substrate for distributed and heterogeneous graph analytics systems, offering high-level synchronization API and optimizing communication. With novel optimizations, it outperforms other systems and simplifies shared-memory application development. The approach includes exploiting structural and temporal invariants to enhance performance and reduce communication volume and time. This tool provides a plug-and-play component model for building efficient graph analytics applications.

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Gluon: Communication-Optimizing Substrate for Graph Analytics

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  1. Roshan DathathriGurbinder Gill          Loc Hoang Hoang-Vu Dang          Alex Brooks          Nikoli Dryden Marc Snir          Keshav Pingali Gluon: A Communication-Optimizing Substrate for Distributed Heterogeneous Graph Analytics 1

  2. Distributed Graph Analytics Applications: machine learning and network science Datasets: unstructured graphs Need TBs of memory Credits: Wikipedia, SFL Scientific, MakeUseOf Credits: Sentinel Visualizer 2

  3. Gluon [PLDI’18] • Substrate: single address space applications on distributed, heterogeneous clusters • Provides:  • Partitioner • High-level synchronization API • Communication-optimizing runtime 3

  4. How to use Gluon? • Programmers: • Write shared-memory applications • Interface with Gluon using API • Gluon transparently handles: • Graph partitioning • Communication and synchronization CPU CPU Galois/Ligra/... Galois/Ligra/... Gluon Plugin Gluon Plugin Gluon Comm. Runtime Gluon Comm. Runtime Partitioner Partitioner Network (LCI/MPI) Network (LCI/MPI) Galois [SoSP’13] Ligra [PPoPP’13] IrGL [OOPSLA’16] LCI [IPDPS’18] 4

  5. How to use Gluon? • Programmers: • Write shared-memory applications • Interface with Gluon using API • Gluon transparently handles: • Graph partitioning • Communication and synchronization GPU GPU IrGL/CUDA/... IrGL/CUDA/... Gluon Plugin Gluon Plugin Gluon Comm. Runtime Gluon Comm. Runtime CPU CPU Gluon Comm. Runtime Gluon Comm. Runtime Partitioner Partitioner Network (LCI/MPI) Network (LCI/MPI) Galois [SoSP’13] Ligra [PPoPP’13] IrGL [OOPSLA’16] LCI [IPDPS’18] 4

  6. How to use Gluon? • Programmers: • Write shared-memory applications • Interface with Gluon using API • Gluon transparently handles: • Graph partitioning • Communication and synchronization GPU IrGL/CUDA/... Gluon Plugin Gluon Comm. Runtime CPU Galois/Ligra/... CPU Gluon Plugin Gluon Comm. Runtime Gluon Comm. Runtime Partitioner Partitioner Network (LCI/MPI) Network (LCI/MPI) Galois [SoSP’13] Ligra [PPoPP’13] IrGL [OOPSLA’16] LCI [IPDPS’18] 4

  7. Contributions • Novel approach to build distributed and heterogeneous graph analytics systems out of plug-and-play components • Novel optimizations that reduce communication volume and time • Plug-and-play systems built with Gluon outperform the state-of-the-art GPU IrGL/CUDA/... Gluon Plugin Gluon Comm. Runtime CPU Galois/Ligra/... CPU Gluon Plugin Gluon Comm. Runtime Gluon Comm. Runtime Partitioner Partitioner Network (LCI/MPI) Network (LCI/MPI) Galois [SoSP’13] Ligra [PPoPP’13] IrGL [OOPSLA’16] LCI [IPDPS’18] 5

  8. Outline • Gluon Synchronization Approach • Optimizing Communication • Exploiting Structural Invariants of Partitions • Exploiting Temporal Invariance of Partitions • Experimental Results

  9. Gluon Synchronization Approach

  10. Vertex Programming Model • Every node has one or more labels • e.g., distance in single source shortest path (SSSP) • Apply an operator on an active node in the graph • e.g., relaxation operator in SSSP • Operator: computes labels on nodes • Push-style: reads its label and writes to neighbors’ labels • Pull-style: reads neighbors’ labels and writes to its label • Applications: breadth first search, connected component, pagerank, single source shortest path, betweenness centrality, k-core, etc. R W push-style R W pull-style 6

  11. Partitioning Host h1 Host h2 B C D A F G H E I J Partitions of the graph Original graph 7

  12. Partitioning Host h1 • Each edge is assigned to a unique host Host h2 B C D A F G H E I J Partitions of the graph Original graph 7

  13. Partitioning Host h1 • Each edge is assigned to a unique host • All edges connect proxy nodes on the same host Host h2 C B C B B C D A D A G F G F F G H E H E J J I I J Partitions of the graph Original graph 7

  14. Partitioning Host h1 • Each edge is assigned to a unique host • All edges connect proxy nodes on the same host • A node can have multiple proxies: one is master proxy; rest are mirror proxies Host h2 C B C B B C D A D A G F G F F G H E H E J J I I J : Master proxy : Mirror proxy Partitions of the graph Original graph 7

  15. Partitioning Host h1 • Each edge is assigned to a unique host • All edges connect proxy nodes on the same host • A node can have multiple proxies: one is master proxy; rest are mirror proxies Host h2 5 2 1 C B C B B C 0 D A D A 3 0 1 4 6 G F G F F G 3 H E H E 6 2 J J I I J 5 4 7 A-J: Global IDs  : Master proxy 0-7: Local IDs  : Mirror proxy Partitions of the graph Original graph 7

  16. How to synchronize the proxies? • Distributed Shared Memory (DSM) protocols • Proxies act like cached copies • Difficult to scale out to distributed and heterogeneous clusters Host h1 Host h2 B C C B D A F G G F H E J J I : Master proxy : Mirror proxy 8

  17. How does Gluon synchronize the proxies? • Exploit domain knowledge • Cached copies can be stale as long as they are eventually synchronized Host h1 Host h2 1 8 B C C B 0 8 D A F G G F 1 8 8 H E J J I : Master proxy : Mirror proxy : distance (label) from source A 9

  18. How does Gluon synchronize the proxies? • Exploit domain knowledge • Cached copies can be stale as long as they are eventually synchronized • Use all-reduce: • Reduce from mirror proxies to master proxy • Broadcast from master proxy to mirror proxies Host h1 Host h2 1 B C C B 0 8 1 D A F G G F 1 1 8 H E J J I : Master proxy : Mirror proxy : distance (label) from source A 9

  19. When to synchronize proxies? Host h1 Host h2 Read partition-1 of the graph Read partition-2 of the graph Distribution-agnostic computation on local proxies Distribution-agnostic computation on local proxies Synchronize proxies with each other Synchronize proxies with each other 10

  20. Gluon Distributed Execution Model Host h1 Host h2 Gluon partitioner Gluon partitioner Galois/Ligra on multicore CPU or  IrGL/CUDA on GPU Galois/Ligra on multicore CPU or  IrGL/CUDA on GPU Galois [SoSP’13] Ligra [PPoPP’13] IrGL [OOPSLA’16] LCI [IPDPS’18] Gluon comm. runtime Gluon comm. runtime MPI/LCI MPI/LCI 11

  21. Gluon Synchronization API • Application-specific:  • What: Label to synchronize • When: Point of synchronization • How: Reduction operator to use • Platform-specific:  • Access functions for labels (specific to data layout) 12

  22. Exploiting Structural Invariants to Optimize Communication

  23. Structural invariants in the partitioning Structural invariants in this partitioning: • Mirror proxies do not have outgoing edges As a consequence, for sssp: • Mirror proxies do not read their distance label • Broadcast from master proxy to mirror proxies is not required Host h1 Host h2 1 B C C B 0 8 D A F G G F 1 8 H E J J I : Master proxy : Mirror proxy : distance (label) from source A 13

  24. Graph as an adjacency matrix Graph view Adjacency matrix view 14

  25. Partitioning an adjacency matrix Host h1 Host h2 B C C B D A F G G F H E J J I : Master proxy : Mirror proxy Graph view Adjacency matrix view 15

  26. Partitioning strategies with 4 partitions Incoming Edge Cut (IEC)  Outgoing Edge Cut (OEC)  Cartesian Vertex Cut (CVC)  UnconstrainedVertex Cut (UVC)  16

  27. Partitioning: strategies, constraints, invariants • Algorithm invariant in SSSP: R W 17

  28. Exploiting Temporal Invariance to Optimize Communication

  29. Bulk-communication • Proxies of millions of nodes need to be synchronized in a round • Not every node is updated in every round • Address spaces (local-IDs) of different hosts are different • Existing systems: use address translation and communicate global-IDs along with updated values Host h1 Host h2 8 5 2 1 B C C B 0 2 D A 3 0 1 4 6 F G G F 3 8 2 H E 6 2 J J I 5 4 7 8 8 A-J: Global IDs  : Master proxy 0-7: Local IDs  : Mirror proxy : distance (label) from source A 18

  30. Bulk-communication in existing systems Host h1 Host h2 Host h1 Host h2 8 5 2 1 2 4 5 6 B C C B 0 2 2 2 2 8 8 2 D A 3 0 1 4 C G 2 4 C G 6 F G G F 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 8 2 H E 6 2 J J I 5 4 7 8 8 A-J: Global IDs  : Master proxy :Global IDs :Address translation 0-7: Local IDs  : Mirror proxy :Local IDs :Communication : Label : Reduction : distance (label) from source A 19

  31. Bulk-communication in Gluon • Elides address translation during communication in each round • Exploits temporal invariance in partitioning • Mirrors and masters are static • e.g., only labels of C, G, and J can be reduced from h1 to h2 • Memoize address translation after partitioning Host h1 Host h2 8 5 2 1 B C C B 0 2 D A 3 0 1 4 6 F G G F 3 8 2 H E 6 2 J J I 5 4 7 8 8 A-J: Global IDs  : Master proxy 0-7: Local IDs  : Mirror proxy : distance (label) from source A 20

  32. Optimization I: memoization of address translation Host h1 Host h2 Host h1 Host h2 5 2 1 2 4 5 6 7 5 B C C B 0 D A 3 0 1 4 C G J J C G 6 F G G F 3 H E 6 2 J J I 5 4 7 A-J: Global IDs  : Master proxy :Global IDs :Address translation 0-7: Local IDs  : Mirror proxy :Local IDs :Communication 21

  33. Communication after memoization • Memoization establishes the order of local-IDs shared between hosts • Send and receive labels in each round in the same order • Only some labels updated in a round: • Send simple encoding that captures which of the local-IDs in the order were updated Host h1 Host h2 2 4 5 6 7 5 :Local IDs 22

  34. Optimization II:encoding of updated local-IDs Host h1 Host h2 Host h1 Host h2 8 5 2 1 5 6 7 5 2 4 B C C B 0 2 2 8 2 2 8 8 8 2 D A 3 0 1 4 110 110 6 F G G F 2 2 3 2 2 8 2 H E 6 2 J J I 5 4 7 8 8 A-J: Global IDs  : Master proxy : Encoding :Bitvector 0-7: Local IDs  : Mirror proxy :Local IDs :Communication : Label : Reduction : distance (label) from source A 23

  35. Experimental Results

  36. Experimental setup • Benchmarks: • Breadth first search (bfs) • Connected components (cc) • Pagerank (pr) • Single source shortest path (sssp) • Systems: • D-Ligra (Gluon + Ligra) • D-Galois (Gluon + Galois) • D-IrGL (Gluon + IrGL) • Gemini (state-of-the-art) [OSDI’16] 24

  37. Strong scaling on Stampede (68 cores on each host) D-Galois performs best and scales well 25

  38. Strong scaling on Bridges (4 GPUs share a physical node) D-IrGL scales well 26

  39. Impact of Gluon’s communication optimizations D-Galois on 128 hosts of Stampede: clueweb12 Improvement (geometric mean):         Communication volume: 2x                                  Execution time: 2.6x 27

  40. Fastest execution time (sec) using best-performing number of hosts/GPUs D-Galois and D-IrGL are faster than Gemini by factors of 3.9x and 4.9x 28

  41. Subsequent work using Gluon • [EuroPar’18] Abelian compiler: shared-memory Galois apps ---> distributed, heterogeneous (D-Galois + D-IrGL) apps • [VLDB’18] Partitioning Policies: Cartesian Vertex Cut performs best at scale • [PPoPP’19] Min-Rounds Betweenness Centrality (MRBC) algorithm • [ASPLOS’19] Phoenix: fault-tolerance without overhead during fault-free execution • [IPDPS’19] Fast Customizable Streaming Edge Partitioner (CuSP) 29

  42. Conclusions • Novel approach to build distributed, heterogeneous graph analytics systems: scales out to 256 multicore-CPUs and 64 GPUs • Novel communication optimizations: improve execution time by 2.6x • Gluon, D-Galois, and D-IrGL: publicly available in Galois v4.0 http://iss.ices.utexas.edu/?p=projects/galois • Use Gluon to scale out your shared-memory graph analytical applications 30

  43. Backup slides

  44. Graph construction time (sec) 31

  45. Execution time (sec) on a single node of Stampede (“-” means out-of-memory) 32

  46. Execution time (sec) on a single node of Bridges with 4 K80 GPUs (“-” means out-of-memory). 33

  47. Fastest execution time (sec) of all systems using best-performing number of hosts/GPUs D-Galois and D-IrGL are faster than Gemini by factors of 3.9x and 4.9x on the average. 34

  48. Impact of Gluon’s communication optimizations Improvement (geometric mean): • Communication volume: 2x • Execution time: 2.6x D-Galois on 128 hosts of Stampede: clueweb12 with CVC 35

  49. Impact of Gluon’s communication optimizations D-Galois on 128 hosts of Stampede: clueweb12 with CVC Improvement (geometric mean): • Communication volume: 2x • Execution time: 2.6x 27

  50. Fastest execution time (sec) of all systems using best-performing number of hosts/GPUs clueweb12 D-Galois and D-IrGL are faster than Gemini by factors of 3.9x and 4.9x 28

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