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Join Natalie Chevallier at the Forum on Market Surveillance and Consumer Protection to learn about the RAPEX system, Member States' obligations, and the Commission's role in ensuring product safety. Explore the future of RAPEX, notification procedures, and safeguard mechanisms.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. RAPEX Natalie CHEVALLIER Forum on Market Surveillance and Consumers Protection

  2. Presentation of the system Member States obligation Commission’s role Future of RAPEX

  3. Presentation of the system RAPEX: Rapid Alert System for Non-Food Products General Product Safety Directive (2001/95/EC) Definition Objectives

  4. Member States obligations Notification procedure Measures on products voluntary measures serious and immediate risk under certain conditions, risk of national scope

  5. Commission’s role check the notifications inform other Member States can propose additional measures safeguard mechanism


  7. Consumer Alert Notification

  8. Notification Form

  9. Notification Form

  10. Reactions from MS

  11. Reactions to notification

  12. Commission’s role Effective administration of the system: handling of 388 notifications in 2004 weekly reports on EUROPA Website Publication of Guidelines http://europa.eu.int/comm/dgs/health_consumer/dyna/rapex/rapex_en.cfm

  13. RAPEX Forum on Market Surveillance and Consumers Protection

  14. Future of RAPEX MoUs Revision of the New Approach / Global Approach http://europa.eu.int/comm/enterprise/newapproach/index_en.htm

  15. END Natalie CHEVALLIER Forum on Market Surveillance and Consumers Protection

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