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NetSuite Employee Training: Introduction & Navigation

Learn about NetSuite, access, security, customization, and more in this comprehensive training package for employees.

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NetSuite Employee Training: Introduction & Navigation

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Presentation Transcript

  1. NetSuite Employee Role Induction Training Package NetSuite Introduction NetSuite Time Tracking NetSuite Leave Management NetSuitePurchases and Expenses

  2. Module One - NetSuite Introduction

  3. Agenda Learning Outcomes • Understand what NetSuite is, why we use it and how we use it • How to access NetSuite and user security • How to navigate and customise your Home Page Duration • [Insert hours taken to complete module] • Breaks [insert where applicable – delete if not applicable] Assessment You will be required to complete a short Assessment at the end of this training module to demonstrate your competency.

  4. What is NetSuite? Insert a brief overview of what NetSuite is... Insert comments re why the company has chosen to utilise NetSuite and a brief on what we use it for (bullet point). • ffhdhasjhd • Dlskdlsdjksld

  5. How to Access NetSuite Preferred browser recommendations: • Google Chrome (best option) • Firefox • Safari Two user environments: • Sandbox – a practice/test environmenthttps://system.sandbox.netsuite.com/pages/customerlogin.jsp • Production – the live systemhttps://system.netsuite.com/pages/customerlogin.jsp

  6. NetSuite User Password and Security Password You will be designated a NetSuite logon password and will be prompted to enter 2 security questions when first accessing NetSuite. DO NOT SAVE your NetSuite password. Your NetSuite password dictates your access level and authority to approve/view data. Your password must remain confidential and be entered in manually each time you log in. DO NOT SHARE/ALLOW another user to use your logon. Security NetSuite will time out after a period of non-use and will not auto save. Remember to logout of NetSuite whenever you leave your computer.

  7. NetSuite Login Screen

  8. NetSuite Employee Homepage Insert screen of employee homepage - how to access the employee role This part of the presentation (and the previous slide) could have an audio and screen recording component to briefly explain about each area of the login page and the homepage (hovering the mouse over each link) The next slide could then provide audio and a screen recording of step-by-step instructions on how to customise your homepage to your own preferences NOTE: do not include too much information on Time Tracking, Expense Reimbursements, Leave, Purchase Requests etc, as these are included in other Module training sessions – just a mention of their location

  9. Customising Your NetSuite Employee Homepage

  10. NetSuite General Tips • Moving from field to field – use TAB or ARROWs. Do not ENTER as it will save the form • Set up short cuts for regularly used forms. Short cuts are saved under the star icon at the top left of the page • Date short cuts: Y = yesterday; T = today; Shift t = tomorrow; M = last day in the month; + = increase day by one; - = decrease day by one • Wildcard search – use % (e.g. to find a record starting with ‘Lis’ enter Lis%, to find a record ending with ‘Lis’ enter %Lis, to find all records of ‘Lis’ enter %Lis%) • Number search – you must use the % symbol (e.g. if searching for 234, enter 234%)

  11. Assessment - Questions 1. What is the difference between NetSuite Sandbox and Production? 2.

  12. Assessment - Exercises Complete the following exercises: 1. Access and log in to NetSuite Sandbox 2.

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