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Research & Sponsored Project Activities at UNF

Learn about University of North Florida's research & sponsored project activities, funding sources, and future initiatives. Explore awards, proposals, initiatives, and collaborative opportunities.

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Research & Sponsored Project Activities at UNF

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  1. Research & Sponsored Project Activities at UNF Imeh D. Ebong, Ph.D. Assistant Vice President for Research May 17, 2007

  2. Research & Sponsored Project Activities at UNF “The purpose of the University of North Florida resides…in its capacity to generate intellectual, economic, and social capital for the betterment of the region it serves.”(Provost Workman) Capacity through funding the research and sponsored project activities of faculty, students and staff.

  3. Where we have been: ORSP The Office of Research and Sponsored Programs (ORSP) serves as the University's central administrative unit responsible for securing external resources through grants and contracts and providing financial and contractual stewardship of awards.

  4. Where we have been:Proposal & Awards

  5. Where we have been:Proposals by College

  6. Where we have been:Awards by College

  7. Where we have been:Funding Sources

  8. Where we have been:Funding Type

  9. Where we have been:Type of Awards

  10. Where we have been:Expenditures: FY2002 – FY2006

  11. Where we are:Proposals and Awards As of April 30, 2007 • Proposals: 126/$22.8m • Awards: 95/$8.0m => Reduction in awards expected

  12. Where we are:Institutes, Centers & Research Groups • FIE: Leader in Sponsored Programs • Environmental Center/Coastal Biology • The Taylor Institute • Sensor Research Group • Fuel Cell Research Consortium • Advanced Weather Information Systems Laboratory

  13. Where we are going “As a comprehensive university, the University of North Florida provides academic programs vital to the growth and economic development of the region that we serve.”(Provost Workman)

  14. Where we are going:New Initiatives • Review of C&Is – potential restructuring • New crop of faculty – Research Development Workshops • Establishing stronger relationships b/w faculty and funding agencies • Local & Regional Initiatives • Healthcare related initiatives in collaboration with Nemours, Mayo & Shands: BCOH/COAS/CCEC • Coastal Biology & Coastal Engineering – St. Johns River: COAS/CCEC • Transportation & Logistics: CCOB/CCEC

  15. Where we have been andWhere we are going C&G funds from the federal, state and local governments, and from public & private foundations, received through the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs, provide support for faculty research and scholarly activities, transformational learning opportunities for students, and community engagement opportunities for the faculty, students and staff of the University of North Florida.

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