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Enhancing Literacy and Numeracy Education: Insights and Strategies for 21st Century Learning

Stay updated on literacy and numeracy standards with key findings from PISA 2009. Understand the declining trends and gender gap, and learn about collaborative problem-solving approaches. Discover the latest guidelines on self-evaluation and effective teaching methodologies. Get insights on pre-teaching vocabulary, oral skills development, reading methodologies, writing genres, and comprehension strategies. Engage parents to support literacy and numeracy activities in schools.

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Enhancing Literacy and Numeracy Education: Insights and Strategies for 21st Century Learning

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  1. Literacy & Numeracy for Learning and Life: Process to date

  2. Updates.... • DES Circular • Inspectorate devising guidelines on Self-Evaluation

  3. What we know about standards in literacy and numeracy?

  4. Key findings from PISA 2009 • Standards of 15-year olds in reading literacy and mathematics have been declining since 2000 • 15-year old students read significantly less as a leisure time activity in 2009 than in 2000 • The gender gap in reading literacy is widening worldwide • Nearly one-quarter of Irish boys (15yrs) have low literacy levels

  5. The 2009 National Assessment of Mathematics and English reading

  6. Project Maths: Problem Solving through Collaborative Learning

  7. Incidental Inspection ConclusionsOverall positives, however... • Factors having a significant influence on the quality of pupils’ learning:

  8. Definition of Literacy Literacy includes the capacity to read, understand and critically appreciate various forms of communication including spoken language, printed text, broadcast media, and digital media. (Literacy & Numeracy for Learning and Life 2011, p.8)

  9. Literacy for the 21st Century

  10. Definition of Numeracy Numeracy encompasses the ability to use mathematical understanding and skills to solve problems and meet the demands of day-to-day living in complex social settings. (Literacy & Numeracy for Learning and Life 2011, p.8)

  11. What it means to be Numerate

  12. Primary School Curriculum Guidance will be provided to primary teachers by the NCCA on how best literacy and numeracy skills may be taught effectively in the context of subjects other than English, Irish and Mathematics 2012

  13. Identify specific vocabulary to pre-Teach What oral skills can be developed? Geography Reading methodologies? What genre of writing can be practised? What comprehension strategies can be practised?

  14. Encourage schools to involve parents in the classroom to support appropriate literacy and numeracy activities Pg 23 (2012)

  15. Summary of the key changes

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